A pure-Python KSUID implementation


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This library is inspired by Segment's KSUID implementation: https://github.com/segmentio/ksuid

What is a ksuid?

A ksuid is a K sorted UID. In other words, a KSUID also stores a date component, so that ksuids can be approximately sorted based on the time they were created.

Read more here.


pip install svix-ksuid
from ksuid import Ksuid

ksuid = Ksuid()

Higher timestamp accuracy mode

Ksuids have a 1 second accuracy which is not sufficient for all use-cases. That's why this library exposes a higher accuracy mode which supports accuracy of up to 4ms.

It's fully compatible with normal ksuids, in fact, it outputs valid ksuids. The difference is that it sacrifices one byte of the random payload in favor of this accuracy.

The code too is fully compatible:

pip install svix-ksuid
from ksuid import KsuidMs

ksuid = KsuidMs()


Default ksuid

Generate a ksuid without passing a specific datetime

7\\xf2up\\x87c\\xad\\xc7tZ\\xf5\\xe7\\xf2'" In [5]: f"Datetime: {ksuid.datetime}" Out[5]: 'Datetime: 2021-05-21 14:04:03' In [6]: f"Timestamp: {ksuid.timestamp}" Out[6]: 'Timestamp: 1621627443' In [7]: f"Payload: {ksuid.payload}" Out[7]: "Payload: b'\\xe1\\x93>7\\xf2up\\x87c\\xad\\xc7tZ\\xf5\\xe7\\xf2'"">
In [1]: from ksuid import Ksuid

In [2]: ksuid = Ksuid()

In [3]: f"Base62: {ksuid}"
Out[3]: 'Base62: 1srOrx2ZWZBpBUvZwXKQmoEYga2'

In [4]: f"Bytes: {bytes(ksuid)}"
Out[4]: "Bytes: b'\\r5\\xc43\\xe1\\x93>7\\xf2up\\x87c\\xad\\xc7tZ\\xf5\\xe7\\xf2'"

In [5]: f"Datetime: {ksuid.datetime}"
Out[5]: 'Datetime: 2021-05-21 14:04:03'

In [6]: f"Timestamp: {ksuid.timestamp}"
Out[6]: 'Timestamp: 1621627443'

In [7]: f"Payload: {ksuid.payload}"
Out[7]: "Payload: b'\\xe1\\x93>7\\xf2up\\x87c\\xad\\xc7tZ\\xf5\\xe7\\xf2'"

ksuid from datetime

In [1]: datetime = datetime(year=2021, month=5, day=19, hour=1, minute=1, second=1, microsecond=1)

In [2]: datetime
Out[2]: datetime.datetime(2021, 5, 19, 1, 1, 1, 1)

In [3]: ksuid = Ksuid(datetime)

In [4]: ksuid.datetime
Out[4]: datetime.datetime(2021, 5, 19, 1, 1, 1)

In [5]: ksuid.timestamp
Out[5]: 1621407661

ksuid from base62

In [1]: ksuid = Ksuid()

In [2]: ksuid.timestamp
Out[2]: 1621634852

In [3]: f"Base62: {ksuid}"
Out[3]: 'Base62: 1srdszO8Xy2cR6CnARnvxCfRmK4'

In [4]: ksuid_from_base62 = Ksuid.from_base62("1srdszO8Xy2cR6CnARnvxCfRmK4")

In [5]: ksuid_from_base62.timestamp
Out[5]: 1621634852

ksuid from bytes

In [1]: ksuid = Ksuid()

In [2]: ksuid_from_bytes = ksuid.from_bytes(bytes(ksuid))

In [3]: f"ksuid: {ksuid}, ksuid_from_bytes: {ksuid_from_bytes}"
Out[3]: 'ksuid: 1sreAHoz6myPhXghsOdVBoec3Vr, ksuid_from_bytes: 1sreAHoz6myPhXghsOdVBoec3Vr'

In [4]: ksuid == ksuid_from_bytes
Out[4]: True

Compare ksuid(s)

In [1]: ksuid_1 = Ksuid()

In [2]: ksuid_2 = Ksuid.from_bytes(bytes(ksuid_1))

In [3]: f"ksuid_1: {ksuid_1}, ksuid_2: {ksuid_2}"
Out[3]: 'ksuid_1: 1sreAHoz6myPhXghsOdVBoec3Vr, ksuid_2: 1sreAHoz6myPhXghsOdVBoec3Vr'

In [4]: ksuid_1 == ksuid_2
Out[4]: True

In [5]: ksuid_1
Out[5]: 1tM9eRSTrHIrrH5SMEW24rtvIOF

In [6]: ksuid_2
Out[6]: 1tM9eRSTrHIrrH5SMEW24rtvIOF

Order of ksuid(s)

In [1]: ksuid_1 = Ksuid()

In [2]: ksuid_1.timestamp
Out[2]: 1621963256

In [3]: ksuid_2 = Ksuid()

In [4]: ksuid_2.timestamp
Out[4]: 1621963266

In [5]: ksuid_1 < ksuid_2
Out[5]: True

In [6]: ksuid_1 <= ksuid_2
Out[6]: True

In [7]: ksuid_1 >= ksuid_2
Out[7]: False

In [8]: ksuid_1 > ksuid_2
Out[8]: False


ksuid source code is available under an MIT License.

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