A modern message based async agent framework



A modern message based async agent framework

An asyncio based agent platform written in Python and based on RabbitMQ. Agents are isolated processes which can host multiple parallel running behaviours as business logic and can be deployed as dedicated pods in a kubernetes cluster. WEB communication access to the agent network via REST/HTTP, websocket and jsonrpc.

Documentation: https://munggoggo.readthedocs.io/en/latest/

None: """ Register behaviour and subscribe to 'ping' topic """ await self.add_runtime_dependency(self.PingBehav(self, binding_keys=['ping'])) if __name__ == '__main__': Worker(Agent(identity='Agent'), loglevel="info").execute_from_commandline()">
from mode import Worker
from behaviour import Behaviour
from core import Core

class Agent(Core):
    class PingBehav(Behaviour):
        async def setup(self):
            self.counter = 0

        async def run(self):
            self.counter += 1
            msg = await self.receive()
            if msg:
                print(f"{self.name}: Message received: {msg.body.decode()}")
            await self.publish(str(self.counter), 'ping')
            await asyncio.sleep(0.9)

    async def setup(self) -> None:
        """ Register behaviour and subscribe to 'ping' topic """
        await self.add_runtime_dependency(self.PingBehav(self, binding_keys=['ping']))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    Worker(Agent(identity='Agent'), loglevel="info").execute_from_commandline()

This gets you an agent which publishes and reads messages from the message bus on topic: ping.


  • asyncio based agent framework.
  • RabbitMQ messaging backend.
  • Basic agents provided as building blocks.
  • agents can have (multiple) behaviours!
  • agents and their behaviours form a graph and can be visualized.
  • communication model: broadcast, point-to-point, topics pub-sub, RPC
  • React based frontend using WebSockets
  • Python >= 3.7
  • ASGI framework, the future of Python web services!
  • A built in testing agent for the web ....
  • Capability of running within uvicorn.
  • OpenAPI schema generation, with interactive documentation!
  • Single-page webapp support.

Web features powered by Starlette.

Installing Munggoggo

Install docker and docker-compose.

$ git clone https://github.com/sysid/munggoggo.git
$ cd munggoggo; pipenv install

Only Python 3.7+ is supported.

Start RabbitMQ as communication backend.

# prerequisite: docker, docker-compose installed
cd rmq
docker-compose up

Start demo agents and WEB user interface in separate terminals:

# terminal1
python agent1.py

# terminal2
python agent2.py

# terminal3
python asgi.py

To see the frontend go to http://localhost:8000/static/frontend/index.html.

The Basic Idea

The basic idea is a combination of several best practices I came across during my work on agent based systems and consolidate them into a single framework, along with some new ideas I have. Not everything is 100% full quality (yet), so see it as proof of concept rather than production ready software!

User Guides

A modern message based async agent framework: version (0.4.9)

.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 2



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