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方法名称 说明
list_boxes() 列出当前邮箱账户下有哪些邮箱目录
get_messages(folder, current_page=None, page_size=None) 分页获取指定文件夹中的邮件(如需获取全部,current_page、page_size不设置即可)
get_unread_messages(folder, unread=True, current_page=None, page_size=None) 分页获取指定文件夹中的未读邮件(如需获取全部,current_page、page_size不设置即可)
get_flagged_messages(folder, flagged=True, current_page=None, page_size=None) 分页获取指定文件夹中的星标邮件(如需获取全部,current_page、page_size不设置即可)
get_date_before_messages(folder, date_str, current_page=None, page_size=None) 分页获取指定文件夹中、指定日期之前的邮件(注意:date_str的格式必须是YYYY-mm-dd,如需获取全部,current_page、page_size不设置即可)
get_date_after_messages(folder, date_str, current_page=None, page_size=None) 分页获取指定文件夹中、指定日期之后的邮件(注意:date_str的格式必须是YYYY-mm-dd,如需获取全部,current_page、page_size不设置即可)
mark_seen_by_uids(folder, uids) 批量设置为已读,多个uid以英文逗号分隔(uid是邮件的唯一编码)
mark_unseen_by_uids(folder, uids) 批量设置为未读,多个uid以英文逗号分隔uid是邮件的唯一编码)
mark_flag_by_uids(folder, uids) 批量设为星标,多个uid以英文逗号分隔uid是邮件的唯一编码)
mark_unflag_by_uids(folder, uids) 批量去掉星标,多个uid以英文逗号分隔uid是邮件的唯一编码)
move(source_folder, uids, target_folder) 批量移动邮件,多个uid以英文逗号分隔uid是邮件的唯一编码)
delete_by_uids(folder, uids) 批量删除(移到已删除),多个uid以英文逗号分隔uid是邮件的唯一编码)
permanently_delete_by_uids(folder, uids) 批量永久删除,多个uid以英文逗号分隔uid是邮件的唯一编码)
draft(receivers, mail_subject, mail_content, cc=None, bcc=None, attachment_names=None, illustrate_names=None) 把邮件保存到草稿箱
send_mail(receivers, mail_subject, mail_content, cc=None, bcc=None, attachment_names=None, illustrate_names=None) 发送邮件





[email protected]
password=xxx # 这里填‘授权码’,不是密码!去邮箱设置里获取授权码!
attachment_path=C:\Users\lenovo\Desktop\attachments # 发送和接收的附件临时存储目录
illustrate_path=C:\Users\lenovo\Desktop\illustrates # 发送和接收的插图临时保存目录



# 若对外提供HTTP接口,则需要配置以下项,详看web_service.py
appid=123456 # 唯一校验码

# 注册中心


' # 注意插图的引用方式!且插图名称不能是中文! attachment_names='itinerary.pdf' illustrate_names='12.jpg' result = mail_helper.draft(receivers, mail_subject, mail_content, cc, bcc, attachment_names, illustrate_names) print(result) # 发送一封普通邮件 receivers='[email protected],[email protected]' mail_subject='我是标题' mail_content='我是内容' result = mail_helper.send_mail(receivers, mail_subject, mail_content) print(result) # 发送一封普通邮件,同时抄送、密送 receivers='xx[email protected],[email protected]' cc='[email protected],[email protected]' # 抄送 bcc='[email protected],[email protected]' # 密送 mail_subject='我是标题' mail_content='我是内容' result = mail_helper.send_mail(receivers, mail_subject, mail_content, cc, bcc) print(result) # 发送一封普通邮件,同时抄送、密送,并有附件和插图 receivers='[email protected],[email protected]' cc='[email protected],[email protected]' # 抄送 bcc='[email protected],[email protected]' # 密送 mail_subject='我是标题' mail_content='我是内容

' # 注意插图的引用方式!且插图名称不能是中文! attachment_names='itinerary.pdf' illustrate_names='12.jpg' result = mail_helper.send_mail(receivers, mail_subject, mail_content, cc, bcc, attachment_names, illustrate_names) print(result)">
# 测试前,请先去邮箱设置里开启imap/smtp,以及可获取的邮件数量设置为全部,并生成授权码!

import mail_helper

# 列出当前邮箱账户下有哪些邮箱目录
boxes = mail_helper.list_boxes()

# 获取收件箱中所有邮件
messages = mail_helper.get_messages('inbox')

# 分页获取已发送中的邮件
messages = mail_helper.get_messages('sent', current_page=1, page_size=5)

# 设置为已读,返回布尔值
result = mail_helper.mark_seen_by_uids('inbox', '1564,1565')

# 设置为未读,返回布尔值
result = mail_helper.mark_unseen_by_uids('inbox', '1564,1565')

# 邮件存草稿
receivers='[email protected],[email protected]'
cc='[email protected],[email protected]' # 抄送
bcc='[email protected],[email protected]' # 密送

# 注意插图的引用方式!且插图名称不能是中文! attachment_names='itinerary.pdf' illustrate_names='12.jpg' result = mail_helper.draft(receivers, mail_subject, mail_content, cc, bcc, attachment_names, illustrate_names) print(result) # 发送一封普通邮件 receivers='[email protected],[email protected]' mail_subject='我是标题' mail_content='我是内容' result = mail_helper.send_mail(receivers, mail_subject, mail_content) print(result) # 发送一封普通邮件,同时抄送、密送 receivers='[email protected],[email protected]' cc='[email protected],[email protected]' # 抄送 bcc='[email protected],[email protected]' # 密送 mail_subject='我是标题' mail_content='我是内容' result = mail_helper.send_mail(receivers, mail_subject, mail_content, cc, bcc) print(result) # 发送一封普通邮件,同时抄送、密送,并有附件和插图 receivers='[email protected],[email protected]' cc='[email protected],[email protected]' # 抄送 bcc='[email protected],[email protected]' # 密送 mail_subject='我是标题' mail_content='我是内容

# 注意插图的引用方式!且插图名称不能是中文! attachment_names='itinerary.pdf' illustrate_names='12.jpg' result = mail_helper.send_mail(receivers, mail_subject, mail_content, cc, bcc, attachment_names, illustrate_names) print(result)










Copyright [2022] [xlvchao]

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
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