The Illinois repository for Climatehack ( We won 1st place!



This is the repository for Illinois's Climatehack Team. We earned first place on the leaderboard with a final score of 0.87992.

Final Leaderboard

An overview of our approach can be found here.

Example predictions:


conda env create -f environment.yaml
conda activate climatehack
python -m ipykernel install --user --name=climatehack

First, download data by running data/download_data.ipynb. Alternatively, you can find preprocessed data files here. Save them into the data folder. We used train.npz and test.npz. They consist of data temporally cropped from 10am to 4pm UK time across the entire dataset. You could also use data_good_sun_2020.npz and data_good_sun_2021.npz, which consist of all samples where the sun elevation is at least 10 degrees. Because these crops produced datasets that could fit in-memory, all our dataloaders work in-memory.

Best Submission

Our best submission earned scores exceeding 0.85 on the Climatehack leaderboard. It is relatively simple and uses the fastai library to pick a base model, optimizer, and learning rate scheduler. After some experimentation, we chose xse_resnext50_deeper. We turned it into a UNET and trained it. More info is in the slides.

To train:

cd best-submission

To submit, first move the trained model xse_resnext50_deeper.pth into best-submission/submission.

cd best-submission
python user login

Also, check out best-submission/test_and_visualize.ipynb to test the model and visualize results in a nice animation. This is how we produced the animations found in figs/model_predictions.gif.


We conducted several experiments that showed improvements on a strong baseline. The baseline was OpenClimateFix's skillful nowcasting repo, which itself is a implementation of Deepmind's precipitation forecasting GAN. This baseline is more-or-less copied to experiments/dgmr-original. One important difference is that instead of training the GAN, we just train the generator. This was doing well for us and training the GAN had much slower convergence. This baseline will actually train to a score greater than 0.8 on the Climatehack leaderboard. We didn't have time to properly test these experiments on top of our best model, but we suspect they would improve results. The experiments are summarized below:

Experiment Description Results
DCT-Trick Inspired by this, we use the DCT to turn 128x128 -> 64x16x16 and IDCT to turn 64x16x16 -> 128x128. This leads to a shallower network that is autoregressive at fewer spatial resolutions. We believe this is the first time this has been done with UNETs. A fast implementation is in common/ and common/ 1.8-2x speedup, small <0.005 performance drop
Denoising We noticed a lot of blocky artifacts in predictions. These artifacts are reminiscent of JPEG/H.264 compression artifacts. We show a comparison of these artifacts in the slides. We found a pretrained neural network to fix them. This can definitely be done better, but we show a proof-of-concept. No performance drop, small visual improvement. The slides have an example.
CoordConv Meteorological phenomenon are correlated with geographic coordinates. We add 2 input channels for the geographic coordinates in OSGB form. +0.0072 MS-SSIM improvement
Optical Flow Optical flow does well for the first few timesteps. We add 2 input channels for the optical flow vectors. +0.0034 MS-SSIM improvement

The folder experiments/climatehack-submission was used to submit these experiments.

cd experiments/climatehack-submission
python user login

Use experiments/test_and_visualize.ipynb to test the model and visualize results in a nice animation.

Jatin Mathur
Undergrad at UIUC. Currently working on satellites with LASSI ( Previously @astranis, @robinhood, @fractal, @ncsa
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