Video Background Music Generation with Controllable Music Transformer (ACM MM 2021 Oral)



Code for paper Video Background Music Generation with Controllable Music Transformer (ACM MM 2021 Best Paper Award)

[Paper] [Site]

Directory Structure

  • src/: code of the whole pipeline

    • training script, take a npz as input music data to train the model

    • code of the model

    • inference script, take a npz (represents a video) as input to generate several songs

    • src/video2npz/: convert video into npz by extracting motion saliency and motion speed

  • dataset/: processed dataset for training, in the format of npz

  • logs/: logs that automatically generate during training, can be used to track training process

  • exp/: checkpoints, named after val loss (e.g.

  • inference/: processed video for inference (.npz), and generated music(.mid)


  • clone this repo

  • download lpd_5_prcem_mix_v8_10000.npz from HERE and put it under dataset/

  • download pretrained model from HERE and put it under exp/

  • install ffmpeg=3.2.4

  • prepare a Python3 conda environment

    pip install -r py3_requirements.txt
  • prepare a Python2 conda environment (for extracting visbeat)

    • pip install -r py2_requirements.txt
    • open visbeat package directory (e.g. anaconda3/envs/XXXX/lib/python2.7/site-packages/visbeat), replace the original with src/video2npz/


  • If you want to use another training set: convert training data from midi into npz under dataset/

    python --midi_dir /PATH/TO/MIDIS/ --out_name data.npz 
  • train the model

    python -n XXX -g 0 1 2 3
    # -n XXX: the name of the experiment, will be the name of the log file & the checkpoints directory. if XXX is 'debug', checkpoints will not be saved
    # -l (--lr): initial learning rate
    # -b (--batch_size): batch size
    # -p (--path): if used, load model checkpoint from the given path
    # -e (--epochs): number of epochs in training
    # -t (--train_data): path of the training data (.npz file) 
    # -g (--gpus): ids of gpu
    # other model hyperparameters: modify the source .py files


  • convert input video (MP4 format) into npz (use the Python2 environment)

    cd src/video2npz
    sh ../../videos/xxx.mp4
    • try resizing the video if this takes a long time
  • run model to generate .mid :

    python -f "../inference/xxx.npz" -c "../exp/"
    # -c: checkpoints to be loaded
    # -f: input npz file
    # -g: id of gpu (only one gpu is needed for inference) 
    • if using another training set, change decoder_n_class in gen_midi_conditional to the decoder_n_class in
  • convert midi into audio: use GarageBand (recommended) or midi2audio

    • set tempo to the value of tempo in video2npz/metadata.json
  • combine original video and audio into video with BGM

    ffmpeg -i 'xxx.mp4' -i 'yyy.mp3' -c:v copy -c:a aac -strict experimental -map 0:v:0 -map 1:a:0 'zzz.mp4'
    # xxx.mp4: input video
    # yyy.mp3: audio file generated in the previous step
    # zzz.mp4: output video
Zhaokai Wang
Undergraduate student from Beihang University
Zhaokai Wang
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