DANet for Tabular data classification/ regression.

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Deep LearningDANet

Deep Abstract Networks

A PyTorch code implemented for the submission DANets: Deep Abstract Networks for Tabular Data Classification and Regression.



Download the datasets from the following links:

(Optional) Before starting the program, you may change the file format to .pkl by using svm2pkl() or csv2pkl() in ./data/data_util.py

Weights for inference models

The demo weights for Forest Cover Type dataset is available in the folder "./Weights/".

How to use


  1. Clone or download this repository, and cd the path where you clone it.
  2. Build a working python environment. Python 3.7 is fine for this repository.
  3. Install packages in requirements.txt, e.g., by pip install -r requirements.txt.
  4. The default hyperparameters are in ./config/default.py.


  1. Set the hyperparameters in config file (./config/default.py or ./config/*.yaml).
    Notably, the hyperparameters in .yaml file will cover those in default.py.

  2. Run python main.py --c [config_path] --g [gpu_id].

    • -c: The config file path
    • -g: GPU device ID
  3. The checkpoint models and best models will be saved at ./logs.


  1. Replace the resume_dir path by the file path of model/weight.
  2. Run codes by using python predict.py -d [dataset_name] -m [model_file_path] -g [gpu_id].
    • -d: Dataset name
    • -m: Model path for loading
    • -g: GPU device ID

Config Hyperparameters

Normal parameters

  • dataset: str
    Dataset name must match those in ./data/dataset.py.

  • task: str
    Using 'classification' or 'regression'.

  • resume_dir: str
    The log path containing the checkpoint models.

  • logname: str
    The directory names of the models save at ./logs.

  • seed: int
    Random seed.

Model parameters

  • layer: int (default=20)
    Number of abstract layers to stack

  • k: int (default=5)
    Number of masks

  • base_outdim: int (default=64)
    The output feature dimension in abstract layer.

  • drop_rate: float (default=0.1) Dropout rate in shortcut module

Fit parameters

  • lr: float (default=0.008)
    Learning rate

  • max_epochs: int (default=5000)
    Maximum number of epochs for training.

  • patience: int (default=1500)
    Number of consecutive epochs without improvement before performing early stopping. If patience is set to 0, then no early stopping will be performed.

  • batch_size: int (default=8192)
    Number of examples per batch.

  • virtual_batch_size: int (default=256)
    Size of the mini batches used for "Ghost Batch Normalization". virtual_batch_size must divide batch_size

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