Black for Python docstrings and reStructuredText (rst).



Apache 2.0 License Contributor Covenant v2.0 Python Version pypi
Static Code Checks GitHub issues

Style-Doc is Black for Python docstrings and reStructuredText (rst). It can be used to format docstrings (Google docstring format) in Python files or reStructuredText.

One Conversation
This project is maintained by the One Conversation team of Deutsche Telekom AG.
It is based on the script from the HuggingFace Inc. team.


Style-Doc is available at the Python Package Index (PyPI). It can be installed with pip:

$ pip install style-doc


$ style-doc --help
usage: style-doc [-h] [--max_len MAX_LEN] [--check_only] [--py_only]
                 files [files ...]

positional arguments:
  files              The file(s) or folder(s) to restyle.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --max_len MAX_LEN  The maximum length of lines.
  --check_only       Whether to only check and not fix styling issues.
  --py_only          Whether to only check py files.
  --rst_only         Whether to only check rst files.


  • format all docstrings (.py files) and rst files in the src and docs folder with line length of 99:
    style-doc --max_len 99 src docs
  • check all docstrings (.py files) and rst files in the src and docs folder with line length of 99:
    style-doc --max_len 99 --check_only src docs
  • format all docstrings (.py files only) in the src folder with line length of 99:
    style-doc --max_len 99 --py_only src
  • check all docstrings (.py files only) in the src folder with line length of 99:
    style-doc --max_len 99 --check_only --py_only src
  • format all rst files only in the docs folder with line length of 99:
    style-doc --max_len 99 --rst_only docs
  • check all rst files only in the docs folder with line length of 99:
    style-doc --max_len 99 --check_only --rst_only docs

To integrate Style-Doc (and more checks) into your GitHub Actions see our static_checks.yml example and our configuration in

Support and Feedback

The following channels are available for discussions, feedback, and support requests:


Our commitment to open source means that we are enabling -in fact encouraging- all interested parties to contribute and become part of our developer community.

Contribution and feedback is encouraged and always welcome. For more information about how to contribute, as well as additional contribution information, see our Contribution Guidelines. By participating in this project, you agree to abide by its Code of Conduct at all times.

Code of Conduct

This project has adopted the Contributor Covenant in version 2.0 as our code of conduct. Please see the details in our All contributors must abide by the code of conduct.

Working Language

We decided to apply English as the primary project language.

Consequently, all content will be made available primarily in English. We also ask all interested people to use English as language to create issues, in their code (comments, documentation etc.) and when you send requests to us. The application itself and all end-user facing content will be made available in other languages as needed.


Copyright (c) 2020 The HuggingFace Inc. team
Copyright (c) 2021 Philip May, Deutsche Telekom AG

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

  • --max-len seems mandatory, not optional parameter

    --max-len seems mandatory, not optional parameter

    I run style-doc . --check and get an error while ```style-doc . --check `--max-len 80`` works.

    The error message is:

      File "c:\users\epogr\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\style_doc\", line 460, in style_docstring 
        if len(docstring) < max_len and "\n" not in docstring:
    TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'int' and 'NoneType'
    opened by epogrebnyak 2
  • How should we

    How should we "communicate" an error?

    "You must not set --py_only and --rst_only at the same time." with sys.exit(1) or -1 or raise ValueError(...

    raise ValueError(f"{len(changed)} files should be restyled!") or use ``sys.exit...`

    enhancement help wanted 
    opened by PhilipMay 2
  • Ignore commented-out classes/functions/etc.

    Ignore commented-out classes/functions/etc.

    Currently the search for """ isn't respecting commented out code:

        # For future implementation
        # def base_url(self) -> str:
        #     """
        #     Generate SCIM base url
        #     """
        #     return ""


        # For future implementation
        # def base_url(self) -> str:
        #     """
        # Generate SCIM base url #
        #     return ""

    Which is a syntax error, since it is uncommenting one of the """.

    opened by dragonpaw 2
  • Create a git pre-commit hook for style-doc

    Create a git pre-commit hook for style-doc

    Have you considered packaging style-doc for use as a git pre-commit hook, and listing it with the pre-commit project? It seems like it would be a great addition, and make it very easy for people to integrate the docstring formatter into their existing workflows and get automatic updates when new releases happen.

    opened by zaneselvans 1
  • Fix issues when code has `

    Fix issues when code has `"""` but is not a docstring

    We had to apply this workaround:

    # fmt: off and # fmt: on is needed so black does not convert it back to '"""'.

    opened by PhilipMay 0
  • Add option to use config file

    Add option to use config file

    Use pyproject.toml

    see black

    enhancement good first issue low priority 
    opened by PhilipMay 0
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