DeepMoCap: Deep Optical Motion Capture using multiple Depth Sensors and Retro-reflectors


DeepMoCap: Deep Optical Motion Capture using multiple Depth Sensors and Retro-reflectors

By Anargyros Chatzitofis, Dimitris Zarpalas, Stefanos Kollias, Petros Daras.


DeepMoCap constitutes a low-cost, marker-based optical motion capture method that consumes multiple spatio-temporally aligned infrared-depth sensor streams using retro-reflective straps and patches (reflectors).

DeepMoCap explores motion capture by automatically localizing and labeling reflectors on depth images and, subsequently, on 3D space. Introducing a non-parametric representation to encode the temporal correlation among pairs of colorized depthmaps and 3D optical flow frames, a multi-stage Fully Convolutional Network (FCN) architecture is proposed to jointly learn reflector locations and their temporal dependency among sequential frames. The extracted reflector 2D locations are spatially mapped in 3D space, resulting in robust optical data extraction. To this end, the subject's motion is efficiently captured by applying a template-based fitting technique.



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  1. Testing
  2. Datasets
  3. Citation


For testing the FCN model, please visit "testing/" enabling the 3D optical data extraction from colorized depth and 3D optical flow input. The data should be appropriately formed and the DeepMoCap FCN model should be placed to "testing/model/keras".

The proposed FCN is evaluated on the DMC2.5D dataset measuring mean Average Precision (mAP) for the entire set, based on Percentage of Correct Keypoints (PCK) thresholds (a = 0.05). The proposed method outperforms the competitive methods as shown in the table below.

Method Total Total (without end-reflectors)
CPM 92.16% 95.27%
CPM+PAFs 92.79% 95.61%
CPM+PAFs + 3D OF 92.84% 95.67%
Proposed 93.73% 96.77%


Supplementaty material (video)



Two datasets have been created and made publicly available for evaluation purposes; one comprising multi-view depth and 3D optical flow annotated images (DMC2.5D), and a second, consisting of spatio-temporally aligned multi-view depth images along with skeleton, inertial and ground truth MoCap data (DMC3D).


The DMC2.5D Dataset was captured in order to train and test the DeepMoCap FCN. It comprises pairs per view of:

The samples were randomly selected from 8 subjects. More specifically, 25K single-view pair samples were annotated with over 300K total keypoints (i.e., reflector 2D locations of current and previous frames on the image), trying to cover a variety of poses and movements in the scene. 20K, 3K and 2K samples were used for training, validation and testing the FCN model, respectively. The annotation was semi-automatically realized by applying image processing and 3D vision techniques, while the dataset was manually refined using the 2D-reflectorset-annotator.


To get the DMC2.5D dataset, please contact the owner of the repository via github or email ([email protected]).



The DMC3D dataset consists of multi-view depth and skeleton data as well as inertial and ground truth motion capture data. Specifically, 3 Kinect for Xbox One sensors were used to capture the IR-D and Kinect skeleton data along with 9 XSens MT inertial measurement units (IMU) to enable the comparison between the proposed method and inertial MoCap approaches. Further, a PhaseSpace Impulse X2 solution was used to capture ground truth MoCap data. The preparation of the DMC3D dataset required the spatio-temporal alignment of the modalities (Kinect, PhaseSpace, XSens MTs). The setup used for the Kinect recordings provides spatio-temporally aligned IR-D and skeleton frames.

Exercise # of repetitions # of frames Type
Walking on the spot 10-20 200-300 Free
Single arm raise 10-20 300-500 Bilateral
Elbow flexion 10-20 300-500 Bilateral
Knee flexion 10-20 300-500 Bilateral
Closing arms above head 6-12 200-300 Free
Side steps 6-12 300-500 Bilateral
Jumping jack 6-12 200-300 Free
Butt kicks left-right 6-12 300-500 Bilateral
Forward lunge left-right 4-10 300-500 Bilateral
Classic squat 6-12 200-300 Free
Side step + knee-elbow 6-12 300-500 Bilateral
Side reaches 6-12 300-500 Bilateral
Side jumps 6-12 300-500 Bilateral
Alternate side reaches 6-12 300-500 Bilateral
Kick-box kicking 2-6 200-300 Free

The annotation tool for the spatio-temporally alignment of the 3D data will be publicly available soon.

To get the DMC3D dataset, please contact the owner of the repository via github or email ([email protected]).


This paper has been published in MDPI Sensors, Depth Sensors and 3D Vision Special Issue [PDF]

Please cite the paper in your publications if it helps your research:

  title={DeepMoCap: Deep Optical Motion Capture Using Multiple Depth Sensors and Retro-Reflectors},
  author={Chatzitofis, Anargyros and Zarpalas, Dimitrios and Kollias, Stefanos and Daras, Petros},
  publisher={Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute}
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