A discord bot written in python



A discord bot written in python

prefix: .

help: .help



A discord bot token

Your user id

Python installed. For windows click here.

For linux it usually comes pre-installed in all distros but debian. Type this command to install python on debian distros sudo apt-get install python


clone this repo, type cd arch-bot. Then type pip install -r requirements.txt


Clone this repo. Open its directory then type py -m pip -r requirements.txt

How to make it run

put your bot token in bot.py in last line paste your bot token inside the quotes.

also paste your user id in bot.py line 52

to run it run this command

linux: python bot.py

windows: py bot.py


• economy

• reddit

• memes

• jokes

more coming soon


discord: thatOneArchUser#5794

discord server: click here

bot made with this code: Arch bot

i code stuff
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