A framework based on tornado for easier development, scaling up and maintenance




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Turbo is a framework for fast building web site and RESTFul api, based on tornado.

  • Easily scale up and maintain
  • Rapid development for RESTFul api and web site
  • Django or flask application structure
  • Easily customizable
  • Simple ORM for MongoDB
  • Logger
  • Session(storage support for redis, disk and so on)
  • Support MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL and so on
  • Support MongoDB asynchronous driver Motor base on turbo-motor
  • Support Python3

Getting started

pip install turbo
turbo-admin startproject <project_name>
cd <project_name>/app-server
touch __test__
python main.py


Documentation and links to additional resources are available at http://app-turbo.readthedocs.org/


  • redefined app_config on fake template

    redefined app_config on fake template

    redefined app_config



    opened by tao12345666333 0
  • jinja2 support

    jinja2 support

    Support jinja2 template and tornado template relative path. You can use relative path like this {% include "../../base.html" %} in turbo jinja2 template

    opened by zhyq0826 0
  • 数据库连接层可以提供多层,直接在 model 层进行路由

    数据库连接层可以提供多层,直接在 model 层进行路由


    case 1

    由于mongodb 集群的限制,除非使用 shard 模式,否则无法做到直接在数据库层进行两个节点写的操作,可以在 model 层提供两个写操作的连接,来达到数据夸集群同步。解决问题的是:如果一个集群无法连通或宕机,可以立即切换到备用集群。

    case 2

    数据切片。对大宗数据进行拆分可以,直接提供根据数据 hash 进行连接选择,来进行夸集群切片,即形成一个简单的 sharding 方案。

    opened by zhyq0826 0
  • 0.5.0 roadmap

    0.5.0 roadmap

    • MongoDB transaction support
    • remove deprecateed MongoDB method
    • Python3 byte and string support
    • request data support pure JSON
    • asynchronous queue support
    • crontab job support
    opened by zhyq0826 0
  • Getting more done in GitHub with ZenHub

    Getting more done in GitHub with ZenHub

    Hola! @jerryshew has created a ZenHub account for the wecatch organization. ZenHub is the only project management tool integrated natively in GitHub – created specifically for fast-moving, software-driven teams.

    How do I use ZenHub?

    To get set up with ZenHub, all you have to do is download the browser extension and log in with your GitHub account. Once you do, you’ll get access to ZenHub’s complete feature-set immediately.

    What can ZenHub do?

    ZenHub adds a series of enhancements directly inside the GitHub UI:

    • Real-time, customizable task boards for GitHub issues;
    • Multi-Repository burndown charts, estimates, and velocity tracking based on GitHub Milestones;
    • Personal to-do lists and task prioritization;
    • Time-saving shortcuts – like a quick repo switcher, a “Move issue” button, and much more.

    Add ZenHub to GitHub

    Still curious? See more ZenHub features or read user reviews. This issue was written by your friendly ZenHub bot, posted by request from @jerryshew.

    ZenHub Board

    opened by flyfloor 1
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