Code to reproduce the results for Statistically Robust Neural Network Classification, published in UAI 2021


Statistically Robust Neural Network Classification

Code to reproduce the experimental results for Statistically Robust Neural Network Classification, UAI 2021.

Experiment 6.1

To reproduce the results of Experiment 6.1, run the following from the base directory:


This will:

  1. Train the NN classifier on MNIST using natural and corrupted training methods, as described in the paper;
  2. Evaluate the TSRM metric on each trained NN at a number of epsilon values;
  3. Collate the results and produce the plot of Figure 1.

Experiment 6.2

Likewise, to reproduce the results of Experiment 6.2, run the following:


This will:

  1. Train the wide ResNet CNN classifier on CIFAR-10 using natural, corruption and adversarial training methods;
  2. Evaluate the trained networks on natural risk, SRR, and adversarial risk, outputting the results to a csv file (corresponding to results in Table 1).

Experiment 6.3

Likewise, to reproduce the results of Experiment 6.3, run the following:


This will:

  1. Train the NN classifier on MNIST using natural and corrupted training methods (2 networks);
  2. Keep track of the natural and SRR weighted cross entropy loss during each epoch of training for both networks;
  3. Produce the plot of Figure 2.

Experiment in Appendix A

Likewise, to reproduce the results of the experiment in Appendix A, run the following (AFTER running Experiment 6.1):


This will:

  1. Load the naturally trained NN classifier on MNIST from Experiment 6.1;
  2. Evaluate the TSRM using both adaptive sampling and monte carlo for this network and 100 datapoints from the MNIST test set;
  3. Produce the plot of Figure 3.
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