A simple and convenient build-and-run system for C and C++.



Smake is a simple and convenient build-and-run system for C and C++ projects.

Why make another build system?

CMake and GNU Make are great build systems. However, as the project gets larger, and as there are increasingly many types of builds (e.g. a builds for debugging), it becomes tedious to add duplicate code.

Smake solves this problem with its target-mode-build hierarchy. In this system, every project has a set of targets, and each target has a set of build modes. When smake is run on a target with a specific build mode, it will run the build corresponding to that mode.


Each mode also has a post-build script that can be run. For most builds, this will simply be executing the target object file, but in some cases, the user may want to run a different command (i.e. gdb or valgrind) with the object file.


Smake can be installed easily with pip install smake.

One can also simply clone the source and link the smake executable.

How does it work?

Smake searches for a smake.yaml file in the current directory and creates configurations for each target, including all modes and their corresponding builds and post-build scripts, etc.

The structure of an smake configuration file is as follows (in no strict order):

# Variables that can be referenced in builds
  - gsourceA: fileA.c, fileB.c

# List of builds that will be used by the targets
  - buildA:
    - sources: gsourceA     # Reference a group of sources defined
                            # in the sources section
  - buildB:
    - sources: main.c       # Sources can be specified in the build as well
    - flags: -Wall, -Wextra # Flags are specified here, can be comma
                            # separated or specified as a list  
  - buildC:
    - sources: main.c
    - flags:  -Wall, -Wextra, -g

# List of all targets
 - targetA:
  - modes: default          # Specifiy modes here (default mode does
                            # not really need to be specified)
  - builds:
    - default: buildA       # Must specify builds as a pair of `mode: build`
  # Note that post-build scripts do not need to be specified:
  #   if nothing is specified, then there is no post-build script
  - targetB:
    - modes: default, debug # Comma separated modes
    - builds:               # Modes are selected using the -m option of smake
      - default: buildB     #   for example: smake targetB -m debug
      - debug: buildC       # the default mode is used if no mode is specified
    - postbuild:            # Post-build scripts, specified per mode (optional)
      - debug: 'gdb {}'     # The {} is replaced by the target object file

This configuration allows for the following commands:

$ smake targetA
$ smake targetB
$ smake targetB -m debug

As one can imagine, this build system is quite simple, yet powerful.

Another example of smake file can be found inside the example directory. Clone this repository and run smake to get started (available targets are smake basic and smake multisource).

Future features

  • Pre-build scripts, for cases where source code needs to be auto-generated
  • Add options for parallelizing builds
  • Easier way to define macro arguments for the compilers
  • Detect changes in included headers, and the config in general
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    Smake vs CMake?

    You realize everything you are doing with smake can be done with -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release right? or =Debug. And there's Ninja Multi-config too. Your cmakelists shouldn't specify compiler flags.

    opened by arnavkartikeya 0
  • v1.2.0(Jan 2, 2022)


    • More flexible libraries (i.e. adding -pthread to the list will not be overriden as -l-pthread)
    • Generating compile_commands.json file for clangd


    pip install smake or clone the executable from the source.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.1.0(Dec 9, 2021)


    • Parallelizing builds: set number of threads with smake -j [threads]
    • New section installs for specifying install processes (using smake --install [install-target]): these targes are not the same as those specified in targets
    • New section ldirs for specifying libraries directories (which are specified to the compiler with the -L flag)
    • Refactoring includes directory to idirs
    • Updated recompilation check which uses the modification dates of all header dependencies (this is the reason for the slight delay in the smake command)


    pip install smake or clone the executable from the source.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    smake(21.13 KB)
  • v1.0.1(Dec 7, 2021)


    • Removed recursive config searching, takes too long on very large directories
    • Added error handling for missing builds and targets specifications
    • Refactored variable definition section from sources to definitions, and fixed related bugs to proper substitution


    pip install smake or clone the executable from the source.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.0.0(Dec 7, 2021)


    • Recursive build-and-run system
    • Easy build and target specification
    • Post-build scripts, useful for build-and-run or build-and-debug workflows


    pip install smake or clone the executable from the source.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    smake(13.55 KB)
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