KAPAO is an efficient multi-person human pose estimation model that detects keypoints and poses as objects and fuses the detections to predict human poses.


KAPAO (Keypoints and Poses as Objects)

KAPAO is an efficient single-stage multi-person human pose estimation model that models keypoints and poses as objects within a dense anchor-based detection framework. When not using test-time augmentation (TTA), KAPAO is much faster and more accurate than previous single-stage methods like DEKR and HigherHRNet:

alt text

This repository contains the official PyTorch implementation for the paper:
Rethinking Keypoint Representations: Modeling Keypoints and Poses as Objects for Multi-Person Human Pose Estimation.

Our code was forked from ultralytics/yolov5 at commit 5487451.


  1. If you haven't already, install Anaconda or Miniconda.
  2. Create a new conda environment with Python 3.6: $ conda create -n kapao python=3.6.
  3. Activate the environment: $ conda activate kapao
  4. Clone this repo: $ git clone https://github.com/wmcnally/kapao.git
  5. Install the dependencies: $ cd kapao && pip install -r requirements.txt
  6. Download the trained models: $ sh data/scripts/download_models.sh

Inference Demos

Note: FPS calculations includes all processing, including inference, plotting / tracking, image resizing, etc. See demo script arguments for inference options.

Flash Mob Demo

This demo runs inference on a 720p dance video (native frame-rate of 25 FPS).

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To display the inference results in real-time:
$ python demos/flash_mob.py --weights kapao_s_coco.pt --display --fps

To create the GIF above:
$ python demos/flash_mob.py --weights kapao_s_coco.pt --start 188 --end 196 --gif --fps

Squash Demo

This demo runs inference on a 1080p slow motion squash video (native frame-rate of 25 FPS). It uses a simple player tracking algorithm based on the frame-to-frame pose differences.

alt text

To display the inference results in real-time:
$ python demos/squash.py --weights kapao_s_coco.pt --display --fps

To create the GIF above:
$ python demos/squash.py --weights kapao_s_coco.pt --start 42 --end 50 --gif --fps

COCO Experiments

Download the COCO dataset: $ sh data/scripts/get_coco_kp.sh

Validation (without TTA)

  • KAPAO-S (63.0 AP): $ python val.py --rect
  • KAPAO-M (68.5 AP): $ python val.py --rect --weights kapao_m_coco.pt
  • KAPAO-L (70.6 AP): $ python val.py --rect --weights kapao_l_coco.pt

Validation (with TTA)

  • KAPAO-S (64.3 AP): $ python val.py --scales 0.8 1 1.2 --flips -1 3 -1
  • KAPAO-M (69.6 AP): $ python val.py --weights kapao_m_coco.pt \
    --scales 0.8 1 1.2 --flips -1 3 -1
  • KAPAO-L (71.6 AP): $ python val.py --weights kapao_l_coco.pt \
    --scales 0.8 1 1.2 --flips -1 3 -1


  • KAPAO-S (63.8 AP): $ python val.py --scales 0.8 1 1.2 --flips -1 3 -1 --task test
  • KAPAO-M (68.8 AP): $ python val.py --weights kapao_m_coco.pt \
    --scales 0.8 1 1.2 --flips -1 3 -1 --task test
  • KAPAO-L (70.3 AP): $ python val.py --weights kapao_l_coco.pt \
    --scales 0.8 1 1.2 --flips -1 3 -1 --task test


The following commands were used to train the KAPAO models on 4 V100s with 32GB memory each.


python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node 4 train.py \
--img 1280 \
--batch 128 \
--epochs 500 \
--data data/coco-kp.yaml \
--hyp data/hyps/hyp.kp-p6.yaml \
--val-scales 1 \
--val-flips -1 \
--weights yolov5s6.pt \
--project runs/s_e500 \
--name train \
--workers 128


python train.py \
--img 1280 \
--batch 72 \
--epochs 500 \
--data data/coco-kp.yaml \
--hyp data/hyps/hyp.kp-p6.yaml \
--val-scales 1 \
--val-flips -1 \
--weights yolov5m6.pt \
--project runs/m_e500 \
--name train \
--workers 128


python train.py \
--img 1280 \
--batch 48 \
--epochs 500 \
--data data/coco-kp.yaml \
--hyp data/hyps/hyp.kp-p6.yaml \
--val-scales 1 \
--val-flips -1 \
--weights yolov5l6.pt \
--project runs/l_e500 \
--name train \
--workers 128

Note: DDP is usually recommended but we found training was less stable for KAPAO-M/L using DDP. We are investigating this issue.

CrowdPose Experiments

  • Install the CrowdPose API to your conda environment:
    $ cd .. && git clone https://github.com/Jeff-sjtu/CrowdPose.git
    $ cd CrowdPose/crowdpose-api/PythonAPI && sh install.sh && cd ../../../kapao
  • Download the CrowdPose dataset: $ sh data/scripts/get_crowdpose.sh


  • KAPAO-S (63.8 AP): $ python val.py --data crowdpose.yaml \
    --weights kapao_s_crowdpose.pt --scales 0.8 1 1.2 --flips -1 3 -1
  • KAPAO-M (67.1 AP): $ python val.py --data crowdpose.yaml \
    --weights kapao_m_crowdpose.pt --scales 0.8 1 1.2 --flips -1 3 -1
  • KAPAO-L (68.9 AP): $ python val.py --data crowdpose.yaml \
    --weights kapao_l_crowdpose.pt --scales 0.8 1 1.2 --flips -1 3 -1


The following commands were used to train the KAPAO models on 4 V100s with 32GB memory each. Training was performed on the trainval split with no validation. The test results above were generated using the last model checkpoint.


python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node 4 train.py \
--img 1280 \
--batch 128 \
--epochs 300 \
--data data/crowdpose.yaml \
--hyp data/hyps/hyp.kp-p6.yaml \
--val-scales 1 \
--val-flips -1 \
--weights yolov5s6.pt \
--project runs/cp_s_e300 \
--name train \
--workers 128 \


python train.py \
--img 1280 \
--batch 72 \
--epochs 300 \
--data data/coco-kp.yaml \
--hyp data/hyps/hyp.kp-p6.yaml \
--val-scales 1 \
--val-flips -1 \
--weights yolov5m6.pt \
--project runs/cp_m_e300 \
--name train \
--workers 128 \


python train.py \
--img 1280 \
--batch 48 \
--epochs 300 \
--data data/crowdpose.yaml \
--hyp data/hyps/hyp.kp-p6.yaml \
--val-scales 1 \
--val-flips -1 \
--weights yolov5l6.pt \
--project runs/cp_l_e300 \
--name train \
--workers 128 \


This work was supported in part by Compute Canada, the Canada Research Chairs Program, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, a Microsoft Azure Grant, and an NVIDIA Hardware Grant.

If you find this repo is helpful in your research, please cite our paper:

  title={Rethinking Keypoint Representations: Modeling Keypoints and Poses as Objects for Multi-Person Human Pose Estimation},
  author={McNally, William and Vats, Kanav and Wong, Alexander and McPhee, John},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2111.08557},

Please also consider citing our previous works:

  title={DeepDarts: Modeling Keypoints as Objects for Automatic Scorekeeping in Darts using a Single Camera},
  author={McNally, William and Walters, Pascale and Vats, Kanav and Wong, Alexander and McPhee, John},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},

  title={EvoPose2D: Pushing the Boundaries of 2D Human Pose Estimation Using Accelerated Neuroevolution With Weight Transfer},
  author={McNally, William and Vats, Kanav and Wong, Alexander and McPhee, John},
  journal={IEEE Access},
Will McNally
PhD Candidate
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