Python code to divide big numbers



Python code to divide big numbers

####CODE#### import math def chiahaisolon(sobichia, sochia):

b): a += chr(math.floor(temp // sochia) + ord('0')); temp = ((temp % sochia) * 10 + ord(sobichia[b]) - ord('0')); b += 1; a += chr(math.floor(temp // sochia) + ord('0')); if (len(a) == 0): return "0"; return a; ">
a = "";
b = 0;
temp = ord(sobichia[b]) - ord('0');
while (temp < sochia):
	temp = (temp * 10 + ord(sobichia[b + 1]) - ord('0'));
	b += 1;

b += 1;

while ((len(sobichia)) > b):
	a += chr(math.floor(temp // sochia) + ord('0'));
	temp = ((temp % sochia) * 10 + ord(sobichia[b]) - ord('0'));
	b += 1;

a += chr(math.floor(temp // sochia) + ord('0'));

if (len(a) == 0):
	return "0";

return a;

sobichia = "1248163264128256512"; sochia = 125; print(chiahaisolon(sobichia, sochia));


print(chiahaisolon(sobichia, sochia));

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