NSX-T infrastructure as code - SDDC deployment

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Deploy NSX-T Infrastructure - Simple Topology

by Nicolas MICHEL @vpackets / LinkedIn


The purpose of this entire repository is to automate the deployment of an NSX-T infrastructure.

Infrastructure Deployed

This repository will deploy the following virtual machines:

  • 1x NSX-T Manager
  • 6x NSX-T Edge (4 Used in the topology + 2 unused for random testing)

This repository will configure the following on NSX-T:

  • NSX-T: Compute Manager
  • NSX-T: License
  • NSX-T: Uplink Profiles
  • NSX-T: IP Pools
  • NSX-T: Transport Zones
  • NSX-T: Transport Zones Profiles
  • NSX-T: Transport Nodes
  • NSX-T: Edge Clusters

Topology used

This topology will be used in this particular example:

BGP P2P Topology

Simple Topology

This topology will deploy 2 T0 installed on 4 different edge nodes.

Tenant 01:

  • 1x T0 will be installed on Edge node 01 and Edge node 02 [Edge Cluster 01]
    • HA Mode: Active / Standby - Preemption
    • No statefull services
    • BGP Route Redistribution:
      • no Prefix list
      • T0: Redistributing Static routes
      • T0: Redistributing Connected routes (Service Interface / Loopback / Router link / External Interface Subnet)
      • T1: Redistributing Connected routes (Service Interface / Loopback / Router link / External Interface Subnet)
    • Tenant 01 IPv4 and IPv6 Segments :
      • Web: - 2001:0010:0001:0001::/64
      • App: - 2001:0010:0001:0002::/64
      • DB : - 2001:0010:0001:0003::/64

Tenant 02:

  • 1x T0 will be installed on Edge node 03 and Edge node 04 [Edge Cluster 02]
    • HA Mode: Active / Active
    • No statefull services
    • BGP Route Redistribution:
      • no Prefix list
      • T0: Redistributing Static routes
      • T0: Redistributing Connected routes (Service Interface / Loopback / Router link / External Interface Subnet)
      • T1: Redistributing Connected routes (Service Interface / Loopback / Router link / External Interface Subnet)
    • Tenant 01 IPv4 and IPv6 Segments :
      • Web: - 2001:0010:0001:0001::/64
      • App: - 2001:0010:0001:0002::/64
      • DB : - 2001:0010:0001:0003::/64


01 - Deploy NSX-T Infrastructure - Ansible

In this playbook Ansible will deploy and configure the following:

  • One NSX-T Manager.

Modifying the value in the answerfile is mandatory or use a secure Vault

ansible-playbook ./00-Infrastructure-NSXT/deploy-nsxt-manager.yml

02 - vCenter Registration to the NSX-T Manager - REST API

In this task, vCenter will be registered to the NSX-T manager using REST API

URL and Authentication need to be provided in the nsxt_parameters.py file

/usr/bin/python3 ./02-Configure-NSXT-Global/nsxt_infra_compute_manager_register.py
/usr/bin/python3 ./02-Configure-NSXT-Global/nsxt_infra_compute_manager_verify.py

03 - NSX-T Basic Configuration - Ansible

In this task, the following will be configured on the NSX-T Manager:

  • Configure the NSX-T License
  • Configure the IP Pool
  • Configure the Transport Zone
  • Confgiure the Transport node Profile
  • Deploy NSX-T on all hypervisors in a particular cluster.

Modifying the value in the answerfile is mandatory or use a secure Vault

ansible-playbook ./00-Infrastructure-NSXT/deploy-nsxt-infra.yml

03 - NSX-T IPv6 / MTU / EVPN Pool / BFD Profile / Edge Cluster Profile

In this task, the following will be configured on the NSX-T Manager:

  • Enable IPv6 in NSX-T
  • Set MTU to 9000 in NSX-T
  • Set an EVPN Pool (for future use)
  • Set BFD Profile for VM and BM edge nodes
  • Create the edge cluster profiles.

Modifying the value in the answerfile is mandatory or use a secure Vault

ansible-playbook ./00-Infrastructure-NSXT/deploy-edges.yml

04 - Deploy Edges - ANSIBLE

6 Edges nodes will be deployed in this topology

URL and Authentication need to be provided in the nsxt_parameters.py file

ansible-playbook ./00-Infrastructure-NSXT/deploy-edges.yml

05 - Create VM Template

Please refer to the following repo: https://github.com/cloudmaniac/packer-templates

06 - Deploy Virtual Machines

Please refer to the following repo: https://github.com/cloudmaniac/terraform-deploy-vmware-vm


User must configure answerfile.yml and provide credential/URL for the Python scripts to work

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