This project is an mmdetection version of TinyBenchmark.
TODO list:
- add TinyPerson dataset and evaluation
- add crop and merge for image during inference
- implement RetinaNet and Faster-FPN baseline on TinyPerson
- add SM/MSM experiment support
- add visDronePerson dataset support and baseline performance
- add point localization task for TinyPerson
- add point localization task for visDronePerson
- add point localization task for COCO
install and setup
download project
git clone --recursive
install mmdetection
conda create -n open-mmlab python=3.7 -y
conda activate open-mmlab
conda install -c pytorch pytorch=1.5.0 cudatoolkit=10.2 torchvision -y # (recommand)
# install latest pytorch prebuilt with the default prebuilt CUDA version (usually the latest)
# conda install -c pytorch pytorch torchvision -y
# install the latest mmcv
pip install mmcv-full --user
# install mmdetection
cd TOV_mmdetection
pip uninstall pycocotools
pip install -r requirements/build.txt
pip install -v -e . --user # or "python develop"
For more detail, please refer mmdetection install to install mmdetecion.
Quickly Start
to train baseline of TinyPerson, download the mini_annotation of all annotation is enough, which can be downloaded as tiny_set/mini_annotations.tar.gz in Baidu Yun(password:pmcq) / Google Driver.
mkdir data
ln -s $Path of TinyPerson$ data/tiny_set
tar -zxvf data/tiny_set/mini_annotations.tar.gz && mv mini_annotations data/tiny_set/
# run experiment, for other config run, see exp/
export GPU=4 && LR=02 && CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 PORT=10000 tools/ configs2/TinyPerson/base/ $GPU \
--work-dir ../TOV_mmdetection_cache/work_dir/TinyPerson/Base/faster_rcnn_r50_fpn_1x_TinyPerson640/old640x512_lr0${LR}_1x_${GPU}g/ \
All train and test on 2080Ti,
- CUDA10.1/10.2
- python3.7, cudatookit=10.2, pytorch=1.5, torchvision=0.6
for Faster-FPN, we think the gain compare to TinyBenchmark may come from the cut and merge during inference running time and multi-gpu training.
performance 43.80(2) where 2 means the performance is mean result of running such setting for 2 time.
detector | num_gpu | $AP_{50}^{tiny}$ | script |
Faster-FPN | 4 | 48.63(1) | exp/ |
Adap RetainaNet | 1 | 43.80(2) | exp/ |
Adap RetainaNet | 4 | 44.94(1) | exp/ grad) |