NCNN implementation of Real-ESRGAN. Real-ESRGAN aims at developing Practical Algorithms for General Image Restoration.


Real-ESRGAN ncnn Vulkan

CI License: MIT Open issue Closed issue

This project is the ncnn implementation of Real-ESRGAN. Real-ESRGAN ncnn Vulkan heavily borrows from realsr-ncnn-vulkan. Many thanks to nihui, ncnn and realsr-ncnn-vulkan 😁

Real-ESRGAN aims at developing Practical Algorithms for General Image Restoration. We also optimize it for anime images.


If Real-ESRGAN is helpful in your photos/projects, please help to this repo or recommend it to your friends. Thanks 😊
Other recommended projects:
▶️ Real-ESRGAN: A practical algorithm for general image restoration
▶️ GFPGAN: A practical algorithm for real-world face restoration
▶️ BasicSR: An open-source image and video restoration toolbox
▶️ facexlib: A collection that provides useful face-relation functions.
▶️ HandyView: A PyQt5-based image viewer that is handy for view and comparison.

📖 Real-ESRGAN: Training Real-World Blind Super-Resolution with Pure Synthetic Data

[Paper]   [Project Page]   [Demo]
Xintao Wang, Liangbin Xie, Chao Dong, Ying Shan
Tencent ARC Lab; Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences


  • Support further cheap arbitrary resize (e.g., bicubic, bilinear) for the model outputs
  • Bug: Some PCs will output black images
  • Add the guidance for ncnn model conversion
  • Support face restoration - GFPGAN

💻 Usages

Example Command

realesrgan-ncnn-vulkan.exe -i input.jpg -o output.png -n realesrgan-x4plus-anime

Full Usages

Usage: realesrgan-ncnn-vulkan.exe -i infile -o outfile [options]...

  -h                   show this help
  -v                   verbose output
  -i input-path        input image path (jpg/png/webp) or directory
  -o output-path       output image path (jpg/png/webp) or directory
  -s scale             upscale ratio (4, default=4)
  -t tile-size         tile size (>=32/0=auto, default=0) can be 0,0,0 for multi-gpu
  -m model-path        folder path to pre-trained models(default=models)
  -n model-name        model name (default=realesrgan-x4plus, can be realesrgan-x4plus | realesrgan-x4plus-anime | realesrnet-x4plus)
  -g gpu-id            gpu device to use (default=0) can be 0,1,2 for multi-gpu
  -j load:proc:save    thread count for load/proc/save (default=1:2:2) can be 1:2,2,2:2 for multi-gpu
  -x                   enable tta mode
  -f format            output image format (jpg/png/webp, default=ext/png)
  • input-path and output-path accept either file path or directory path
  • scale = scale level, 4 = upscale 4x
  • tile-size = tile size, use smaller value to reduce GPU memory usage, default selects automatically
  • load:proc:save = thread count for the three stages (image decoding + model upscaling + image encoding), using larger values may increase GPU usage and consume more GPU memory. You can tune this configuration with "4:4:4" for many small-size images, and "2:2:2" for large-size images. The default setting usually works fine for most situations. If you find that your GPU is hungry, try increasing thread count to achieve faster processing.
  • format = the format of the image to be output, png is better supported, however webp generally yields smaller file sizes, both are losslessly encoded

If you encounter crash or error, try to upgrade your GPU driver

🌏 Other Open-Source Code Used

📜 BibTeX

    author    = {Xintao Wang and Liangbin Xie and Chao Dong and Ying Shan},
    title     = {Real-ESRGAN: Training Real-World Blind Super-Resolution with Pure Synthetic Data},
    booktitle = {International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops (ICCVW)},
    date      = {2021}

📧 Contact

If you have any question, please email [email protected] or [email protected].

  • problem running on aws

    problem running on aws

    I downloaded the ubuntu zip on a g3s.xlarge and the result is a black image. Is the zip missing files?

    ./realesrgan-ncnn-vulkan-v0.2.0-ubuntu/realesrgan-ncnn-vulkan -i input.jpg -o out/output.jpg -n realesrgan-x4plus -s 4 
    [0 Tesla M60]  queueC=0[16]  queueG=0[16]  queueT=1[2]
    [0 Tesla M60]  bugsbn1=0  bugbilz=0  bugcopc=0  bugihfa=0
    [0 Tesla M60]  fp16-p/s/a=1/1/0  int8-p/s/a=1/1/1
    [0 Tesla M60]  subgroup=32  basic=1  vote=1  ballot=1  shuffle=1
    [1 llvmpipe (LLVM 12.0.0, 256 bits)]  queueC=0[1]  queueG=0[1]  queueT=0[1]
    [1 llvmpipe (LLVM 12.0.0, 256 bits)]  bugsbn1=0  bugbilz=0  bugcopc=0  bugihfa=0
    [1 llvmpipe (LLVM 12.0.0, 256 bits)]  fp16-p/s/a=1/1/0  int8-p/s/a=1/1/0
    [1 llvmpipe (LLVM 12.0.0, 256 bits)]  subgroup=8  basic=1  vote=1  ballot=1  shuffle=0
    fopen /home/ubuntu/realesrgan-ncnn-vulkan-v0.2.0-ubuntu/models/realesrgan-x4plus.param failed
    fopen /home/ubuntu/realesrgan-ncnn-vulkan-v0.2.0-ubuntu/models/realesrgan-x4plus.bin failed
    find_blob_index_by_name data failed
    find_blob_index_by_name output failed
    find_blob_index_by_name data failed
    find_blob_index_by_name output failed
    find_blob_index_by_name data failed
    find_blob_index_by_name output failed
    find_blob_index_by_name data failed
    find_blob_index_by_name output failed
    find_blob_index_by_name data failed
    find_blob_index_by_name output failed
    find_blob_index_by_name data failed
    find_blob_index_by_name output failed
    find_blob_index_by_name data failed
    find_blob_index_by_name output failed
    find_blob_index_by_name data failed
    find_blob_index_by_name output failed
    find_blob_index_by_name data failed
    find_blob_index_by_name output failed
    find_blob_index_by_name data failed
    find_blob_index_by_name output failed
    find_blob_index_by_name data failed
    find_blob_index_by_name output failed
    find_blob_index_by_name data failed
    find_blob_index_by_name output failed
    find_blob_index_by_name data failed
    find_blob_index_by_name output failed
    find_blob_index_by_name data failed
    find_blob_index_by_name output failed
    find_blob_index_by_name data failed
    find_blob_index_by_name output failed
    find_blob_index_by_name data failed
    find_blob_index_by_name output failed
    find_blob_index_by_name data failed
    find_blob_index_by_name output failed
    find_blob_index_by_name data failed
    find_blob_index_by_name output failed
    find_blob_index_by_name data failed
    find_blob_index_by_name output failed
    find_blob_index_by_name data failed
    find_blob_index_by_name output failed
    find_blob_index_by_name data failed
    find_blob_index_by_name output failed
    find_blob_index_by_name data failed
    find_blob_index_by_name output failed
    find_blob_index_by_name data failed
    find_blob_index_by_name output failed
    find_blob_index_by_name data failed
    find_blob_index_by_name output failed
    opened by kmulvey 2
  • How do I switch from integrated gpu to nvedia gpu

    How do I switch from integrated gpu to nvedia gpu

    [0 Intel(R) UHD Graphics 630] queueC=0[1] queueG=0[1] queueT=0[1] [0 Intel(R) UHD Graphics 630] bugsbn1=0 bugbilz=3 bugcopc=0 bugihfa=0 [0 Intel(R) UHD Graphics 630] fp16-p/s/a=1/1/1 int8-p/s/a=1/1/1 [0 Intel(R) UHD Graphics 630] subgroup=32 basic=1 vote=1 ballot=1 shuffle=1

    When upscaling images it only uses integrated gpu I want to use my gtx 1650 how do I switch this?

    opened by csAshish 0
  • in directory mode, option to skip if destination already exist

    in directory mode, option to skip if destination already exist

    if you stop the upscaler while processing a directory and you have to restart it, it will start from the beginning and overwrite existing files

    overwriting in file mode is fine but should be an option for direcotry mode ... so I propose a flag to disable overwrite and skip if exist

    opened by 6543 0
  • models: consider adding into README how to get them.

    models: consider adding into README how to get them.


    Please consider adding to README a section how to get the pre-trained model files. Currently you'd need to extract them from the following links


    It took me a moment to figure out how to get a hold of them and I suspect many others would face similar challenge.

    opened by slashbeast 0
  • Segfault realesrnet-x4plus

    Segfault realesrnet-x4plus

    %  ./realesrgan-ncnn-vulkan -i FdLbqKcWIAAaCeY.jpeg  -o FdLbqKcWIAAaCeY.png -n realesrnet-x4plus
    zsh: segmentation fault  ./realesrgan-ncnn-vulkan -i FdLbqKcWIAAaCeY.jpeg -o FdLbqKcWIAAaCeY.png -n 
    opened by atomical 1
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