Official codes for the paper "Learning Hierarchical Discrete Linguistic Units from Visually-Grounded Speech"



Official PyTorch implementation of Learning Hierarchical Discrete Linguistic Units from Visually-Grounded Speech

What is in this repo?

  • Multi-GPU training of ResDAVEnet-VQ
  • Quantitative evaluation
    • Image-to-speech and speech-to-image retrieval
    • ZeroSpeech 2019 ABX phone-discriminability test
    • Word detection
  • Qualitative evaluation
    • Visualize time-aligned word/phone/code transcripts
    • F1/recall/precision scatter plots for model/layer comparison

alt text

If you find the code useful, please cite

  title={Learning Hierarchical Discrete Linguistic Units from Visually-Grounded Speech},
  author={David Harwath and Wei-Ning Hsu and James Glass},
  booktitle={International Conference on Learning Representations},

Pre-trained models

Model [email protected] Link MD5 sum
{} 0.735 gDrive e3f94990c72ce9742c252b2e04f134e4
{}->{2} 0.760 gDrive d8ebaabaf882632f49f6aea0a69516eb
{}->{3} 0.794 gDrive 2c3a269c70005cbbaaa15fc545da93fa
{}->{2,3} 0.787 gDrive d0764d8e97187c8201f205e32b5f7fee
{2} 0.753 gDrive d68c942069fcdfc3944e556f6af79c60
{2}->{2,3} 0.764 gDrive 09e704f8fcd9f85be8c4d5bdf779bd3b
{2}->{2,3}->{2,3,4} 0.793 gDrive 6e403e7f771aad0c95f087318bf8447e
{3} 0.734 gDrive a0a3d5adbbd069a2739219346c8a8f70
{3}->{2,3} 0.760 gDrive 6c92bcc4445895876a7840bc6e88892b
{2,3} 0.667 gDrive 7a98a661302939817a1450d033bc2fcc

Data preparation

Download the MIT Places Image/Audio Data

We use MIT Places scene recognition database (Places Image) and a paired MIT Places Audio Caption Corpus (Places Audio) as visually-grounded speech, which contains roughly 400K image/spoken caption pairs, to train ResDAVEnet-VQ.

  • Places Image can be downloaded here
  • Places Audio can be downloaded here

Optional data preprocessing

Data specifcation files can be found at metadata/{train,val}.json inside the Places Audio directory; however, they do not include the time-aligned word transcripts for analysis. Those with alignments can be downloaded here:

Open the *.json files and update the values of image_base_path and audio_base_path to reflect the path where the image and the audio datasets are stored.

To speed up data loading, we save images and audio data into the HDF5 binary files, and use the h5py Python interface to access the data. The corresponding PyTorch Dataset class is ImageCaptionDatasetHDF5 in ./dataloaders/ To prepare HDF5 datasets, run


(We do support on-the-fly feature processing with the ImageCaptionDataset class in ./dataloaders/, which takes a data specification file as input (e.g., metadata/train.json). However, this can be very slow)

ImageCaptionDataset and ImageCaptionDatasetHDF5 are interchangeable, but most scripts in this repo assume the preprocessed HDF5 dataset is available. Users would have to modify the code correspondingly to use ImageCaptionDataset.

Interactive Qualtitative Evaluation

See run_evaluations.ipynb

Quantitative Evaluation

ZeroSpeech 2019 ABX Phone Discriminability Test

Users need to download the dataset and the Docker image by following the instructions here.

To extract ResDAVEnet-VQ features, see ./scripts/

Word detection

See ./ It needs both HDF5 dataset and the original JSON dataset to get the time-aligned word transcripts.


python --hdf5_path=$hdf5_path --json_path=$json_path \
  --exp_dir=$exp_dir --layer=$layer --output_dir=$out_dir

Cross-modal retrieval

See ./ Set --mode=eval for retrieval evaluation.


python --resume=True --mode=eval \
  --data-train=$data_tr --data-val=$data_dt \


See ./scripts/

To train a model from scratch with the 2nd and 3rd layers quantized, run

./scripts/ 01100 RDVQ_01100 ""

To train a model with the 2nd and 3rd layers quantized, and initialize weights from a pre-trained model (e.g., ./exps/RDVQ_00000), run

./scripts/ 01100 RDVQ_01100 "--seed-dir ./exps/RDVQ_00000"
Wei-Ning Hsu
Research Scientist @ Facebook AI Research (FAIR). Former PhD Student @ MIT Spoken Language Systems Group
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