Powerful Telegram userbot to turn your PROFILE PICTURE & LAST NAME into a real time clock & to change your BIO automatically.



Powerful Telegram userbot to turn your PROFILE PICTURE & LAST NAME into a real time clock & to change your BIO automatically.

Stars Forks Watchers
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Config Vars

  1. API_ID : Telegram API_ID, get it from my.telegram.org/apps
  2. API_HASH : Telegram API_ID, get it from my.telegram.org/apps
  3. SESSION_NAME : A valid Pyrogram session name
  4. TIME_ZONE: Your time zone (Example: Asia/Kolkata)

Deployment Methods




⚠️ First & Last Warning

  • Changing the code is NOT ALLOWED!!
  • You are free to use this code in any of your projects, but you MUST include the following in your README.md (Copy & paste)
  • 📞 Contact
- [DATE_TIME Telegram userbot by TeLe TiPs] (https://github.com/teletips/CountdownTimer-TeLeTiPs)



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