An application of high resolution GANs to dewarp images of perturbed documents



Codacy Badge Python version

This project is focused on dewarping document images through the usage of pix2pixHD, a GAN that is useful for general image to image translation. The objective is to take images of documents that are warped, folded, crumpled, etc. and convert the image to a "dewarped" state by using pix2pixHD to train and perform inference. All of the model code is borrowed directly from the pix2pixHD official repository.

Some of the intuition behind doing this is inspired by these two papers:

  1. DocUNet: Document Image Unwarping via A Stacked U-Net (Ma
  2. Document Image Dewarping using Deep Learning (Ramanna

May 8, 2020 : Important Update

  • This project does not contain a pre-trained model. I currently do not have the resources to train a model on an open source dataset, nor do I have the bandwidth at the moment to do so. If anyone would like to contribute a pretrained model and share their model checkpoints, feel free to do so, I will likely accept any PR trying to do this. Thanks!


This project requires Python and the following Python libraries installed:

Getting Started


pip install dominate
  • Clone this repo:
git clone
cd deep-learning-for-document-dewarping


  • Train the kaggle model with 256x256 crops:
python --name kaggle --label_nc 0 --no_instance --no_flip --netG local --ngf 32 --fineSize 256
  • To view training results, please checkout intermediate results in ./checkpoints/kaggle/web/index.html. If you have tensorflow installed, you can see tensorboard logs in ./checkpoints/kaggle/logs by adding --tf_log to the training scripts.

Training with your own dataset

  • If you want to train with your own dataset, please generate label maps which are one-channel whose pixel values correspond to the object labels (i.e. 0,1,...,N-1, where N is the number of labels). This is because we need to generate one-hot vectors from the label maps. Please also specity --label_nc N during both training and testing.
  • If your input is not a label map, please just specify --label_nc 0 which will directly use the RGB colors as input. The folders should then be named train_A, train_B instead of train_label, train_img, where the goal is to translate images from A to B.
  • If you don't have instance maps or don't want to use them, please specify --no_instance.
  • The default setting for preprocessing is scale_width, which will scale the width of all training images to opt.loadSize (1024) while keeping the aspect ratio. If you want a different setting, please change it by using the --resize_or_crop option. For example, scale_width_and_crop first resizes the image to have width opt.loadSize and then does random cropping of size (opt.fineSize, opt.fineSize). crop skips the resizing step and only performs random cropping. If you don't want any preprocessing, please specify none, which will do nothing other than making sure the image is divisible by 32.


  • Test the model:
python --name kaggle --label_nc 0 --netG local --ngf 32 --resize_or_crop crop --no_instance --no_flip --fineSize 256

The test results will be saved to a directory here: ./results/kaggle/test_latest/.


  • I use the kaggle denoising dirty documents dataset. To train a model on the full dataset, please download it from the official website. After downloading, please put it under the datasets folder with warped images under the directory name train_A and unwarped images under the directory train_B. Your test images are warped images, and should be under the name test_A. Below is an example dataset directory structure.

        ├── ...
        ├── datasets                  
        │   ├── train_A               # warped images
        │   ├── train_B               # unwarped, "ground truth" images
        │   └── test_A                # warped images used for testing
        └── ...

Multi-GPU training

  • Train a model using multiple GPUs (bash ./scripts/
python --name kaggle_256_multigpu --label_nc 0 --netG local --ngf 32 --resize_or_crop crop --no_instance --no_flip --fineSize 256 --batchSize 32 --gpu_ids 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7

Training with Automatic Mixed Precision (AMP) for faster speed

  • To train with mixed precision support, please first install apex from:
  • You can then train the model by adding --fp16. For example,
python -m torch.distributed.launch --name label2city_512p --fp16

In my test case, it trains about 80% faster with AMP on a Volta machine.

More Training/Test Details

  • Flags: see options/ and options/ for all the training flags; see options/ and options/ for all the test flags.
  • Instance map: we take in both label maps and instance maps as input. If you don't want to use instance maps, please specify the flag --no_instance.
Thomas Huang
I'm currently a Machine Learning Scientist @alectio. Purdue CS 2019
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