A crossplatform menu bar application using mpv as DLNA Media Renderer.

  • [BUG] Unhandled exception in script

    [BUG] Unhandled exception in script


    • System: Win11
    • System version: 21H2(22000.184)
    • Processor architecture: x64
    • APP version: v0.61

    Bug recurrence

    running the app on the win11

    Additional information



    Starting Macast from terminal to get logs.


    download debug version of this application: Download link


    # then paste your log here
    opened by MisakaSakura 21
  • [BUG] Windows下无法正常启动(Unable to start on Windows)

    [BUG] Windows下无法正常启动(Unable to start on Windows)


    • System: Windows
    • System version: 21H1 (19043)
    • Processor architecture: x86_74
    • APP version: v0.5

    Bug recurrence

    Just start it.

    Additional information

    I have Python 3.9.2 (accessible via python) on this machine, maybe it is related?



    Macast Loading Language: zh_CN
    MPV started
    ERROR:SSDPServer:not enough values to unpack (expected 2, got 1)
    ERROR:Render:stoping mpv
    ERROR:Render:sendCommand: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'send_bytes'
    ERROR:Render:cannot send command quit to mpv
    ERROR:Render:stoping mpv
    ERROR:Render:sendCommand: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'send_bytes'
    ERROR:Render:cannot send command quit to mpv
    ERROR:Render:mpv ipc socket start connect
    INFO:Render:{'event': 'property-change', 'id': 1, 'name': 'volume', 'data': 100.0}
    INFO:Render:{'event': 'property-change', 'id': 3, 'name': 'pause', 'data': False}
    ERROR:Render:mpv ipc stopped
    ERROR:Render:MPV stopped
    opened by chengyuhui 18
  • [BUG] Windows系统下无法投屏

    [BUG] Windows系统下无法投屏


    • System: Windows 11
    • System version: 22000.160
    • Processor architecture: amd64
    • APP version: 0.5

    Bug recurrence

    首次打开之后允许了防火墙,但是仍旧无法被其他设备的投屏功能找到。同一局域网下的另一台m1 mba就可以正常投屏

    Additional information

    (More description of this bug)


    Starting Macast from terminal to get logs.


    run this in your terminal:



    [email protected]  ~  Downloads  Programs  ❯ C:\Users\LOZAP\Downloads\Programs\Macast-v0.5-debug.exe Macast Loading Default Language en_US ERROR:Render:MPV started DEBUG:Macast:mpv_start ERROR:Render:mpv ipc socket start connect ERROR:Render:mpv ipc socket reconnecting DEBUG:Macast:tag_name: v0.5 ERROR:Render:mpv ipc socket start connect ERROR:Render:mpv ipc socket reconnecting ERROR:Render:mpv ipc socket start connect ERROR:Render:mpv ipc socket reconnecting ERROR:Render:mpv ipc socket start connect ERROR:Render:mpv ipc socket reconnecting ERROR:Render:mpv ipc socket start connect INFO:Render:{'event': 'property-change', 'id': 1, 'name': 'volume', 'data': 100.0} INFO:Render:{'event': 'property-change', 'id': 3, 'name': 'pause', 'data': False} ERROR:SSDPServer:not enough values to unpack (expected 2, got 1) ERROR:Render:stoping mpv ERROR:Render:mpv ipc stopped ERROR:Render:MPV stopped ERROR:main:Cherrypy stopped

    [email protected]  ~  Downloads  Programs  ❯ C:\Users\LOZAP\Downloads\Programs\Macast-v0.5-debug.exe Macast Loading Default Language en_US MPV started ERROR:Render:mpv ipc socket start connect ERROR:Render:mpv ipc socket reconnecting DEBUG:Macast:tag_name: v0.5 ERROR:Render:mpv ipc socket start connect ERROR:Render:mpv ipc socket reconnecting ERROR:Render:mpv ipc socket start connect ERROR:Render:mpv ipc socket reconnecting ERROR:Render:mpv ipc socket start connect INFO:Render:{'event': 'property-change', 'id': 1, 'name': 'volume', 'data': 100.0} INFO:Render:{'event': 'property-change', 'id': 3, 'name': 'pause', 'data': False} ERROR:Render:stoping mpv ERROR:Render:mpv ipc stopped ERROR:Render:MPV stopped ERROR:SSDPServer:not enough values to unpack (expected 2, got 1)


    python Macast.py


    # then paste your log here
    opened by swift-lee 16
  • [NEW FEATURE] 在我打包了archlinux版本之后, 想让作者改进的地方

    [NEW FEATURE] 在我打包了archlinux版本之后, 想让作者改进的地方

    New feature

    • 配置文件 macast_setting.json 的路径应位于 ~/.config/macast (规范)

    • 可以抛弃 py2apppyinstaller 的打包方式, 直接上架 pip 源中 (方便 brewpacman 之类的后期打包)

    Additional context

    感谢作者的无私奉献 !

    这是个人在打包该项目的 aur 时想到的一些改进, 希望采纳!

    opened by icepie 13
  • [Question] go2tv couldn't find the DMR of Macast

    [Question] go2tv couldn't find the DMR of Macast


    • System version: Windows 10
    • Processor architecture: X64
    • APP version: v0.7


    With this program on, I can use Bilibili to cast the screen over the LAN. But using this tool go2tv, I couldn't find the DMR of Macast, then on the same computer, I installed 5KPlayer and tested Bilibili and go2tv. Both of them can cast screen. The go2tv can search the DMR provided by 5KPlayer, but it can't search the DMR of Macast.

    开启本程序,局域网内可以使用 Bilibili 投屏过来。但是使用这个工具 go2tv 则无法找到 Macast 的 DMR。然后相同的电脑上,我装了 5KPlayer,也测试了 Bilibili 和 go2tv 都是可以投屏的。go2tv 可以搜索到 5KPlayer 提供的 DMR,但是无法搜索到 Macast 的 DMR。

    opened by allanpk716 12
  • [BUG] 无法运行

    [BUG] 无法运行


    • System: win11
    • System version: 21H2
    • Processor architecture: X64
    • APP version: 0.35

    Bug recurrence



    {'ApplicationPort': 1068, 'CheckUpdate': 1, 'DLNA_FriendlyName': 'Macast(DESKTOP-HVETC9J)', 'DLNA_Renderer': 'Default', 'MenubarIcon': 0, 'PlayerHW': 1, 'PlayerHW_Force': 1, 'PlayerSize_Auto': 2, 'StartAtLogin': 0, 'USN': 'a5cc293d-f7fd-46ee-ac16-f45205a52e5d'}
    Load renderer MPVRenderer done
    using renderer: Default
    [WinError 2] 系统找不到指定的文件。
    sendCommand: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'send_bytes'
    [Errno 10] No child processes
    ERROR:SSDPServer:add membership
    ERROR:SSDPServer:add membership
    ERROR:SSDPServer:[WinError 10049] 在其上下文中,该请求的地址无效。
    INFO:cherrypy.error:[30/Oct/2021:13:08:47] ENGINE Started monitor thread 'Autoreloader'.
    INFO:cherrypy.error:[30/Oct/2021:13:08:47] ENGINE Started monitor thread 'SSDP_NOTIFY_THREAD'.
    ERROR:cherrypy.error:[30/Oct/2021:13:08:47] ENGINE Shutting down due to error in start listener:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "c:\users\zqzes\appdata\local\programs\python\python37\lib\site-packages\cherrypy\process\wspbus.py", line 268, in start
      File "c:\users\zqzes\appdata\local\programs\python\python37\lib\site-packages\cherrypy\process\wspbus.py", line 248, in publish
        raise exc
    cherrypy.process.wspbus.ChannelFailures: OSError("No socket could be created -- (('', 1068): [WinError 10013] 以 一种访问权限不允许的方式做了一个访问套接字的尝试。)")
    INFO:cherrypy.error:[30/Oct/2021:13:08:47] ENGINE Bus STOPPING
    INFO:cherrypy.error:[30/Oct/2021:13:08:47] ENGINE HTTP Server cherrypy._cpwsgi_server.CPWSGIServer(('', 1068)) already shut down
    INFO:MPVRenderer:stoping mpv and mpv ipc
    ERROR:MPVRenderer:sendCommand: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'send_bytes'
    ERROR:MPVRenderer:[Errno 10] No child processes
    ERROR:MPVRenderer:mpv ipc socket start connect
    ERROR:MPVRenderer:mpv ipc socket reconnecting: [WinError 2] 系统找不到指定的文件。
    INFO:main:tag_name: v0.65
    ERROR:MPVRenderer:mpv restarting
    INFO:cherrypy.error:[30/Oct/2021:13:08:48] ENGINE Stopped thread 'Autoreloader'.
    INFO:cherrypy.error:[30/Oct/2021:13:08:48] ENGINE Stopped thread 'Autoreloader'.
    INFO:cherrypy.error:[30/Oct/2021:13:08:48] ENGINE Removed handler for console events.
    INFO:cherrypy.error:[30/Oct/2021:13:08:48] ENGINE Removed handler for console events.
    INFO:cherrypy.error:[30/Oct/2021:13:08:48] ENGINE Stopped thread 'SSDP_NOTIFY_THREAD'.
    INFO:cherrypy.error:[30/Oct/2021:13:08:48] ENGINE Stopped thread 'SSDP_NOTIFY_THREAD'.
    ERROR:SSDPServer:drop membership
    ERROR:SSDPServer:drop membership
    INFO:cherrypy.error:[30/Oct/2021:13:08:48] ENGINE Bus STOPPED
    INFO:cherrypy.error:[30/Oct/2021:13:08:48] ENGINE Bus STOPPED
    INFO:cherrypy.error:[30/Oct/2021:13:08:48] ENGINE Bus EXITING
    INFO:cherrypy.error:[30/Oct/2021:13:08:48] ENGINE Bus EXITING
    INFO:cherrypy.error:[30/Oct/2021:13:08:48] ENGINE Bus EXITED
    opened by zqzess 11
  • [QUESTION] Macast installed through pip on Windows does not work properly

    [QUESTION] Macast installed through pip on Windows does not work properly

    • System: Window 10这个地址比较奇怪,我这里没有

    pip install -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple macast
    {'ApplicationPort': 1068, 'CheckUpdate': 1, 'DLNA_FriendlyName': 'Macast(DESKTOP-O8SKEPJ)', 'DLNA_Renderer': 'Default', 'MenubarIcon': 0, 'PlayerHW': 1, 'PlayerPosition': 2, 'PlayerSize': 1, 'StartAtLogin': 0, 'USN': '86c505d0-e200-41f2-a2bc-0c27d48ef738'}
    INFO:cherrypy.error:[21/Sep/2021:11:24:23] ENGINE Set handler for console events.
    ERROR:SSDPServer:add membership
    ERROR:SSDPServer:add membership
    ERROR:SSDPServer:[WinError 10049] 在其上下文中,该请求的地址无效。
    INFO:cherrypy.error:[21/Sep/2021:11:24:23] ENGINE Serving on
    INFO:MPVRenderer:starting mpv and mpv ipc
    INFO:MPVRenderer:mpv starting
    INFO:cherrypy.error:[21/Sep/2021:11:24:23] ENGINE Started monitor thread 'Autoreloader'.
    INFO:cherrypy.error:[21/Sep/2021:11:24:23] ENGINE Started monitor thread 'SSDP_NOTIFY_THREAD'.
    INFO:cherrypy.error:[21/Sep/2021:11:24:23] ENGINE Bus STARTED
    INFO:main:Server current run on port: 1068
    ERROR:MPVRenderer:[WinError 2] 系统找不到指定的文件。
    INFO:MPVRenderer:mpv stopped
    ERROR:MPVRenderer:mpv ipc socket start connect
    ERROR:MPVRenderer:mpv ipc socket reconnecting: [WinError 2] 系统找不到指定的文件。
    ERROR:MPVRenderer:mpv ipc socket start connect
    ERROR:MPVRenderer:mpv restarting
    ERROR:MPVRenderer:mpv ipc socket reconnecting: [WinError 2] 系统找不到指定的文件。
    INFO:MPVRenderer:mpv starting
    ERROR:MPVRenderer:[WinError 2] 系统找不到指定的文件。
    INFO:MPVRenderer:mpv stopped
    ERROR:MPVRenderer:mpv ipc socket start connect
    ERROR:MPVRenderer:mpv ipc socket reconnecting: [WinError 2] 系统找不到指定的文件。
    ERROR:MPVRenderer:mpv ipc socket start connect
    ERROR:MPVRenderer:mpv ipc socket reconnecting: [WinError 2] 系统找不到指定的文件。
    ERROR:MPVRenderer:mpv restarting
    INFO:MPVRenderer:mpv starting
    ERROR:MPVRenderer:[WinError 2] 系统找不到指定的文件。
    INFO:MPVRenderer:mpv stopped
    ERROR:MPVRenderer:mpv ipc socket start connect
    ERROR:MPVRenderer:mpv ipc socket reconnecting: [WinError 2] 系统找不到指定的文件。
    ERROR:MPVRenderer:mpv ipc socket start connect
    ERROR:MPVRenderer:mpv ipc socket reconnecting: [WinError 2] 系统找不到指定的文件。
    ERROR:MPVRenderer:mpv restarting
    ERROR:MPVRenderer:mpv cannot start
    INFO:cherrypy.error:[21/Sep/2021:11:24:26] ENGINE Bus STOPPING
    INFO:cherrypy.error:[21/Sep/2021:11:24:26] ENGINE HTTP Server cherrypy._cpwsgi_server.CPWSGIServer(('', 1068)) shut down
    ERROR:SSDPServer:drop membership
    ERROR:SSDPServer:drop membership
    INFO:cherrypy.error:[21/Sep/2021:11:24:26] ENGINE Removed handler for console events.
    INFO:MPVRenderer:stoping mpv and mpv ipc
    ERROR:MPVRenderer:sendCommand: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'send_bytes'
    ERROR:MPVRenderer:[Errno 10] No child processes
    ERROR:MPVRenderer:mpv ipc socket start connect
    ERROR:MPVRenderer:mpv ipc socket reconnecting: [WinError 2] 系统找不到指定的文件。
    INFO:cherrypy.error:[21/Sep/2021:11:24:27] ENGINE Stopped thread 'SSDP_NOTIFY_THREAD'.
    INFO:cherrypy.error:[21/Sep/2021:11:24:27] ENGINE Stopped thread 'Autoreloader'.
    INFO:cherrypy.error:[21/Sep/2021:11:24:27] ENGINE Bus STOPPED
    INFO:cherrypy.error:[21/Sep/2021:11:24:27] ENGINE Bus EXITING
    INFO:cherrypy.error:[21/Sep/2021:11:24:27] ENGINE Waiting for child threads to terminate...
    INFO:cherrypy.error:[21/Sep/2021:11:24:27] ENGINE Bus EXITED
    INFO:cherrypy.error:[21/Sep/2021:11:24:27] ENGINE Waiting for thread MPV_STOP_SERVICE.
    INFO:main:Service stopped
    opened by zqbxx 9
  • SSDP can't start

    SSDP can't start

    System Information Operating System: KDE neon 5.22 KDE Plasma Version: 5.22.5 KDE Frameworks Version: 5.86.0 Qt Version: 5.15.3 Kernel Version: 5.11.0-34-generic (64-bit) Graphics Platform: X11 App Version: v0.64

    When I launch macast I get a popup that "SSDP can't start".

    Macast Loading Default Language en_US
    {'PlayerHW_Force': 1, 'PlayerSize_Auto': 2, 'PlayerHW': 1, 'StartAtLogin': 0, 'CheckUpdate': 1, 'MenubarIcon': 0, 'DLNA_Renderer': 'Default', 'ApplicationPort': 1068, 'USN': '320e1686-d028-4a4f-b9ba-52c9e42f72ff'}
    Load renderer MPVRenderer done
    using renderer: Default
    DEBUG:main:Macast APP started
    INFO:MPVRenderer:starting mpv and mpv ipc
    INFO:MPVRenderer:mpv starting
    ERROR:SSDPServer:add membership
    ERROR:SSDPServer:[Errno 98] Address already in use
    INFO:cherrypy.error:[16/Sep/2021:14:20:38] ENGINE Serving on
    INFO:cherrypy.error:[16/Sep/2021:14:20:38] ENGINE Started monitor thread 'Autoreloader'.
    INFO:cherrypy.error:[16/Sep/2021:14:20:38] ENGINE Started monitor thread 'SSDP_NOTIFY_THREAD'.
    INFO:cherrypy.error:[16/Sep/2021:14:20:38] ENGINE Bus STARTED
    INFO:main:Server current run on port: 1068
    ERROR:MPVRenderer:mpv ipc socket start connect
    ERROR:MPVRenderer:mpv ipc socket reconnecting: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
    INFO:cherrypy.error:[16/Sep/2021:14:20:38] ENGINE Bus STOPPING
    INFO:cherrypy.error:[16/Sep/2021:14:20:38] ENGINE HTTP Server cherrypy._cpwsgi_server.CPWSGIServer(('', 1068)) shut down
    INFO:cherrypy.error:[16/Sep/2021:14:20:38] ENGINE Stopped thread 'Autoreloader'.
    INFO:MPVRenderer:stoping mpv and mpv ipc
    ERROR:MPVRenderer:sendCommand: [Errno 107] Transport endpoint is not connected
    INFO:MPVRenderer:mpv stopped
    INFO:main:tag_name: v0.64
    ERROR:MPVRenderer:mpv ipc socket start connect
    ERROR:MPVRenderer:mpv ipc socket reconnecting: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
    INFO:cherrypy.error:[16/Sep/2021:14:20:38] ENGINE Stopped thread 'SSDP_NOTIFY_THREAD'.
    INFO:cherrypy.error:[16/Sep/2021:14:20:38] ENGINE Bus STOPPED
    INFO:cherrypy.error:[16/Sep/2021:14:20:38] ENGINE Bus EXITING
    INFO:cherrypy.error:[16/Sep/2021:14:20:38] ENGINE Bus EXITED
    (macast:68359): Gtk-WARNING **: 14:20:38.976: Theme parsing error: gtk.css:68:35: The style property GtkButton:child-displacement-x is deprecated and shouldn't be used anymore. It will be removed in a future version
    (macast:68359): Gtk-WARNING **: 14:20:38.977: Theme parsing error: gtk.css:69:35: The style property GtkButton:child-displacement-y is deprecated and shouldn't be used anymore. It will be removed in a future version
    (macast:68359): Gtk-WARNING **: 14:20:38.977: Theme parsing error: gtk.css:73:46: The style property GtkScrolledWindow:scrollbars-within-bevel is deprecated and shouldn't be used anymore. It will be removed in a future version
    INFO:cherrypy.error:[16/Sep/2021:14:20:38] ENGINE Waiting for child threads to terminate...
    INFO:main:Service stopped
    Gtk-Message: 14:20:39.128: Failed to load module "colorreload-gtk-module"
    Gtk-Message: 14:20:39.128: Failed to load module "window-decorations-gtk-module"
    INFO:cherrypy.error:[16/Sep/2021:14:21:02] ENGINE Bus STARTING
    ERROR:SSDPServer:add membership
    ERROR:SSDPServer:[Errno 98] Address already in use
    INFO:MPVRenderer:starting mpv and mpv ipc
    INFO:MPVRenderer:mpv starting
    INFO:cherrypy.error:[16/Sep/2021:14:21:02] ENGINE Serving on
    INFO:cherrypy.error:[16/Sep/2021:14:21:02] ENGINE Started monitor thread 'Autoreloader'.
    INFO:cherrypy.error:[16/Sep/2021:14:21:02] ENGINE Started monitor thread 'SSDP_NOTIFY_THREAD'.
    INFO:cherrypy.error:[16/Sep/2021:14:21:02] ENGINE Bus STARTED
    INFO:main:Server current run on port: 1068
    INFO:cherrypy.error:[16/Sep/2021:14:21:02] ENGINE Bus STOPPING
    INFO:cherrypy.error:[16/Sep/2021:14:21:02] ENGINE HTTP Server cherrypy._cpwsgi_server.CPWSGIServer(('', 1068)) shut down
    INFO:cherrypy.error:[16/Sep/2021:14:21:02] ENGINE Stopped thread 'Autoreloader'.
    INFO:MPVRenderer:stoping mpv and mpv ipc
    ERROR:MPVRenderer:sendCommand: [Errno 107] Transport endpoint is not connected
    INFO:MPVRenderer:mpv stopped
    ERROR:MPVRenderer:mpv ipc socket start connect
    ERROR:MPVRenderer:mpv ipc socket reconnecting: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
    INFO:cherrypy.error:[16/Sep/2021:14:21:02] ENGINE Stopped thread 'SSDP_NOTIFY_THREAD'.
    INFO:cherrypy.error:[16/Sep/2021:14:21:02] ENGINE Bus STOPPED
    INFO:cherrypy.error:[16/Sep/2021:14:21:02] ENGINE Bus EXITING
    INFO:cherrypy.error:[16/Sep/2021:14:21:02] ENGINE Bus EXITED
    INFO:cherrypy.error:[16/Sep/2021:14:21:02] ENGINE Waiting for child threads to terminate...
    INFO:cherrypy.error:[16/Sep/2021:14:21:02] ENGINE Waiting for thread Thread-18.
    INFO:main:Service stopped
    opened by francois072 8
  • [BUG] 和emby配合无法控制

    [BUG] 和emby配合无法控制


    • System: (Ubuntu)
    • System version: (21.04)
    • Processor architecture: (amd64)
    • APP version: (0.6.1 deb包)

    Bug recurrence


    Additional information

    点击播放后,不会自动出现控制菜单,需要手动, 手动进入控制后,音量,停止可用,进度控制无效, 暂停可用但是无法恢复,暂停后再点暂停按钮会断开,需要重连


    error看到有两行, 全部日志

    ERROR:MPVRenderer:decode error 'reason'
    ERROR:MPVRenderer:decode error ['{"event":"tracks-changed"}', '{"event":"end-file"}']
    opened by ghostry 8
  • [BUG] 腾讯视频无法搜索到

    [BUG] 腾讯视频无法搜索到


    • System: macOS 11
    • System version: 11.5.2
    • Processor architecture: arm
    • APP version: v0.5

    Bug recurrence


    Additional information

    ios15,腾讯视频,iPhone11, 不知道是腾讯限制还是什么问题,腾讯视频一直无法搜索到。在爱奇艺和b站都是正常的。 补充下:在mac mini m1上使用作者的方法编译的程序


    opened by shelken 8
  • Add Singleton support

    Add Singleton support

    #103 I have made a quick and dirty way to check if an instance of the program is already running, by using the singleton module included in tendo. It will create a dummy file in the default local temp folder (platform dependant) and check if the file existed. If the file exists, it will raise an error and quit the program.


    1. Add a toggle option in the context menu. Currently, it needs to be changed in the macast_setting.json file. I don't quite understand how the context menu works. :(
    2. A more elegant way to handle the program entry point.
    opened by happytommyl 7
  • [NEW FEATURE] Is that possible to support AppleTV

    [NEW FEATURE] Is that possible to support AppleTV

    A Huge demand to run on apple tv as lots of local app only stream throught DLNA. It makes appletv fully powerful and helps a lot! Thanks for any kind of reply or instruction!

    opened by Ahwinds 3
  • [NEW FEATURE] Can it support system proxy

    [NEW FEATURE] Can it support system proxy

    New feature

    Can it support system proxy

    Additional context

    (Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.) Because of the network, I can't install the plug-in using the web console, but I have the clash system agent, can it support the system agent?

    opened by tsvico 1
  • [Tutorial] Macast as headless DLNA renderer

    [Tutorial] Macast as headless DLNA renderer


    I was looking for a project like macast for quite some time, my priorities were not having to run a window manager on my headless living room server and being able to remotely cast video files on my TV.

    My setup is a arch-linux server with a TV via HDMI and 5.1 analog sound system via pulseaudio, I use Jellyfin to cast my videos.


    • A user called 'macast', which will be used to run Macast
    • A Xserver (I use xorg-server and xorg-apps packages)
    • Systemd


    We will need to create and edit a few files by hand(I might create a AUR repository later):


    Description=Macast-gui (X11)
    After=remote-fs.target systemd-user-sessions.service network-online.target nss-lookup.target sound.target bluetooth.target polkit.service upower.service mysqld.service lircd.service
    Wants=network-online.target polkit.service upower.service
    [email protected]
    ExecStart=/usr/bin/xinit /usr/bin/macast-gui
    ExecStop=/usr/bin/killall --user macast --exact --wait macast-gui.bin

    Note the User=macast and Group=macast as well as the ExecStop --user macast switch, if you want to use a different user, make your changes here

    run systemctl daemon-reload && systemctl start macast && systemctl stop macast

    This will create the macast_setting.json in /home/macast/.config/Macast/

    Next edit that file and make sure the following settings are set as follows: /home/macast/.config/Macast/macast_setting.json

    "PlayerPosition": 4,

    This will run mpv/macast in the center as fullscreen, you can find compatible settings here: https://github.com/xfangfang/Macast/blob/937891b99f25f12ed788c98f988b1ce530c77e4e/macast_renderer/mpv.py#L482-L506


    Now run macast: systemctl start macast and optionally run macast on boot: systemctl enable macast

    opened by bogie 4
  • Any Desire to Support Audio Files?

    Any Desire to Support Audio Files?

    New feature

    There doesn't appear to be a UPnP/DLNA renderer that runs on Apple Silicon that supports playback of audio files, particularly those I'm most interested in, high resolution files. (These would be PCM and DSD files in formats such as WAV, FLAC, AIFF, ALAC, DSF, etc.) Macast runs beautifully on my M1 MacBook but doesn't recognize these audio file formats.

    Additional context

    This is purely a selfish request since I'm interested in streaming audio to an M1 Mac via UPnP/DLNA/OpenHome and macast at least currently seems to be the only renderer that works on Apple Silicon. Its small resource footprint and unobtrusiveness are attractive as well - I always like something that Just Works.

    Since working with such file formats isn't something macast does now and I haven't seen a big demand from anyone except me, I would of course understand if it's not something you'd prefer to take on, But I thought I would raise the issue in case it's something you might be interested in doing.

    opened by judmarc 3
  • [NEW FEATURE] Whether the video can be output through the RaspberryPi hdmi interface

    [NEW FEATURE] Whether the video can be output through the RaspberryPi hdmi interface

    New feature

    I have a RaspberryPi4. Want to use output video from hdmi interface.

    Additional context

    Because my RPi4 haven't gui. It's a docker server.

    opened by Crazy-Young 2
  • [Question] Can not project

    [Question] Can not project


    • System version: (eg:11.4)
    • Processor architecture: (eg:X86)
    • APP version: (eg: v0.2)


    Can not project from ipad or iphone after upgrade them to newest version (os 16). Press the project button but it cant find the Macast. I tried many times, dont know whats going on with it. Hope you notice this issue. Much appreciate.

    good first issue question 
    opened by TChandler7 2
Bling's Object detection tool

BriVL for Building Applications This repo is used for illustrating how to build applications by using BriVL model. This repo is re-implemented from fo

chuhaojin 47 Nov 01, 2022
HDR Video Reconstruction: A Coarse-to-fine Network and A Real-world Benchmark Dataset (ICCV 2021)

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CoCosNet Pytorch Implementation of the paper "Cross-domain Correspondence Learning for Exemplar-based Image Translation" (CVPR 2020 oral). Update: 202

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Code for Active Learning at The ImageNet Scale.

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This is the code repository for the paper "Identification of the Generalized Condorcet Winner in Multi-dueling Bandits" (NeurIPS 2021).

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PyTorch 1.0 inference in C++ on Windows10 platforms

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This is the official implement of paper "ActionCLIP: A New Paradigm for Action Recognition"

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268 Jan 09, 2023
No-reference Image Quality Assessment(NIQA) Algorithms (BRISQUE, NIQE, PIQE, RankIQA, MetaIQA)

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paper: Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Image Classification Using Deep Convolutional Capsule Network

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Codebase for BMVC 2021 paper "Text Based Person Search with Limited Data"

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Software & Hardware to do multi color printing with Sharpies

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Implementation for Stankevičiūtė et al. "Conformal time-series forecasting", NeurIPS 2021.

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Python implementation of MULTIseq barcode alignment using fuzzy string matching and GMM barcode assignment

Python implementation of MULTIseq barcode alignment using fuzzy string matching and GMM barcode assignment.

MT Schmitz 2 Feb 11, 2022
We have made you a wrapper you can't refuse

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A framework for analyzing computer vision models with simulated data

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POCO: Point Convolution for Surface Reconstruction

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