Official Chainer implementation of GP-GAN: Towards Realistic High-Resolution Image Blending (ACMMM 2019, oral)


GP-GAN: Towards Realistic High-Resolution Image Blending (ACMMM 2019, oral)

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Official Chainer implementation of GP-GAN: Towards Realistic High-Resolution Image Blending


source destination mask composited blended

The author's implementation of GP-GAN, the high-resolution image blending algorithm described in:
"GP-GAN: Towards Realistic High-Resolution Image Blending"
Huikai Wu, Shuai Zheng, Junge Zhang, Kaiqi Huang

Given a mask, our algorithm can blend the source image and the destination image, generating a high-resolution and realsitic blended image. Our algorithm is based on deep generative models Wasserstein GAN.

Contact: Hui-Kai Wu ([email protected])


  title   = {GP-GAN: Towards Realistic High-Resolution Image Blending},
  author  = {Wu, Huikai and Zheng, Shuai and Zhang, Junge and Huang, Kaiqi},
  journal = {ACMMM},
  year    = {2019}

Getting started

  • The code is tested with python==3.5 and chainer==6.3.0 on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.

  • Download the code from GitHub:

    git clone
    cd GP-GAN
  • Install the requirements:

    pip install -r requirements/test/requirements.txt
  • Download the pretrained model blending_gan.npz or unsupervised_blending_gan.npz from Google Drive, and then put them in the folder models.

  • Run the script for blending_gan.npz:

    python --src_image images/test_images/src.jpg --dst_image images/test_images/dst.jpg --mask_image images/test_images/mask.png --blended_image images/test_images/result.png

    Or run the script for unsupervised_blending_gan.npz:

    python --src_image images/test_images/src.jpg --dst_image images/test_images/dst.jpg --mask_image images/test_images/mask.png --blended_image images/test_images/result.png --supervised False
  • Type python --help for a complete list of the arguments.

Train GP-GAN step by step

Train Blending GAN

  • Download Transient Attributes Dataset here.

  • Crop the images in each subfolder:

    python --data_root [Path for imageAlignedLD in Transient Attributes Dataset]
  • Train Blending GAN:

    python --data_root [Path for cropped aligned images of Transient Attributes Dataset]
  • Training Curve

  • Visual Result

    Training Set Validation Set

Training Unsupervised Blending GAN

  • Requirements

    pip install git+git://[email protected]
  • Download the hdf5 dataset of outdoor natural images: ourdoor_64.hdf5 (1.4G), which contains 150K landscape images from MIT Places dataset.

  • Train unsupervised Blending GAN:

    python --data_root [Path for outdoor_64.hdf5]
  • Training Curve

  • Samples after training

Visual results

Mask Copy-and-Paste Modified-Poisson Multi-splines Supervised GP-GAN Unsupervised GP-GAN
Wu Huikai
Wu Huikai
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