Contains links to publicly available datasets for modeling health outcomes using speech and language.



Contains links to publicly available datasets for modeling various health outcomes using speech and language.

Speech-based Corpora

TalkBank Project

  • [Corpus] CHILDES Database
    Contains speech of children with different conditions (e.g. Autism, Down's syndrome, hearing impairment) and across different languages (e.g. English, Dutch, Greek, Mandarin).
    MacWhinney, B. (2014). The CHILDES project: Tools for analyzing talk, Volume II: The database. Psychology Press.

  • [Corpus] DementiaBank (from TalkBank)
    Contains recordings of individuals with dementia across different languages. Includes around 400 subjects, most notable in size and containing control subjects is:

    • English Pitt: Longitudinal neuropsychological assessments of 319 subjects (dementia + control) performing Cookie Theft, Word Fluency, Story Recall, and Sentence Construction task. (Becker et al., 1994)
  • [Corpus] Clinical TalkBank
    In addition to DementiaBank, TalkBank contains:

    • RHDBank individuals with Right-Hemisphere Disorder
    • TBIBank individuals with Traumatic Brain Injury
    • AphasiaBank a communication disorder affecting ability to speak, write, and understand language due to some trauma to language parts of the brain.
    • FluencyBank contains individuals with language disfluencies due to being a second language learner, or due to stuttering.

Text-based Corpora

  • [Corpus] Reddit Self-reported Depression Diagnosis (RSDD) dataset
    Contains Reddit posts for ~9,000 users with a claim to depression and ~107,000 control users. (Yates et al., (2017))

  • [Corpus] MIMIC III (Medical Information Mart for Intensive Care)
    Contains medical details and outcomes of 40,000+ patients (e.g. demographics, vital signs, laboratory tests, medications) as well as 2M+ free-text written medical notes from medical personnel (e.g. physicians, nurses, etc.). (Johnson et al., (2016)).

  • i2b2/UTHealth NLP Task (contact authors for corpus?)
    Contains emergency medical records for 296 patients at Partners HealthCare and medical discharge and correspondance notes between medical personnel. Kumar et al., (2014) describes how the data was processed, and Stubbs et al. (2014) describes the 2014 task of identifying risk factors for heart disease over time.

  • Nun Study (contact authors for corpus?)
    Diaries of 93 nuns to used to evaluate cognitive impairment (Alzheimer's disease) in later life. Also contains neuropsychology tests and autopsy information. Study was authored by (Snowdon et al.,(1996))

Tuka Alhanai
Building technology to improve quality of life.
Tuka Alhanai
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