Unconstrained Text Detection with Box Supervisionand Dynamic Self-Training


SelfText Beyond Polygon: Unconstrained Text Detection with Box Supervisionand Dynamic Self-Training

Alt text


This is a PyTorch implementation of "SelfText Beyond Polygon: Unconstrained Text Detection with Box Supervisionand Dynamic Self-Training"

The paper propose a novel text detection system termed SelfText Beyond Polygon(SBP) with Bounding Box Supervision(BBS) and Dynamic Self Training~(DST), where training a polygon-based text detector with only a limited set of upright bounding box annotations. As shown in the Figure, SBP achieves the same performance as strong supervision while saving huge data annotation costs.

From more details,please refer to our arXiv paper


  • python 3
  • torch = 1.1.0
  • torchvision
  • Pillow
  • numpy

ToDo List

  • Release code(BBS)
  • Release code(DST)
  • Document for Installation
  • Document for testing and training
  • Evaluation
  • Demo script
  • re-organize and clean the parameters



  • ICDAR15
  • sythtext800K
  • TotalText
  • MSRA-TD500
  • CTW1500

model zoo

Supported text detection:

Bounding Box Supervision(BBS)


The training strategy includes three steps: (1) training SASN with synthetic data (2) generating pseudo label on real data based on bounding box annotation with SASN (3) training the detectors(EAST and PSENet) with the pseudo label

training SASN with synthtext or curved synthtext


generating pseudo label on real data with SASN


training EAST or PSENet with the pseudo label



for example (batchsize=2)



Dynamic Self Training




for example (batchsize=2)




Bounding Box Supervision

The performance of EAST on ICDAR15

Method Dataset Pretrain precision recall f-score
EAST_box ICDAR15 - 65.8 63.8 64.8
EAST ICDAR15 - 76.9 77.1 77.0
EAST_pseudo(SynthText) ICDAR15 - 77.8 78.2 78.0
EAST_box ICDAR15 SynthText 70.8 72.0 71.4
EAST ICDAR15 SynthText 82.0 82.4 82.2
EAST_pseudo(SynthText) ICDAR15 SynthText 81.3 82.2 81.8

The performance of EAST on MSRA-TD500

Method Dataset Pretrain precision recall f-score
EAST_box MSRA-TD500 - 40.49 31.05 35.15
EAST MSRA-TD500 - 71.76 69.05 70.38
EAST_pseudo(SynthText) MSRA-TD500 - 71.27 67.54 69.36
EAST_box MSRA-TD500 SynthText 48.34 42.37 45.16
EAST MSRA-TD500 SynthText 77.91 76.45 77.17
EAST_pseudo(SynthText) MSRA-TD500 SynthText 77.42 73.85 75.59

The performance of PSENet on ICDAR15

Method Dataset Pretrain precision recall f-score
PSENet_box ICDAR15 - 70.17 69.09 69.63
PSENet ICDAR15 - 81.6 79.5 80.5
PSENet_pseudo(SynthText) ICDAR15 - 82.9 77.6 80.2
PSENet_box ICDAR15 SynthText 72.65 74.29 73.46
PSENet ICDAR15 SynthText 86.42 83.54 84.96
PSENet_pseudo(SynthText) ICDAR15 SynthText 86.77 83.34 85.02

The performance of PSENet on MSRA-TD500

Method Dataset Pretrain precision recall f-score
PSENet_box MSRA-TD500 - 47.17 36.90 41.41
PSENet MSRA-TD500 - 80.86 77.72 79.13
PSENet_pseudo(SynthText) MSRA-TD500 - 80.32 77.26 78.86
PSENet_box MSRA-TD500 SynthText 47.45 39.49 43.11
PSENet MSRA-TD500 SynthText 84.11 84.97 84.54
PSENet_pseudo(SynthText) MSRA-TD500 SynthText 84.03 84.03 84.03

The performance of PSENet on Total Text

Method Dataset Pretrain precision recall f-score
PSENet_box Total Text - 46.5 43.6 45.0
PSENet Total Text - 80.4 76.5 78.4
PSENet_pseudo(SynthText) Total Text - 80.33 73.54 76.78
PSENet_pseudo(Curved SynthText) Total Text - 81.68 74.61 78.0
PSENet_box Total Text SynthText 51.94 47.45 49.59
PSENet Total Text SynthText 83.4 78.1 80.7
PSENet_pseudo(SynthText) Total Text SynthText 81.57 75.54 78.44
PSENet_pseudo(Curved SynthText) Total Text SynthText 82.51 77.57 80.0

The visualization of bounding-box annotation and the pseudo labels generated by BBS on Total-Text The visualization of bounding-box annotation and the pseudo labels generated by BBS on Total-Text





For academic use, this project is licensed under the Apache License - see the LICENSE file for details. For commercial use, please contact the authors.


Please consider citing our paper in your publications if the project helps your research.

Eamil: [email protected]

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