Open source implementation of AceNAS: Learning to Rank Ace Neural Architectures with Weak Supervision of Weight Sharing



This repo is the experiment code of AceNAS, and is not considered as an official release. We are working on integrating AceNAS as a built-in strategy provided in NNI.

Data Preparation

  1. Download our prepared data from Google Drive. The directory should look like this:
├── checkpoints
│   ├── acenas-m1.pth.tar
│   ├── acenas-m2.pth.tar
│   └── acenas-m3.pth.tar
├── gcn
│   ├── nasbench101_gt_all.pkl
│   ├── nasbench201cifar10_gt_all.pkl
│   ├── nasbench201_gt_all.pkl
│   ├── nasbench201imagenet_gt_all.pkl
│   ├── nds_amoeba_gt_all.pkl
│   ├── nds_amoebaim_gt_all.pkl
│   ├── nds_dartsfixwd_gt_all.pkl
│   ├── nds_darts_gt_all.pkl
│   ├── nds_dartsim_gt_all.pkl
│   ├── nds_enasfixwd_gt_all.pkl
│   ├── nds_enas_gt_all.pkl
│   ├── nds_enasim_gt_all.pkl
│   ├── nds_nasnet_gt_all.pkl
│   ├── nds_nasnetim_gt_all.pkl
│   ├── nds_pnasfixwd_gt_all.pkl
│   ├── nds_pnas_gt_all.pkl
│   ├── nds_pnasim_gt_all.pkl
│   ├── nds_supernet_evaluate_all_test1_amoeba.json
│   ├── nds_supernet_evaluate_all_test1_dartsfixwd.json
│   ├── nds_supernet_evaluate_all_test1_darts.json
│   ├── nds_supernet_evaluate_all_test1_enasfixwd.json
│   ├── nds_supernet_evaluate_all_test1_enas.json
│   ├── nds_supernet_evaluate_all_test1_nasnet.json
│   ├── nds_supernet_evaluate_all_test1_pnasfixwd.json
│   ├── nds_supernet_evaluate_all_test1_pnas.json
│   ├── supernet_evaluate_all_test1_nasbench101.json
│   ├── supernet_evaluate_all_test1_nasbench201cifar10.json
│   ├── supernet_evaluate_all_test1_nasbench201imagenet.json
│   └── supernet_evaluate_all_test1_nasbench201.json
├── nb201
│   ├── split-cifar100.txt
│   ├── split-cifar10-valid.txt
│   └── split-imagenet-16-120.txt
├── proxyless
│   ├── imagenet
│   │   ├── augment_files.txt
│   │   ├── test_files.txt
│   │   ├── train_files.txt
│   │   └── val_files.txt
│   ├── proxyless-84ms-train.csv
│   ├── proxyless-ws-results.csv
│   └── tunas-proxylessnas-search.csv
└── tunas
    ├── imagenet_valid_split_filenames.txt
    ├── random_architectures.csv
    └── searched_architectures.csv
  1. (Required for benchmark experiments) Download CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, ImageNet-16-120 dataset and also put them under data.
├── cifar10
│   └── cifar-10-batches-py
│       ├── batches.meta
│       ├── data_batch_1
│       ├── data_batch_2
│       ├── data_batch_3
│       ├── data_batch_4
│       ├── data_batch_5
│       ├── readme.html
│       └── test_batch
├── cifar100
│   └── cifar-100-python
│       ├── meta
│       ├── test
│       └── train
└── imagenet16
    ├── train_data_batch_1
    ├── train_data_batch_10
    ├── train_data_batch_2
    ├── train_data_batch_3
    ├── train_data_batch_4
    ├── train_data_batch_5
    ├── train_data_batch_6
    ├── train_data_batch_7
    ├── train_data_batch_8
    ├── train_data_batch_9
    └── val_data
  1. (Required for ImageNet experiments) Prepare ImageNet. You can put it anywhere.

  2. (Optional) Copy tunas ( to a folder named tunas.

Evaluate pre-trained models.

We provide 3 checkpoints obtained from 3 different runs in data/checkpoints. Please evaluate them via the following command.

python -m tools.standalone.imagenet_eval acenas-m1 /path/to/your/imagenet
python -m tools.standalone.imagenet_eval acenas-m2 /path/to/your/imagenet
python -m tools.standalone.imagenet_eval acenas-m3 /path/to/your/imagenet

Train supernet

python -m tools.supernet.nasbench101 experiments/supernet/nasbench101.yml
python -m tools.supernet.nasbench201 experiments/supernet/nasbench201.yml
python -m tools.supernet.nds experiments/supernet/darts.yml
python -m tools.supernet.proxylessnas experiments/supernet/proxylessnas.yml

Please refer to experiments/supernet folder for more configurations.

Benchmark experiments

We've already provided weight-sharing results from supernet so that you do not have to train you own. The provided files can be found in json files located under data/gcn.

# pretrain
python -m gcn.benchmarks.pretrain data/gcn/supernet_evaluate_all_test1_${SEARCHSPACE}.json data/gcn/${SEARCHSPACE}_gt_all.pkl --metric_keys top1 flops params
# finetune
python -m gcn.benchmarks.train --use_train_samples --budget {budget} --test_dataset data/gcn/${SEARCHSPACE}_gt_all.pkl --iteration 5 \
    --loss lambdarank --gnn_type gcn --early_stop_patience 50 --learning_rate 0.005 --opt_type adam --wd 5e-4 --epochs 300 --bs 20 \
    --resume /path/to/previous/

Running baselines


# pretrain
python -m gcn.benchmarks.pretrain data/gcn/supernet_evaluate_all_test1_${SEARCHSPACE}.json data/gcn/${SEARCHSPACE}_gt_all.pkl --metric_keys flops
# finetune
python -m gcn.benchmarks.train --use_train_samples --budget ${BUDGET} --test_dataset data/gcn/${SEARCHSPACE}_gt_all.pkl --iteration 5 \
    --loss brp --gnn_type brp --early_stop_patience 35 --learning_rate 0.00035 \
    --opt_type adamw --wd 5e-4 --epochs 250 --bs 64 --resume /path/to/previous/


python -m gcn.benchmarks.train --use_train_samples --budget ${BUDGET} --test_dataset data/gcn/${SEARCHSPACE}_gt_all.pkl --iteration 1 \
    --loss mse --gnn_type vanilla --n_hidden 144 --learning_rate 2e-4 --opt_type adam --wd 1e-3 --epochs 300 --bs 10

ProxylessNAS search space

Train GCN

python -m gcn.proxyless.pretrain --metric_keys ws_accuracy simulated_pixel1_time_ms flops params
python -m gcn.proxyless.train --loss lambdarank --early_stop_patience 50 --learning_rate 0.002 --opt_type adam --wd 5e-4 --epochs 300 --bs 20 \
    --resume /path/to/previous/output.pth

Train final model

Validation set:

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=16 \
    --use_env --module \
    tools.standalone.imagenet_train \
    --output "$OUTPUT_DIR" "$ARCH" "$IMAGENET_DIR" \
    -b 256 --lr 2.64 --warmup-lr 0.1 \
    --warmup-epochs 5 --epochs 90 --sched cosine --num-classes 1000 \
    --opt rmsproptf --opt-eps 1. --weight-decay 4e-5 -j 8 --dist-bn reduce \
    --bn-momentum 0.01 --bn-eps 0.001 --drop 0. --no-held-out-val

Test set:

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=16 \
    --use_env --module \
    tools.standalone.imagenet_train \
    --output "$OUTPUT_DIR" "$ARCH" "$IMAGENET_DIR" \
    -b 256 --lr 2.64 --warmup-lr 0.1 \
    --warmup-epochs 9 --epochs 360 --sched cosine --num-classes 1000 \
    --opt rmsproptf --opt-eps 1. --weight-decay 4e-5 -j 8 --dist-bn reduce \
    --bn-momentum 0.01 --bn-eps 0.001 --drop 0.15
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