Guided Internet-delivered Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Adherence Forecasting


Guided Internet-delivered Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Adherence Forecasting

#Dataset The folder "Dataset" contains the dataset use in this work and made available as a benchmark for future research on adherence forecasting for Internet Delivered Psychological Treatments.

The participants indexes used for hyperparameters selection and architecture building are: [45, 18, 299, 113, 42, 228, 142, 106, 65, 61, 264, 284, 83, 231, 133, 56, 118, 272, 92, 278, 290, 185, 285, 328, 338, 206, 111, 136, 157, 304, 204, 82, 123, 72, 26, 305, 164, 5, 273, 70, 137, 200, 242, 46, 20, 35, 171, 27, 47, 213, 119, 139, 16, 263, 9, 4, 301, 96, 76, 160, 236, 32, 218, 337, 319, 168, 309, 224, 80, 73, 85, 241, 266, 203, 140, 29, 220, 336, 19, 239, 268, 88, 64, 233, 227, 30, 101, 57, 167, 235, 252, 186, 54, 14, 128, 23, 182, 208, 317, 314]

The participants associated with these indexes should not be used when evaluating a classifier.

Required Librairies

For training and evaluation: Pytorch {used version 1.9} (, Pandas {used version 1.3.2} (, Scikit-Learn {used version 0.24.2} (, Numpy {used version 1.20.3} (, SciPy {used version 1.6.2} (

To generate the plots: Seaborn {used version 0.11.2} (

#Project Structure

The folder "Classification" contains both the hyperparameter search ( and the training and testing of the best found model (

The folder "AnalysisAndGraph" contains the python script to generate the graphs presented in this work's paper (, based on the results obtained (which are available in the folder "Results").

Finally, the folder "AblationSingleLength" contains the hyperparameter search ( and the training and testing ( of the network when considering only a single sequence length (e.g. learning to predict adherence based on using only 11 days).

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