PyTorch implementation of paper A Fast Knowledge Distillation Framework for Visual Recognition.


FKD: A Fast Knowledge Distillation Framework for Visual Recognition

Official PyTorch implementation of paper A Fast Knowledge Distillation Framework for Visual Recognition. Zhiqiang Shen and Eric Xing from CMU and MUZUAI.


Knowledge Distillation (KD) has been recognized as a useful tool in many visual tasks, such as the supervised classification and self-supervised representation learning, while the main drawback of a vanilla KD framework lies in its mechanism that most of the computational overhead is consumed on forwarding through the giant teacher networks, which makes the whole learning procedure in a low-efficient and costly manner. In this work, we propose a Fast Knowledge Distillation (FKD) framework that simulates the distillation training phase and generates soft labels following the multi-crop KD procedure, meanwhile enjoying the faster training speed than ReLabel as we have no post-processes like RoI align and softmax operations. Our FKD is even more efficient than the conventional classification framework when employing multi-crop in the same image for data loading. We achieve 79.8% using ResNet-50 on ImageNet-1K, outperforming ReLabel by ~1.0% while being faster. We also demonstrate the efficiency advantage of FKD on the self-supervised learning task.

Supervised Training


FKD Training on CNNs

To train a model, run with the desired model architecture and the path to the soft label and ImageNet dataset:

python -a resnet50 --lr 0.1 --num_crops 4 -b 1024 --cos --softlabel_path [soft label path] [imagenet-folder with train and val folders]

For --softlabel_path, simply use format as ./FKD_soft_label_500_crops_marginal_smoothing_k_5

Multi-processing distributed training is supported, please refer to official PyTorch ImageNet training code for details.


python -a resnet50 -e --resume [model path] [imagenet-folder with train and val folders]

Trained Models

Model accuracy (Top-1) weights configurations
ReLabel ResNet-50 78.9 -- --
FKD ResNet-50 79.8 link Table 10 in paper
ReLabel ResNet-101 80.7 -- --
FKD ResNet-101 81.7 link Table 10 in paper

FKD Training on ViT/DeiT and SReT

To train a ViT model, run with the desired model architecture and the path to the soft label and ImageNet dataset:

cd train_ViT
python -a SReT_LT --lr 0.002 --wd 0.05 --num_crops 4 -b 1024 --cos --softlabel_path [soft label path] [imagenet-folder with train and val folders]

For the instructions of SReT_LT model, please refer to SReT for details.


python -a SReT_LT -e --resume [model path] [imagenet-folder with train and val folders]

Trained Models

Model FLOPs #params accuracy (Top-1) weights configurations
DeiT-T-distill 1.3B 5.7M 74.5 -- --
FKD ViT/DeiT-T 1.3B 5.7M 75.2 link Table 11 in paper
SReT-LT-distill 1.2B 5.0M 77.7 -- --
FKD SReT-LT 1.2B 5.0M 78.7 link Table 11 in paper

Fast MEAL V2

Please see MEAL V2 for the instructions to run FKD with MEAL V2.

Self-supervised Representation Learning Using FKD

Please see FKD-SSL for the instructions to run FKD code for SSL task.


      title={A Fast Knowledge Distillation Framework for Visual Recognition}, 
      author={Zhiqiang Shen and Eric Xing},
      journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.01528}


Zhiqiang Shen (zhiqians at or zhiqiangshen0214 at

Zhiqiang Shen
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