Vector space based Information Retrieval System for Text Processing - Information retrieval


Information Retrieval: Text Processing

Group 13

Sequence of operations

  1. Install Requirements
  2. Add given wikipedia files to the corpus directory.
  3. Download glove.6B.100d.txt dataset (Ignore if already present) and place it in the project root directory.
  4. Run
  5. Run --zoned_index True
  6. Run
  7. Run
  8. Run --score_title True
  9. Run --expand_query True

Installing Requirements:

   pip install -r requirements.txt


Contains the files to be indexed. Add files directly to this directory. Do not create subdirectories.
For this assignment, we have used the following files present in the AA folder of wikipedia files.


Contains the inverted indices constructed using

Constructs the inverted indices used for query evaluation.
Command Line Arguments:
--zoned_index: True if zoned indexing must be used. Set to False by default.

Trims the GloVe embeddings to contain terms only from corpus. Download the glove.6B.100d.txt dataset before running this file.

Evaluates queries and displays retrieved documents.
Command Line Arguments:
--score_title: True if zoned index considered for evaluation. Set to False by default.
--expand_query: True if query expansion must be used. Set to False by default.

Contains helper functions used by other files. Do not run this file.


Contains the document ids and names used for evaluation.

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