A framework for launching new Django Rest Framework projects quickly.



A framework for launching new Django Rest Framework projects quickly. Comes with a custom user model, login/logout/signup, social authentication via django-allauth, and more.


  • Django 3.1, Django REST Framework 3.12, and Python 3.8
  • Custom user model
  • Token-based auth
  • Signup/login/logout
  • django-allauth for social auth
  • Pipenv for virtualenvs

First-time setup

  1. Make sure Python 3.7x and Pipenv are already installed. See here for help.
  2. Clone the repo and configure the virtual environment:
$ git clone https://github.com/wsvincent/drfx.git
$ cd drfx
$ pipenv install
$ pipenv shell
  1. Set up the initial migration for our custom user models in users and build the database.
(drfx) $ python manage.py makemigrations users
(drfx) $ python manage.py migrate
(drfx) $ python manage.py createsuperuser
(drfx) $ python manage.py runserver
  1. Endpoints

Login with your superuser account. Then navigate to all users. Logout. Sign up for a new account and repeat the login, users, logout flow.

Want to learn more about Django REST Framework? I've written an entire book that takes a project-based approach to building web APIs with Django. The first 2 chapters are available for free online at https://djangoforapis.com/.

Django for APIs

William Vincent
Django Software Foundation Board Member. Founder of LearnDjango.com.
William Vincent
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