Official implementation of "Implicit Neural Representations with Periodic Activation Functions"

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Implicit Neural Representations with Periodic Activation Functions

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Vincent Sitzmann*, Julien N. P. Martel*, Alexander W. Bergman, David B. Lindell, Gordon Wetzstein
Stanford University, *denotes equal contribution

This is the official implementation of the paper "Implicit Neural Representations with Periodic Activation Functions".


Google Colab

If you want to experiment with Siren, we have written a Colab. It's quite comprehensive and comes with a no-frills, drop-in implementation of SIREN. It doesn't require installing anything, and goes through the following experiments / SIREN properties:

  • Fitting an image
  • Fitting an audio signal
  • Solving Poisson's equation
  • Initialization scheme & distribution of activations
  • Distribution of activations is shift-invariant
  • Periodicity & behavior outside of the training range.

Tensorflow Playground

You can also play arond with a tiny SIREN interactively, directly in the browser, via the Tensorflow Playground here. Thanks to David Cato for implementing this!

Get started

If you want to reproduce all the results (including the baselines) shown in the paper, the videos, point clouds, and audio files can be found here.

You can then set up a conda environment with all dependencies like so:

conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate siren

High-Level structure

The code is organized as follows:

  • loads training and testing data.
  • contains a generic training routine.
  • contains layers and full neural network modules.
  • contains hypernetwork code.
  • contains utility functions, most promintently related to the writing of Tensorboard summaries.
  • contains implementations of differential operators.
  • contains loss functions for the different experiments.
  • contains helper functions to create the convergence videos shown in the video.
  • ./experiment_scripts/ contains scripts to reproduce experiments in the paper.

Reproducing experiments

The directory experiment_scripts contains one script per experiment in the paper.

To monitor progress, the training code writes tensorboard summaries into a "summaries"" subdirectory in the logging_root.

Image experiments

The image experiment can be reproduced with

python experiment_scripts/ --model_type=sine

The figures in the paper were made by extracting images from the tensorboard summaries. Example code how to do this can be found in the script.

Audio experiments

This github repository comes with both the "counting" and "bach" audio clips under ./data.

They can be trained with

python experiment_scipts/ --model_type=sine --wav_path=<path_to_audio_file>

Video experiments

The "bikes" video sequence comes with scikit-video and need not be downloaded. The cat video can be downloaded with the link above.

To fit a model to a video, run

python experiment_scipts/ --model_type=sine --experiment_name bikes_video

Poisson experiments

For the poisson experiments, there are three separate scripts: One for reconstructing an image from its gradients (, from its laplacian (, and to combine two images (

Some of the experiments were run using the BSD500 datast, which you can download here.

SDF Experiments

To fit a Signed Distance Function (SDF) with SIREN, you first need a pointcloud in .xyz format that includes surface normals. If you only have a mesh / ply file, this can be accomplished with the open-source tool Meshlab.

To reproduce our results, we provide both models of the Thai Statue from the 3D Stanford model repository and the living room used in our paper for download here.

To start training a SIREN, run:

python experiments_scripts/ --model_type=sine --point_cloud_path=<path_to_the_model_in_xyz_format> --batch_size=250000 --experiment_name=experiment_1

This will regularly save checkpoints in the directory specified by the rootpath in the script, in a subdirectory "experiment_1". The batch_size is typically adjusted to fit in the entire memory of your GPU. Our experiments show that with a 256, 3 hidden layer SIREN one can set the batch size between 230-250'000 for a NVidia GPU with 12GB memory.

To inspect a SDF fitted to a 3D point cloud, we now need to create a mesh from the zero-level set of the SDF. This is performed with another script that uses a marching cubes algorithm (adapted from the DeepSDF github repo) and creates the mesh saved in a .ply file format. It can be called with:

python experiments_scripts/ --checkpoint_path=<path_to_the_checkpoint_of_the_trained_model> --experiment_name=experiment_1_rec 

This will save the .ply file as "reconstruction.ply" in "experiment_1_rec" (be patient, the marching cube meshing step takes some time ;) ) In the event the machine you use for the reconstruction does not have enough RAM, running test_sdf script will likely freeze. If this is the case, please use the option --resolution=512 in the command line above (set to 1600 by default) that will reconstruct the mesh at a lower spatial resolution.

The .ply file can be visualized using a software such as Meshlab (a cross-platform visualizer and editor for 3D models).

Helmholtz and wave equation experiments

The helmholtz and wave equation experiments can be reproduced with the and scripts.


We're using the excellent torchmeta to implement hypernetworks. We realized that there is a technical report, which we forgot to cite - it'll make it into the camera-ready version!


If you find our work useful in your research, please cite:

    author = {Sitzmann, Vincent
              and Martel, Julien N.P.
              and Bergman, Alexander W.
              and Lindell, David B.
              and Wetzstein, Gordon},
    title = {Implicit Neural Representations
              with Periodic Activation Functions},
    booktitle = {arXiv},


If you have any questions, please feel free to email the authors.

Vincent Sitzmann
Incoming Assistant Professor @mit EECS. I'm researching neural scene representations - the way neural networks learn to represent information on our world.
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