A distributed block-based data storage and compute engine



Extremely-fast Interactive Big Data Analytics

Nebula is an extremely-fast end-to-end interactive big data analytics solution. Nebula is designed as a high-performance columnar data storage and tabular OLAP engine.

It can do much more than these:

  • Extreme Fast Data Analytics Platform.
  • Column Level Access Control Storage System.
  • Distributed Cache Tier For Tabular Data.

Documents of design, internals and stories will be shared at project site.


With Nebula, you could easily:

  • Generate beautiful charts from TB's data in less than 1s

pretty chart 1

Generate bar from 700M rows in 600ms

  • Write an instant javascript function in real-time query.

Transform column, aggregate by it with filters

Pivot data on client for visual

To learn more about how to do it, please take a look at:

I provide free talks / presentations, and short-term onboard consultanting.

If you consider adopting Nebula, feel free to shoot me email at email

Get Started

Run It!

Prebuilt binaries

  • clone the repo: git clone https://github.com/varchar-io/nebula.git
  • run run.sh in source root: cd nebula && ./run.sh
  • explore nebula UI in browser: http://localhost:8088


Deploy a single node k8s cluster on your local box. Assume your current kubectl points to the cluster, just run:

  • apply: kubectl apply -f deploy/k8s/nebula.yaml.
  • forward: kubectl port-forward nebula/server 8088:8088
  • explore: http://localhost:8088

Build Source

Please refer Developer Guide for building nebula from source code. Welcome to become a contributor.

Use Cases

Static Data Analytics

Configure your data source from a permanent storage (file system) and run analytics on it. AWS S3, Azure Blob Storage are often used storage system with support of file formats like CSV, Parquet, ORC. These file formats and storage system are frequently used in modern big data ecosystems.

For example, this simple config will let you analyze a S3 data on Nebula

" data: s3 loader: Swap source: s3://nebula/seattle_calls.10k.tsv backup: s3://nebula/n202/ format: csv csv: hasHeader: true delimiter: "," time: type: column column: queue_time pattern: "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S"">
    max-mb: 40000
    max-hr: 0
  schema: "ROW
  data: s3
  loader: Swap
  source: s3://nebula/seattle_calls.10k.tsv
  backup: s3://nebula/n202/
  format: csv
    hasHeader: true
    delimiter: ","
    type: column
    column: queue_time
    pattern: "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S"

Realtime Data Analytics

Connect Nebula to real-time data source such as Kafka with data formats in thrift or JSON, and do real-time data analytics.

For example, this config section will ask Nebula to connect one Kafka topic for real time code profiling.

" data: kafka loader: Streaming source: backup: s3://nebula/n116/ format: json kafka: topic: columns: service: dict: true host: dict: true tag: dict: true lang: dict: true time: # kafka will inject a time column when specified provided type: provided settings: batch: 500">
      max-mb: 200000
      max-hr: 48
    schema: "ROW
    data: kafka
    loader: Streaming
    backup: s3://nebula/n116/
    format: json
        dict: true
        dict: true
        dict: true
        dict: true
      # kafka will inject a time column when specified provided
      type: provided
      batch: 500

Ephemeral Data Analytics

Define a template in Nebula, and load data through Nebula API to allow data live for specific period. Run analytics on Nebula to serve queries in this ephemeral data's life time.

Sparse Storage

Highly break down input data into huge small data cubes living in Nebula nodes, usually a simple predicate (filter) will massively prune dowm data to scan for super low latency in your analytics.

For exmaple, config internal partition leveraging sparse storage for super fast pruning for queries targeting specific dimension: (It also demonstrates how to set up column level access control: access group and access action for specific columns)

, flag:bool, value:tinyint>" data: custom loader: NebulaTest source: "" backup: s3://nebula/n100/ format: none # NOTE: refernece only, column properties defined here will not take effect # because they are overwritten/decided by definition of TestTable.h columns: id: bloom_filter: true event: access: read: groups: ["nebula-users"] action: mask tag: partition: values: ["a", "b", "c"] chunk: 1 time: type: static # get it from linux by "date +%s" value: 1565994194">
      # max 10G RAM assigment
      max-mb: 10000
      # max 10 days assignment
      max-hr: 240
    schema: "ROW
    , flag:bool, value:tinyint>
    data: custom
    loader: NebulaTest
    source: ""
    backup: s3://nebula/n100/
    format: none
    # NOTE: refernece only, column properties defined here will not take effect
    # because they are overwritten/decided by definition of TestTable.h
        bloom_filter: true
            groups: ["nebula-users"]
            action: mask
          values: ["a", "b", "c"]
          chunk: 1
      type: static
      # get it from linux by "date +%s"
      value: 1565994194

Nebula Is Programmable

Through the great projecct QuickJS, Nebula is able to support full ES6 programing through its simple UI code editor. Below is an snippet code that generates a pie charts for your SQL-like query code in JS.

On the page top, the demo video shows how nebula client SDK is used and tables and charts are generated in milliseconds!

    // define an customized column
    const colx = () => nebula.column("value") % 20;
    nebula.apply("colx", nebula.Type.INT, colx);

    // get a data set from data set stored in HTTPS or S3
        .time("2020-08-16", "2020-08-26")
        .select("colx", count("id"))
        .where(and(gt("id", 5), eq("flag", true)))

Open source

Open source is wonderful - that is the reason we can build software and make innovations on top of others. Without these great open source projects, Nebula won't be possible:

Many others are used by Nebula:

  • common tools (glog/gflags/gtest/yaml-cpp/fmt/leveldb)
  • serde (msgpack/rapidjson/rdkafka)
  • algos(xxhash, roaring bitmap, zstd, lz4)
  • ...



  • prototyping Nebula Ingestion DDL

    prototyping Nebula Ingestion DDL

    Nebula Ingestion DDL

    YAML is powerful way to express configurations, it's easy for people to understand and change. At same time, remember all different configurations and concepts can pose high tax when we starts support functions and preprocess, indexing, or consistent hashing (possible concept to expand/shrink storage cluster) This may lead to invent new set of configuration and concepts that only expert can remember.

    Moreover, OLAP system is working as part of big data ecosystem, be able to transform and pre-process during ingestion time will provide an edge compare to other OLAP engines for user to adopt.

    Use an inspiring example that not yet supported by nebula.

    User has a hive table and a kafka stream ingest into nebula. Hive table has hourly partition keeping last 60 days of moving average of business spent per account; kafka stream contains business transactions in foreign currency of each account. User want to investigate account spending status in near realtime in home currency (e.g USD)

    The complexity of this use case comes from three folds

    • hive table may read data and eventually shard per account basis
    • kafka stream may need to rpc and convert currency into usd
    • both kafka stream may need to do stream/table join on per account basis before land result to run slice and dice.

    If user write a RDBMS query, it should look like

    OPTION 1 Materialized View with schema as part of config

    create view nebula.transaction_analytic as (select accountid, avg(spend), transactionid, TO_USD(transaction_amount) from hive right join kafka on hive.account = kafka.acount where <all configs on hive, kafka>)

    Alternatively, we can support two statement flow like

    OPTION 2 Full Table with schema inference

    DDL ` // mapping of hive table sync to nebula table create table hive.account ( accountid bigint PRIMARY KEY, spend double, dt varchat(20) UNIQUE NOT NULL ) with ();

    create table kafka.transaction ( transactionid bigint PRIMARY KEY, accountid bigint not null, transaction_amount double, _time timestamp ) with ();

    create table transaction_analytic ( accountid bigint PRIMARY KEY, avg_transaction double, transaction_amount_in_usd double, _time timestamp ) with (); `

    DML insert into transaction_analytic select accountid, avg(spend), transactionid, TO_USD(transaction_amount) from hive right join transaction on hive.account = transaction.acount;

    opened by chenqin 6
  • Custom time query

    Custom time query


    The git history and code are messy. I ran tests for creating timeline query by day and week since you can do those with constant bucket sizes. An issue that arises is that the table below the timeline will show a negative value for the initial time because the start of a day/week may be before beginTime.

    To implement month/year (which needs consideration of leap years / 29, 30, 31 days), likely need to write a UDF. I'm looking into it but still a bit confused on how to do this. Any formatting / code structure feedback is appreciated.

    opened by caoash 5
  • Support Google Cloud Storage

    Support Google Cloud Storage

    Currently Nebula defines file system interface in its storage component. Under this interface, there are a few implementations such as

    1. local file system
    2. S3 file system

    There two are mostly used so far, now we're asking a new support to allow Nebula read and write data with GCS. This will be needed for nebula deployment in Google Cloud Platform.

    enhancement p1 engine 
    opened by shawncao 4
  • [Feature] Support bounded time slice in timeline query

    [Feature] Support bounded time slice in timeline query

    (Context, this is how the current timeline works) The timeline query will have 3 basic inputs: start time, end time, and window size, simply it just slices the whole time range into pieces according to the window size.

    For general timeline, this works great as long as the window size is flexible, but there are real business scenarios that they want the timeline to fit into the boundaries of a given unit, such as Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, or Yearly.

    In these cases, data needs to fit into the boundary of the time unit, and should not cross multiple different units.

    The change should be simple in the query building/planning phase, but need to introduce a new interface and enough tests.

    (Suggestion: A good starting task for new committer.)

    opened by shawncao 3
  • We should capture all file path for in a spec's ID

    We should capture all file path for in a spec's ID

    Replace paths_ with a new object, such as FileSplit which should capture {file path, offset, length} and these should be part of the spec identifier. @ritvik-statsig

    opened by shawncao 3
  • aggregation on INT128 typed column crash nebula server

    aggregation on INT128 typed column crash nebula server

    I0214 06:39:03.635987 18 Dsl.cpp:226] Query output schema: STRUCTflag:BOOLEAN,stamp.MAX:INT128 w/ agg columns: 1 I0214 06:39:03.636165 18 Dsl.cpp:354] Nodes to execute the query: 1 *** Aborted at 1613284743 (Unix time, try 'date -d @1613284743') *** *** Signal 11 (SIGSEGV) (0x0) received by PID 1 (pthread TID 0x7fe177d5d700) (linux TID 16) (code: 128), stack trace: *** (error retrieving stack trace)

    opened by shawncao 3
  • Decouple time macro in source path from time spec

    Decouple time macro in source path from time spec

    Currently we support roll spec with time MACROs (date, hour, min, second) by specifying MACRO pattern in time spec. I think we should decouple this to get a better flexibility.

    For example, below spec should be a legit spec:

      source: s3://xxx/{date}/{hour}/
          type: column
          column: col2
          pattern: UNIXTIME_MS

    This spec is basically asking us to scan s3 file path with supported macros in it, but the time is actually from an existing column. My understanding is we don't support MACRO parsing if we don't specify it in time spec.

    cc @chenqin

    opened by shawncao 3
  • Decouple MACRO support from Time Spec

    Decouple MACRO support from Time Spec

    While I'm updating this piece of logic - I did some refactoring to moving things around, mostly try to relocate logic into common as much as possible especially if it is common.

    The change will support macro on source only and try to materialize it with supported macro (time related). Time spec will not bind to MACRO any more but can use its watermark as its time value (file level).

    enhancement api 
    opened by shawncao 2
  • Histogram values seems incorrect

    Histogram values seems incorrect


    • clone latest code from master and build it locally
    • run local stack by invoking ./run.sh
    • go to http://localhost:8088

    in the test set, run hist(value) only, the value distribution doesn't meet the expectation, I think value column should be even distributed as it's random generated in range [-128, 128] - https://github.com/varchar-io/nebula/blob/c8cdd6b9d6b74a76f1d6a70e7deb65a423eb4013/src/surface/MockSurface.cpp#L44

    so I believe every bucket should have similar number of values in the histogram chart.

    Also this query (value > 90) should produce non-zero buckets for value greater than 90, some bug out there! :) Screen Shot 2020-12-29 at 11 21 59 AM

    bug p1 
    opened by shawncao 2
  • refresh dev instruction to make a successful build

    refresh dev instruction to make a successful build

    I have tried this change on a fresh new ubuntu 18 twice, it works fine. Could you follow dev.md from beginning until step 'build nebula", hope this time it works alright.

    opened by shawncao 2
  • Icicle/Flame view doesn't capture the right canvas height on some machine

    Icicle/Flame view doesn't capture the right canvas height on some machine

    I found the same view has incorrect height on my laptop while it is okay showing on a dell monitor.

    Also - the main color for icicle/flame is too dark (dark red), not good for this visual, should do some adjustment on it.

    opened by shawncao 2
  • [UDTF] need to support UDTF

    [UDTF] need to support UDTF

    UDTF support is needed, the first use case good to test is the Word Cloud query.

    In the Word Cloud graph, users specify a "literal/sentence" column to rank all words in it, this query can be represented as

        select (explode(split(text)), sum(value))

    The initial design will be:

    1. Introduce the UDTF function and make sure the client can pass it in.
    2. Note that, explode only can be applied to a LIST-typed field. In the above case, the "text" is not, but the "split(text)" is.
    3. Our current interface that defines query keys needs to be updated to match (nebula.proto)

    Implementation: ComputedRow is the interface to bridge internal data blocks to the computing buffer, internally it will invoke UDTF to gain a list value through the ValueEval interface. We should cache it for the first time, and introduce a has more interface to let BlockExecutor to loop over all of its combined values.

    Every UDTF should maintain a cursor until the last combined value is served, hasMore shall return false.

    Bonus: During the time of developing this new feature, we will also battle testing the support of LIST type which we haven't tested thoroughly yet. And clearly LIST/ARRAY could be a top-level supported column type after to embrace a lot of use cases.

    Help Wanted This is super interesting work, but will also require some time to flesh out all the details. It would be great if any one is willing to contribute, and I'd love to work together collaborating on this, and offer as much help as I can.

    enhancement help wanted 
    opened by shawncao 0
  • [Enhancement] enrich histogram for string typed data

    [Enhancement] enrich histogram for string typed data

    currently, the histogram has little information for a client, a few enhancements we should have for more intelligent clients:

    1. Integer column should report distinct values beyond current [min, max, sum, count] which is already good.
    2. String column has a poor count of values only, for now, we definitely need distinct values for the client to decide if it should be used as a suitable dimension. If possible, getting average string length will be good info too.

    In fact, having distinct values is great for the backend as well since it can automatically switch to the dictionary encoding to save massively on expensive memory consumption. So this will be very meaningful and useful work to be added to the Nebula engine, basically, we should auto switch to dictionary encoding when sealing each data block for all INT + STRING columns.

    enhancement engine 
    opened by shawncao 1
  • Introduce a flag to fail the whole spec if any file path failed to load

    Introduce a flag to fail the whole spec if any file path failed to load

    In the multipath scenario - currently, we skip any bad file that is included in a spec, we use continue to continue ingestion. But sometimes, users may want to fail the whole spec if any file is bad, rather than continue.

    We need to introduce a flag to allow users to specify that behavior in table settings. @ritvik-statsig

    opened by shawncao 0
  • Support DateTime column

    Support DateTime column

    Internally let's use UNIX MS (internal type size_t/int64) to store its value. But in the metadata layer, we could mark a column as Datetime so that we could apply different UDF on this type of columns, such as

    • date - date of the month
    • day - day of the week
    • month - month value of the date-time
    • quarter - quarter value of the date time

    As an alternative, we could use JS function to implement these UDF, however, quickjs isn't accurate on the test results unless we import more advanced date lib into quickjs to support Date related function. Performance won't be as good as native implementation though.

    p1 engine 
    opened by shawncao 0
  • test the file reported to cause OOM

    test the file reported to cause OOM

    Hey @ritvik-statsig,

    Just try to repro with the file you send to me, unfortunately, I can not repro it. Pls, check the config I use and compare yours and see if there is any possible guess.

    This is for investigating issue #163


    1. copy the file you sent to /tmp/oom.snappy.parquet
    2. add below config to use latest code to launch single-node nebula cluster
    3. watch:

    Data loaded correctly without issue as seen in Node log:

    I0302 22:41:05.525804 1830744064 TaskExecutor.cpp:128] processed task: macro.test@/tmp/[email protected]_I
    I0302 22:41:05.527215 1830744064 IngestSpec.cpp:466] Ingesting from /tmp/nebula.lNqmqH
    I0302 22:41:05.539216 1830744064 IngestSpec.cpp:547] Push a block: [raw: 817096, size: 1634020, allocation: 1634020, rows: 884, bess: 0]

    So the sample file only cost 800KB of memory with 884.

    Then I started web UI, the query is working alright -

    Screen Shot 2022-03-02 at 10 53 19 PM

    opened by shawncao 0
  • 0.1.24(Sep 19, 2022)

    In this release, we mainly changed "Time" from size_t to int64_t, so now we should be able to support all UNIX time before the year of 1970.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.1.22(Nov 24, 2020)

  • 0.1.6(Aug 10, 2020)

    nebula-lib is a npm package that you can use to build up your web client connecting to nebula server. (nebula servers release are managed by docker images, please checkout docker hubs for now)

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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