Basic Clojure REPL for Sublime Text
- Decomplected: just REPL, nothing more
- Zero dependencies: works directly with pREPL
- Compact: Display code evaluation results inline
Made by Niki Tonsky.
Made by Niki Tonsky.
Video Representation Learning with Visual Tempo Consistency [Paper] [Project Page] News Full codebae is coming soon Pretained Models For now, we provi
VESTA-tools A collection of simple tools that proved to be needed for handling large periodic calculations with the VASP software package. distTotCalc
A random cat fact python module
A normal phoneNumber tracker made with python.
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The Collatz Calculator This is an algorithm custom built by Kyle Dickey, used to test numbers against the simple rules of the Collatz Conjecture.
Build your own Etherscan with Video Tutorial: Run it pip3 install -r requirements.txt export FLASK_APP=app export FLASK_ENV=development flask
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Zues Auto Claimer Leaked By bazooka#0001 put proxies in prox.txt put ssid in sid.txt put all users you want to target in user.txt for the login just t
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JoLang status: not ready So this is my programming language which I decided to name 'JoLang' (inspired by Jonathan and GoLang). Features I implemented
ldd2bh Usage usage: [-h] [-i INPUT_FOLDER] [-o OUTPUT_FOLDER] [-a] [-u] [-c] [-g] [-d] Convert ldapdomaindump to Bloodhoun
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