Wordnik Python public library


Python 2.7 client for Wordnik.com API


This is a Python 2.7 client for the Wordnik.com v4 API. For more information, see http://developer.wordnik.com/ . This client has been generated using the Swagger code generator, which builds robust API clients and beautiful API documentation automatically. If you'd like to learn more about Swagger, visit http://swagger.wordnik.com/ (but you don't need to know anything about Swagger to simply use this API client for Wordnik, this page will tell get you up to speed on that account).

If you need help after reading the below, please find us on Google Groups at https://groups.google.com/group/wordnik-api , @wordnikapi on Twitter, or on #wordnik on IRC.

Basic Setup

You should be able to install using easy_install or pip in the usual ways:

$ easy_install wordnik
$ pip install wordnik

Or just clone this repository and place the wordnik folder that you downloaded somewhere where it can be accessed by your scripts. Create a connection as follows:

from wordnik import *
apiUrl = 'http://api.wordnik.com/v4'
client = swagger.ApiClient(apiKey, apiUrl)

You'll want to substitute your own personal API key, of course. If you don't have an API key yet, you can get one here: http://developer.wordnik.com/ .

Calling a Method

Once you have a client set up, you need to instantiate an API object for whichever category or categories of items you are interested in working with. For example, to work with the word API and apply the method getTopExample method, you can do the following:

wordApi = WordApi.WordApi(client)
example = wordApi.getTopExample('irony')
print example.text

To find out what arguments the method expects, consult the online, interactive documentation at http://developer.wordnik.com/docs , and also check out the method definitions in wordnik/WordApi.py.

You can find out what fields to expect in the return value by using the interactive docs. You can also check out the tests in the tests/ folder in this repository; each method is shown and tested there. In this case, the documentation in WordAPI.py shows that getTopExample returns an instance of Example, so you would examine that class in wordnik/models/Example.py.

Some methods, like getDefinitions, also take optional keyword parameters which should be specified by name. Again, these are shown in the online documentation and in the method defintions.

wordApi = WordApi.WordApi(client)
definitions = wordApi.getDefinitions('badger',
print definitions[0].text

The variable definitions is now an list of instances of the Definition class defined in wordnik/models/Definition.py, as indicated in the documentation for getDefinition.


The tests require you to set three environment variables:

$ export API_KEY=your api key
$ export USER_NAME=some wordnik.com username
$ export PASSWORD=the user's password

The tests can be run as follows:

$ python tests/BaseApiTest.py


Copyright 2013 Reverb Technologies, Inc.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

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