Unofficial PyTorch implementation of MobileViT based on paper "MobileViT: Light-weight, General-purpose, and Mobile-friendly Vision Transformer".





Table of Contents

Model Architecture


MobileViT Architecture



optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --gpu_device GPU_DEVICE
                        Select specific GPU to run the model
  --batch-size N        Input batch size for training (default: 64)
  --epochs N            Number of epochs to train (default: 20)
  --num-class N         Number of classes to classify (default: 10)
  --lr LR               Learning rate (default: 0.01)
  --weight-decay WD     Weight decay (default: 1e-5)
  --model-path PATH     Path to save the model


  author = {Sachin Mehta and Mohammad Rastegari},
  booktitle = {},
  year = {2021}

If this implement have any problem please let me know, thank you.

  • Training settings

    Training settings

    I really appreciate your efforts in implementing this model in pytorch. Here, I have one concern about the training settings. If what I understand is correct, you just trained the model for less than 5 epoches.

    In addition, the hyper-parameters you adopted is different from that in the original article. For instance, in the original manuscript, authors train mobilevit using AdamW optimizer, label smoothing cross-entry and multi-scale sampler. The training phase has a warmup stage.

    I also found that the classificaion accuracy provided here is much lower than that in the original version.

    I conjecture that the gab between accuracies are caused by different training settings.

    opened by hkzhang91 6
  • load pretrain weight failed

    load pretrain weight failed

    import torch
    import models
    model = models.MobileViT_S()
    PATH = "./MobileVit-S.pth.tar"
    weights = torch.load(PATH, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage)
    model.eval(), './')
    • I try to load the pre-train weight to test one demo; but the network structure does not seem to match the weights, is there any solution?


    opened by hererookie 2
  • model training hyperparameter

    model training hyperparameter

    A problem has been bothering me. the learning rate, optimizer, batch_size, L2 regularization, label smoothing and epochs are inconsistent with the paper. How should I modify the code?

    opened by Agino-ltp 1
  • Have you test MobileVit on cifar-10?

    Have you test MobileVit on cifar-10?

    Thanks for your wonderful work!

    I prepare to try MobileVit on small dataset, such as MNIST, and I need adjust the network structure. Before this work, I want to know if MobileVit has a better performance than other networks on small dataset.

    I notice "get_cifar10_dataset" in Have you tested MobileVit on cifar-10? If you have, could you please show me the accuracy and inference time result?

    opened by Jerryme-xxm 1
  • Issues when loading MobileViT_S()

    Issues when loading MobileViT_S()

    I wanted to load the MobileViT_S() model and use the pre-trained weights, but I have got some errors in my code. To make it easier and help others, I will share my solution (in case there will be someone who is beginner like me):

    def load_mobilevit_weights(model_path):
      # Create an instance of the MobileViT model
      net = MobileViT_S()
      # Load the PyTorch state_dict
      state_dict = torch.load(model_path, map_location=torch.device('cpu'))['state_dict']
      # Since there is a problem in the names of layers, we will change the keys to meet the MobileViT model architecture
      for key in list(state_dict.keys()):
        state_dict[key.replace('module.', '')] = state_dict.pop(key)
      # Once the keys are fixed, we can modify the parameters of MobileViT
      return net
    net = load_mobilevit_weights("MobileViT_S_model_best.pth.tar")
    opened by Sehaba95 4
Hong-Jia Chen
Master student at National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan. Interested in Deep Learning and Computer Vision.
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