GCNet: Non-local Networks Meet Squeeze-Excitation Networks and Beyond


GCNet for Object Detection


By Yue Cao, Jiarui Xu, Stephen Lin, Fangyun Wei, Han Hu.

This repo is a official implementation of "GCNet: Non-local Networks Meet Squeeze-Excitation Networks and Beyond" on COCO object detection based on open-mmlab's mmdetection. The core operator GC block could be find here. Many thanks to mmdetection for their simple and clean framework.

Update on 2020/12/07

The extension of GCNet got accepted by TPAMI (PDF).

Update on 2019/10/28

GCNet won the Best Paper Award at ICCV 2019 Neural Architects Workshop!

Update on 2019/07/01

The code is refactored. More results are provided and all configs could be found in configs/gcnet.

Notes: Both PyTorch official SyncBN and Apex SyncBN have some stability issues. During training, mAP may drops to zero and back to normal during last few epochs.

Update on 2019/06/03

GCNet is supported by the official mmdetection repo here. Thanks again for open-mmlab's work on open source projects.


GCNet is initially described in arxiv. Via absorbing advantages of Non-Local Networks (NLNet) and Squeeze-Excitation Networks (SENet), GCNet provides a simple, fast and effective approach for global context modeling, which generally outperforms both NLNet and SENet on major benchmarks for various recognition tasks.

Citing GCNet

  title={GCNet: Non-local Networks Meet Squeeze-Excitation Networks and Beyond},
  author={Cao, Yue and Xu, Jiarui and Lin, Stephen and Wei, Fangyun and Hu, Han},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1904.11492},

Main Results

Results on R50-FPN with backbone (fixBN)

Back-bone Model Back-bone Norm Heads Context Lr schd Mem (GB) Train time (s/iter) Inf time (fps) box AP mask AP Download
R50-FPN Mask fixBN 2fc (w/o BN) - 1x 3.9 0.453 10.6 37.3 34.2 model
R50-FPN Mask fixBN 2fc (w/o BN) GC(c3-c5, r16) 1x 4.5 0.533 10.1 38.5 35.1 model
R50-FPN Mask fixBN 2fc (w/o BN) GC(c3-c5, r4) 1x 4.6 0.533 9.9 38.9 35.5 model
R50-FPN Mask fixBN 2fc (w/o BN) - 2x - - - 38.2 34.9 model
R50-FPN Mask fixBN 2fc (w/o BN) GC(c3-c5, r16) 2x - - - 39.7 36.1 model
R50-FPN Mask fixBN 2fc (w/o BN) GC(c3-c5, r4) 2x - - - 40.0 36.2 model

Results on R50-FPN with backbone (syncBN)

Back-bone Model Back-bone Norm Heads Context Lr schd Mem (GB) Train time (s/iter) Inf time (fps) box AP mask AP Download
R50-FPN Mask SyncBN 2fc (w/o BN) - 1x 3.9 0.543 10.2 37.2 33.8 model
R50-FPN Mask SyncBN 2fc (w/o BN) GC(c3-c5, r16) 1x 4.5 0.547 9.9 39.4 35.7 model
R50-FPN Mask SyncBN 2fc (w/o BN) GC(c3-c5, r4) 1x 4.6 0.603 9.4 39.9 36.2 model
R50-FPN Mask SyncBN 2fc (w/o BN) - 2x 3.9 0.543 10.2 37.7 34.3 model
R50-FPN Mask SyncBN 2fc (w/o BN) GC(c3-c5, r16) 2x 4.5 0.547 9.9 39.7 36.0 model
R50-FPN Mask SyncBN 2fc (w/o BN) GC(c3-c5, r4) 2x 4.6 0.603 9.4 40.2 36.3 model
R50-FPN Mask SyncBN 4conv1fc (SyncBN) - 1x - - - 38.8 34.6 model
R50-FPN Mask SyncBN 4conv1fc (SyncBN) GC(c3-c5, r16) 1x - - - 41.0 36.5 model
R50-FPN Mask SyncBN 4conv1fc (SyncBN) GC(c3-c5, r4) 1x - - - 41.4 37.0 model

Results on stronger backbones

Back-bone Model Back-bone Norm Heads Context Lr schd Mem (GB) Train time (s/iter) Inf time (fps) box AP mask AP Download
R101-FPN Mask fixBN 2fc (w/o BN) - 1x 5.8 0.571 9.5 39.4 35.9 model
R101-FPN Mask fixBN 2fc (w/o BN) GC(c3-c5, r16) 1x 7.0 0.731 8.6 40.8 37.0 model
R101-FPN Mask fixBN 2fc (w/o BN) GC(c3-c5, r4) 1x 7.1 0.747 8.6 40.8 36.9 model
R101-FPN Mask SyncBN 2fc (w/o BN) - 1x 5.8 0.665 9.2 39.8 36.0 model
R101-FPN Mask SyncBN 2fc (w/o BN) GC(c3-c5, r16) 1x 7.0 0.778 9.0 41.1 37.4 model
R101-FPN Mask SyncBN 2fc (w/o BN) GC(c3-c5, r4) 1x 7.1 0.786 8.9 41.7 37.6 model
X101-FPN Mask SyncBN 2fc (w/o BN) - 1x 7.1 0.912 8.5 41.2 37.3 model
X101-FPN Mask SyncBN 2fc (w/o BN) GC(c3-c5, r16) 1x 8.2 1.055 7.7 42.4 38.0 model
X101-FPN Mask SyncBN 2fc (w/o BN) GC(c3-c5, r4) 1x 8.3 1.037 7.6 42.9 38.5 model
X101-FPN Cascade Mask SyncBN 2fc (w/o BN) - 1x - - - 44.7 38.3 model
X101-FPN Cascade Mask SyncBN 2fc (w/o BN) GC(c3-c5, r16) 1x - - - 45.9 39.3 model
X101-FPN Cascade Mask SyncBN 2fc (w/o BN) GC(c3-c5, r4) 1x - - - 46.5 39.7 model
X101-FPN DCN Cascade Mask SyncBN 2fc (w/o BN) - 1x - - - 47.1 40.4 model
X101-FPN DCN Cascade Mask SyncBN 2fc (w/o BN) GC(c3-c5, r16) 1x - - - 47.9 40.9 model
X101-FPN DCN Cascade Mask SyncBN 2fc (w/o BN) GC(c3-c5, r4) 1x - - - 47.9 40.8 model


  • GC denotes Global Context (GC) block is inserted after 1x1 conv of backbone.
  • DCN denotes replace 3x3 conv with 3x3 Deformable Convolution in c3-c5 stages of backbone.
  • r4 and r16 denote ratio 4 and ratio 16 in GC block respectively.
  • Some of models are trained on 4 GPUs with 4 images on each GPU.


  • Linux(tested on Ubuntu 16.04)
  • Python 3.6+
  • PyTorch 1.1.0
  • Cython
  • apex (Sync BN)


a. Install PyTorch 1.1 and torchvision following the official instructions.

b. Install latest apex with CUDA and C++ extensions following this instructions. The Sync BN implemented by apex is required.

c. Clone the GCNet repository.

 git clone https://github.com/xvjiarui/GCNet.git 

d. Compile cuda extensions.

cd GCNet
pip install cython  # or "conda install cython" if you prefer conda
./compile.sh  # or "PYTHON=python3 ./compile.sh" if you use system python3 without virtual environments

e. Install GCNet version mmdetection (other dependencies will be installed automatically).

python(3) setup.py install  # add --user if you want to install it locally
# or "pip install ."

Note: You need to run the last step each time you pull updates from github. Or you can run python(3) setup.py develop or pip install -e . to install mmdetection if you want to make modifications to it frequently.

Please refer to mmdetection install instruction for more details.



  • 8 NVIDIA Tesla V100 GPUs
  • Intel Xeon 4114 CPU @ 2.20GHz

Software environment

  • Python 3.6.7
  • PyTorch 1.1.0
  • CUDA 9.0
  • CUDNN 7.0
  • NCCL 2.3.5



As in original mmdetection, distributed training is recommended for either single machine or multiple machines.

./tools/dist_train.sh <CONFIG_FILE> <GPU_NUM> [optional arguments]

Supported arguments are:

  • --validate: perform evaluation every k (default=1) epochs during the training.
  • --work_dir <WORK_DIR>: if specified, the path in config file will be replaced.


To evaluate trained models, output file is required.

python tools/test.py <CONFIG_FILE> <MODEL_PATH> [optional arguments]

Supported arguments are:

  • --gpus: number of GPU used for evaluation
  • --out: output file name, usually ends wiht .pkl
  • --eval: type of evaluation need, for mask-rcnn, bbox segm would evaluate both bounding box and mask AP.
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