Uncertainty Estimation via Response Scaling for Pseudo-mask Noise Mitigation in Weakly-supervised Semantic Segmentation

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Uncertainty Estimation via Response Scaling for Pseudo-mask Noise Mitigation in Weakly-supervised Semantic Segmentation


This is a PyTorch implementation of Uncertainty Estimation via Response Scaling for Pseudo-mask Noise Mitigation in Weakly-supervised Semantic Segmentation (AAAI2022), based on mmsegmentation. Please refer the classification phase to PMM and refer the segmentation phase to WSSS_MMSeg.

In this papper, we mitigate the noise of pseudo-mask in segmentation phase via uncertainty from response scaling which simulates the behavior of noise. This technique is applicable to all weakly-supervised semantic segmentation methods based on fully-supervised semantic segmentation.

Uncertainty visualization uncertainty visualization

Framework visualization framework visualization


(Extract code of BaiduYun: mtci)

Datasets and pretrained weights

VOC12 OneDrive, BaiduYun; COCO14 BaiduYun; Pretrained weights OneDrive, BaiduYun

Pseduo-masks from classification phase

Pseudo-masks (if you want to skip cls phase), VOC12 OneDrive, COCO14 BaiduYun

Intermediate segmentation weights for uncertainty and cyclic pseudo-mask

Intermediate weights (if you want to skip first segmentation), BaiduYun

Released segmentation weights for test and visualization

Released weights, BaiduYun

Once downloaded, execute the following commands to link the datasets and weights.

git clone https://github.com/XMed-Lab/URN.git
cd URN
mkdir data
cd  data
ln -s [path to model files] models
ln -s [path to voc12] voc12
ln -s [path to coco2014] coco2014
ln -s [path to your voc pseudo-mask] voc12/VOC2012/ppmg
ln -s [path to your coco pseudo-mask] coco2014/voc_format/ppmg

Run the code

(If you don't run on server cluster based on srun, please modify the scripts "tools/dist_*.sh" refer to given scripts "tools/srun_*.sh")

cd URN
pip install mmcv==1.1.5
pip install -e .

(If you meet installation problems, please refer to mmsegmentation)

Train segmentation for the first time (you can skip it by intermediate weights)
cd URN
bash tools/slurm_train.sh [cluster partition] python configs/pspnet_wsss/pspnet_res2net_20k_voc12aug_pus.py work_dirs/voc12_r2n_pus 8
Uncertainty estimation and generate cyclic pseudo-mask
bash tools/slurm_test.sh [cluster partition] python configs/pspnet_wsss/pspnet_res2net_20k_voc12aug_uncertainty.py [intermediate weights] 8
Train segmentation with reweight strategy
bash tools/slurm_train.sh [cluster partition] python configs/pspnet_wsss/pspnet_res2net_20k_voc12aug_urn.py work_dirs/voc12_r2n_urn 8
  1. We provide other backbones, including ResNet101, ScaleNet101, Wide-ResNet38
  2. Configs of COCO14 are provided in "configs/pspnet_wsss"
  3. It's suggested to use multiple cluster nodes to accelerate the genetation of pseudo-mask when use "tools/slurm_test.sh"
  4. Run "tools/run_pmm.sh" to get baselines of PMM


Please refer to: LICENSE.

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