PyTorch implementations of the beta divergence loss.


Beta Divergence Loss - PyTorch Implementation

This repository contains code for a PyTorch implementation of the beta divergence loss.


This package is written in Python, and requires Python (with recommended version >= 3.9) to run. In addition to a working Pytorch installation, this package relies on the following libraries and version numbers:


To install the latest stable release, use pip. Use the following command to install:

$ pip install pytorch-beta-divergence


The module contains two beta-divergence implementations: one general beta-divergence between two 2-dimensional matrices or tensors, and a beta-divergence implementation specific to non-negative matrix factorization (NMF). Import both beta-divergence implementations as follows:

# Import PyTorch beta-divergence implementations
from torch_beta_div.nn import *

Beta-divergence between two matrices

To calculate the beta-divergence between matrix A and a target or reference matrix B, use the BetaDivLoss loss function. The BetaDivLoss loss function can be instantiated and used as follows:

# Instantiate beta-divergence loss object
beta_div_loss = BetaDivLoss(beta=0, reduction='mean')

# Calculate beta-divergence loss between matrix A and target matrix B
loss = beta_div_loss(input=A, target=B)

NMF beta-divergence between data matrix and reconstruction

To calculate the NMF-specific beta-divergence between data matrix X and the matrix product of a scores matrix H and a components matrix W, use the NMFBetaDivLoss loss function. The NMFBetaDivLoss loss function can be instantiated and used as follows:

# Instantiate NMF beta-divergence loss object
nmf_beta_div_loss = NMFBetaDivLoss(beta=0, reduction='mean')

# Calculate beta-divergence loss between data matrix X (target or
# reference matrix) and matrix product of H and W
loss = nmf_beta_div_loss(X=X, H=H, W=W)

Choosing beta value

When instantiating beta divergence loss objects, the value of beta should be chosen depending on data type and application. Integer values of beta correspond to the following divergences and loss functions:

Issue Tracking and Reports

Please use the GitHub issue tracker associated with this repository for issue tracking, filing bug reports, and asking general questions about the package or project.

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