Bifrost C2. Open-source post-exploitation using Discord API



Command and Control

What's Bifrost?

Bifrost is an open-source Discord BOT that works as Command and Control (C2). This C2 uses Discord API for communication between clients and server.

Developed with Python, this C2 have multiples features for post-exploitation.

How Bifrost works?

As mentioned before, Bifrost is basically a discord bot that receive commands from the Discord user and do a pre-defined task.

So for every client that you are going to "infect", you will send a copy of this discord bot, and it will respond to you using discord. This allows you to hide behind Discord service being stealth and have a secure connection between you and your client.

Disclaimer: This project should be used for authorized testing or educational purposes only.


Virustotal detection was 5/67 when there was none defense against sandbox execution.

Antivirus that detected Bifrost as malicious was SecureAge APEX, Jiangmin, Cynet, Zillya and Palo Alto Networks

Bifrost Features

  • Multiple clients.
  • Multi-platform support.
  • Keylogger.
  • Antivirus enumeration.
  • Real-time communication.
  • Encrypted(HTTPS) communication.
  • Fast and stealth communication trough Discord API.
  • No need of public service.
  • Screenshot gathering.
  • Download and upload of files.

⚠️ Contributors ⚠️

Bifrost is an open project, so, if you want to add some functionality, improve features or code performance in Bifrost, the best way to get it to the main project is to create a fork and open pull request.


1 - Clone or download Bifrost source code;

2 - Install lib dependencies;

pip install -r requirements.txt

3 - Have Discord account;

4 - Create an application (Bot) on Discord;

5 - Go to General information tab and copy your Application ID;

6 - Go to Bot tab, create the Bot and copy it's token

7 - Invite your bot to your discord server by filling up the following link with your application ID;<APP_ID>&scope=bot&permissions=8

8 - Now create a channel in your Discord server and copy its ID;

Obs.: Activate developers function in your discord app to copy channel ID easily.

Now with those 2 information (channel ID and Bot Token), change the var values on 22 and 23 lines in file to your account/channel values.

Client Installation

After creating your bot, channel and changing the variable values, follow the steps bellow to deploy the payload to your client


Create an bifrost executable file using pyinstaller, or sending to client and installing all dependencies.

Using the executable file, the client don't need to have python or any dependencies pre-installed.

pyinstaller --onefile --noconsole --key th3r4ven_bifrost or
python -m pyinstaller --onefile --noconsole --key th3r4ven_bifrost

OBS.: All of this params are optional, read pyinstaller documentation for more information on how to use it.

Linux\Mac OS

You can send the and install the dependencies, or create and script/executable to automate this process, similar to windows installation

To do

  • Persistence feature
  • Bind shell connection
  • Stealth Download
  • Upload big files anonymously
  • Live/recorded voice streaming
  • Fix Bugs/Issues

Screen live stream is not possible trough Discord API :(


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  • Suggest to loosen the dependency on

    Suggest to loosen the dependency on

    Dear developers,

    Your project Bifrost requires "" in its dependency. After analyzing the source code, we found that the following versions of can also be suitable without affecting your project, i.e., 1.7.0, 1.7.2, 1.7.3. Therefore, we suggest to loosen the dependency on from "" to ">=1.7.0,<=1.7.3" to avoid any possible conflict for importing more packages or for downstream projects that may use ddos_script.

    May I pull a request to further loosen the dependency on

    By the way, could you please tell us whether such dependency analysis may be potentially helpful for maintaining dependencies easier during your development?


    Your project (commit id: b5ae2fc024e3e0a7104cfb5c2cb394876c2a8853) directly uses 2 APIs from package

    discord.file.File.__init__, discord.client.Client.__init__

    Beginning fromwhich, 15 functions are then indirectly called, including -2's internal APIs and 17 outsider APIs as follows:

    |      +--os.path.split
    |      +--asyncio.get_event_loop
    |      +--discord.http.HTTPClient.__init__
    |      |      +--asyncio.get_event_loop
    |      |      +--weakref.WeakValueDictionary
    |      |      +--asyncio.Event
    |      +--discord.client.Client._get_state
    |      |      +--discord.state.ConnectionState.__init__
    |      |      |      +--discord.flags.Intents.default
    |      |      |      +--warnings.warn
    |      |      |      +--discord.flags.MemberCacheFlags.from_intents
    |      |      |      +--inspect.getmembers
    |      |      |      +--discord.state.ConnectionState.clear
    |      |      |      |      +--weakref.WeakValueDictionary
    |      |      |      |      +--collections.OrderedDict
    |      |      |      |      +--collections.deque
    |      |      |      |      +--gc.collect
    |      +--asyncio.Event

    Since all these functions have not been changed between any version for package "" from [1.7.0, 1.7.2, 1.7.3] and 1.7.1. Therefore, we believe it is safe to loosen the corresponding dependency.

    opened by Agnes-U 0
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