PyTorch implementation of the REMIND method from our ECCV-2020 paper "REMIND Your Neural Network to Prevent Catastrophic Forgetting"

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Deep LearningREMIND

REMIND Your Neural Network to Prevent Catastrophic Forgetting

This is a PyTorch implementation of the REMIND algorithm from our ECCV-2020 paper. An arXiv pre-print of our paper is available.

REMIND (REplay using Memory INDexing) is a novel brain-inspired streaming learning model that uses tensor quantization to efficiently store hidden representations (e.g., CNN feature maps) for later replay. REMIND implements this compression using Product Quantization (PQ) and outperforms existing models on the ImageNet and CORe50 classification datasets. Further, we demonstrate REMIND's robustness by pioneering streaming Visual Question Answering (VQA), in which an agent must answer questions about images.

Formally, REMIND takes an input image and passes it through frozen layers of a network to obtain tensor representations (feature maps). It then quantizes the tensors via PQ and stores the indices in memory for replay. The decoder reconstructs a previous subset of tensors from stored indices to train the plastic layers of the network before inference. We restrict the size of REMIND's replay buffer and use a uniform random storage policy.



⚠️ ⚠️ For unknown reasons, our code does not reproduce results in PyTorch versions greater than PyTorch 1.3.1. Please follow our instructions below to ensure reproducibility.

We have tested the code with the following packages and versions:

  • Python 3.7.6
  • PyTorch (GPU) 1.3.1
  • torchvision 0.4.2
  • NumPy 1.18.5
  • FAISS (CPU) 1.5.2
  • CUDA 10.1 (also works with CUDA 10.0)
  • Scikit-Learn 0.23.1
  • Scipy 1.1.0

We recommend setting up a conda environment with these same package versions:

conda create -n remind_proj python=3.7
conda activate remind_proj
conda install numpy=1.18.5
conda install pytorch=1.3.1 torchvision=0.4.2 cudatoolkit=10.1 -c pytorch
conda install faiss-cpu=1.5.2 -c pytorch

Setup ImageNet-2012

The ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge (ILSVRC) dataset has 1000 categories and 1.2 million images. The images do not need to be preprocessed or packaged in any database, but the validation images need to be moved into appropriate subfolders. See link.

  1. Download the images from

  2. Extract the training data:

    mkdir train && mv ILSVRC2012_img_train.tar train/ && cd train
    tar -xvf ILSVRC2012_img_train.tar && rm -f ILSVRC2012_img_train.tar
    find . -name "*.tar" | while read NAME ; do mkdir -p "${NAME%.tar}"; tar -xvf "${NAME}" -C "${NAME%.tar}"; rm -f "${NAME}"; done
    cd ..
  3. Extract the validation data and move images to subfolders:

    mkdir val && mv ILSVRC2012_img_val.tar val/ && cd val && tar -xvf ILSVRC2012_img_val.tar
    wget -qO- | bash

Repo Structure & Descriptions

Training REMIND on ImageNet (Classification)

We have provided the necessary files to train REMIND on the exact same ImageNet ordering used in our paper (provided in imagenet_class_order.txt). We also provide steps for running REMIND on an alternative ordering.

To train REMIND on the ImageNet ordering from our paper, follow the steps below:

  1. Run to train REMIND on the ordering from our paper. Note, this will use our ordering and associated files provided in imagenet_files.

To train REMIND on a different ImageNet ordering, follow the steps below:

  1. Generate a text file containing one class name per line in the desired order.
  2. Run to generate the necessary numpy files for the desired ordering using the text file from step 1.
  3. Run to train an offline model using the desired ordering and label files generated in step 2 on the base init data.
  4. Run using the label files from step 2 and the ckpt file from step 3 to train REMIND on the desired ordering.

Files generated from the streaming experiment:

  • *.json files containing incremental top-1 and top-5 accuracies
  • *.pth files containing incremental model predictions/probabilities
  • *.pth files containing incremental REMIND classifier (F) weights
  • *.pkl files containing PQ centroids and incremental buffer data (e.g., latent codes)

To continue training REMIND from a previous ckpt:

We save out incremental weights and associated data for REMIND after each evaluation cycle. This enables REMIND to continue training from these saved files (in case of a computer crash etc.). This can be done as follows in

  1. Set the --resume_full_path argument to the path where the previous REMIND model was saved.
  2. Set the --streaming_min_class argument to the class REMIND left off on.
  3. Run

Training REMIND on VQA Datasets

We use the gensen library for question features. Execute the following steps to set it up:

git clone [email protected]:erobic/gensen.git
cd ${GENSENPATH}/data/embedding
chmod +x && ./    
cd ${GENSENPATH}/data/models
chmod +x && ./

Training REMIND on CLEVR

Note: For convenience, we pre-extract all the features including the PQ encoded features. This requires 140 GB of free space, assuming images are deleted after feature extraction.

  1. Download and extract CLEVR images+annotations:

  2. Extract question features

    • Clone the gensen repository and download glove features:
    cd ${GENSENPATH} 
    git clone [email protected]:erobic/gensen.git
    cd ${GENSENPATH}/data/embedding
    chmod +x && ./    
    cd ${GENSENPATH}/data/models
    chmod +x && ./
    • Edit vqa_experiments/clevr/, changing the DATA_PATH variable to point to CLEVR dataset and GENSEN_PATH to point to gensen repository and extract features: python vqa_experiments/clevr/

    • Pre-process the CLEVR questions Edit $PATH variable in vqa_experiments/clevr/ file, pointing it to the directory where CLEVR was extracted

  3. Extract image features, train PQ encoder and extract encoded features

    • Extract image features: python -u vqa_experiments/clevr/ --path /path/to/CLEVR
    • In, change the value of PATH and streaming_type (as either 'iid' or 'qtype')
    • Train PQ encoder and extract features: python vqa_experiments/clevr/
  4. Train REMIND

    • Edit data_path in vqa_experiments/configs/
    • Run ./vqa_experiments/ (Set DATA_ORDER to either qtype or iid to define the data order)

Training REMIND on TDIUC

Note: For convenience, we pre-extract all the features including the PQ encoded features. This requires around 170 GB of free space, assuming images are deleted after feature extraction.

  1. Download TDIUC

    cd ${TDIUC_PATH}
    wget && unzip
    cd TDIUC && python --download Y # You may need to change print '' statements to print('')
  2. Extract question features

    • Edit vqa_experiments/clevr/, changing the DATA_PATH variable to point to TDIUC dataset and GENSEN_PATH to point to gensen repository and extract features: python vqa_experiments/tdiuc/

    • Pre-process the TDIUC questions Edit $PATH variable in vqa_experiments/clevr/ file, pointing it to the directory where TDIUC was extracted

  3. Extract image features, train PQ encoder and extract encoded features

    • Extract image features: python -u vqa_experiments/tdiuc/ --path /path/to/TDIUC
    • In, change the value of PATH and streaming_type (as either 'iid' or 'qtype')
    • Train PQ encoder and extract features: python vqa_experiments/clevr/
  4. Train REMIND

    • Edit data_path in vqa_experiments/configs/
    • Run ./vqa_experiments/ (Set DATA_ORDER to either qtype or iid to define the data order)


If using this code, please cite our paper.

  title={REMIND Your Neural Network to Prevent Catastrophic Forgetting},
  author={Hayes, Tyler L and Kafle, Kushal and Shrestha, Robik and Acharya, Manoj and Kanan, Christopher},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)},
Tyler Hayes
I am a PhD candidate at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT). My current research is on lifelong machine learning.
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