This project shows how to serve an ONNX-optimized image classification model as a web service with FastAPI, Docker, and Kubernetes.


Deploying ML models with FastAPI, Docker, and Kubernetes

By: Sayak Paul and Chansung Park

This project shows how to serve an ONNX-optimized image classification model as a RESTful web service with FastAPI, Docker, and Kubernetes (k8s). The idea is to first Dockerize the API and then deploy it on a k8s cluster running on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE). We do this integration using GitHub Actions.

👋 Note: Even though this project uses an image classification its structure and techniques can be used to serve other models as well.

Deploying the model as a service with k8s

  • We decouple the model optimization part from our API code. The optimization part is available within the notebooks/TF_to_ONNX.ipynb notebook.

  • Then we locally test the API. You can find the instructions within the api directory.

  • To deploy the API, we define our deployment.yaml workflow file inside .github/workflows. It does the following tasks:

    • Looks for any changes in the specified directory. If there are any changes:
    • Builds and pushes the latest Docker image to Google Container Register (GCR).
    • Deploys the Docker container on the k8s cluster running on GKE.

Configurations needed beforehand

  • Create a k8s cluster on GKE. Here's a relevant resource.

  • Create a service account key (JSON) file. It's a good practice to only grant it the roles required for the project. For example, for this project, we created a fresh service account and granted it permissions for the following: Storage Admin, GKE Developer, and GCR Developer.

  • Crete a secret named GCP_CREDENTIALS on your GitHub repository and copy paste the contents of the service account key file into the secret.

  • Configure bucket storage related permissions for the service account:

    $ export PROJECT_ID=<PROJECT_ID>
    $ export ACCOUNT=<ACCOUNT>
    $ gcloud -q projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT_ID} \
        --member=serviceAccount:${ACCOUNT}@${PROJECT_ID} \
        --role roles/storage.admin
    $ gcloud -q projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT_ID} \
        --member=serviceAccount:${ACCOUNT}@${PROJECT_ID} \
        --role roles/storage.objectAdmin
    gcloud -q projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT_ID} \
        --member=serviceAccount:${ACCOUNT}@${PROJECT_ID} \
        --role roles/storage.objectCreator
  • If you're on the main branch already then upon a new push, the worflow defined in .github/workflows/deployment.yaml should automatically run. Here's how the final outputs should look like so (run link):


  • Since we use CPU-based pods within the k8s cluster, we use ONNX optimizations since they are known to provide performance speed-ups for CPU-based environments. If you are using GPU-based pods then look into TensorRT.
  • We use Kustomize to manage the deployment on k8s.

Querying the API endpoint

From workflow outputs, you should see something like so:

NAME             TYPE           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP     PORT(S)        AGE
fastapi-server   LoadBalancer   xxxxxxxxxx   xxxxxxxxxx        80:30768/TCP   23m
kubernetes       ClusterIP      xxxxxxxxxx     <none>          443/TCP        160m

Note the EXTERNAL-IP corresponding to fastapi-server (iff you have named your service like so). Then cURL it:

curl -X POST -F [email protected] -F with_resize=True -F with_post_process=True http://{EXTERNAL-IP}:80/predict/image

You should get the following output (if you're using the cat.jpg image present in the api directory):

"{\"Label\": \"tabby\", \"Score\": \"0.538\"}"

The request assumes that you have a file called cat.jpg present in your working directory.

TODO (s)

  • Set up logging for the k8s pods.
  • Find a better way to report the latest API endpoint.


ML-GDE program for providing GCP credit support.

  • Feat/locust grpc

    Feat/locust grpc

    @deep-diver currently, the load test runs into:

    Screenshot 2022-04-02 at 10 54 26 AM

    I have ensured returns the correct output. But after a few requests, I run into the above problem.

    Also, I should mention that the gRPC client currently does not take care of image resizing which makes it a bit less comparable to the REST client which handles preprocessing as well postprocessing.

    opened by sayakpaul 18
  • Setup TF Serving based deployment

    Setup TF Serving based deployment

    In this new feature, the following works are expected

    • Update the notebook Create a new notebook with the TF Serving prototype based on both gRPC(Ref) and RestAPI(Ref).

    • Update the notebook Update the newly created notebook to check the %%timeit on the TF Serving server locally.

    • Build/Commit docker image based on TF Serving base image using this method.

    • Deploy the built docker image on GKE cluster

    • Check the deployed model's performance with a various scenarios (maybe the same ones applied to ONNX+FastAPI scenarios)

    new feature 
    opened by deep-diver 11
  • Perform load testing with Locust

    Perform load testing with Locust


    opened by sayakpaul 10
  • 4 dockerize

    4 dockerize


    • move api/utils/requirements.txt to /api
    • add missing dependency python-multipart to the requirements.txt


    • Dockerfile


    opened by deep-diver 4
  • Deployment on GKE with GitHub Actions

    Deployment on GKE with GitHub Actions

    Closes,, and

    opened by sayakpaul 2
  • chore: refactored the colab notebook.

    chore: refactored the colab notebook.

    Just added a text cell explaining why it's better to include the preprocessing function in the final exported model. Also, added a cell to show if the TF and ONNX outputs match with np.testing.assert_allclose().

    opened by sayakpaul 2
Sayak Paul
ML Engineer at @carted | One PR at a time
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