Translation-equivariant Image Quantizer for Bi-directional Image-Text Generation

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Deep LearningTE-VQGAN

Translation-equivariant Image Quantizer for Bi-directional Image-Text Generation

Woncheol Shin1, Gyubok Lee1, Jiyoung Lee1, Joonseok Lee2,3, Edward Choi1 | Paper

1KAIST, 2Google Research, 3Seoul National University


Recently, vector-quantized image modeling has demonstrated impressive performance on generation tasks such as text-to-image generation. However, we discover that the current image quantizers do not satisfy translation equivariance in the quantized space due to aliasing, degrading performance in the downstream text-to-image generation and image-to-text generation, even in simple experimental setups. Instead of focusing on anti-aliasing, we take a direct approach to encourage translation equivariance in the quantized space. In particular, we explore a desirable property of image quantizers, called 'Translation Equivariance in the Quantized Space' and propose a simple but effective way to achieve translation equivariance by regularizing orthogonality in the codebook embedding vectors. Using this method, we improve accuracy by +22% in text-to-image generation and +26% in image-to-text generation, outperforming the VQGAN.



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Training TE-VQGAN (Stage 1)


Training Bi-directional Image-Text Generator (Stage 2)


Thanks to

The implementation of 'TE-VQGAN' and 'Bi-directional Image-Text Generator' is based on VQGAN and DALLE-pytorch. Thanks to all related works!


      title={Translation-equivariant Image Quantizer for Bi-directional Image-Text Generation}, 
      author={Woncheol Shin and Gyubok Lee and Jiyoung Lee and Joonseok Lee and Edward Choi},
Woncheol Shin
Graduate School of AI at KAIST, 2020~
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