LanguageCreator - Simple library for easy creation transpilator.


LanguageCreator - Simple library for easy creation transpilator.

Create transpilators in one hour!


Download code, rename folder to "LanguageCreator", move it to "$Python\Lib", Done!


Simple library for easy creation transpilator on Python.
In this library prepared 90% functions of transpilator.


5 + 5;
10 + 10;

from LanguageCreator.langcreator.allobjs import *

exceptions = Exceptions([], {'TestUndefinedError': 'TestUndefinedError', 'TestSyntaxError': 'TestSyntaxError', 'TestExc': 'TestExc'})
exceptions.setscheme('Exception $type, $msg;')

kwds = Keywords(sem=Keyword(';')).get()

class TestLang:
    def __init__(self, file):
        self.parser = FileParser(file)

    def run(self):
        lines = self.parser.getlines('', True)

        for line in lines:
            if not line.endswith(str(kwds['sem'])):
                exceptions.throwscheme(exceptions.getexc('TestSyntaxError'), 'string must end on semicolon', True)

        for line in lines:
            _line = Code(StringParser(line).cutend(-1))
            res = _line.execute(True, True)

            if type(res) is tuple and len(res) == 2:
                exceptions.throwscheme(exceptions.getexc('TestExc'), res[1], True)

file = CMDArgs()
runtime = TestLang(file.getarg(0))

To cmd. python



Yeap, this code doesn't clean, and better not to use, but it's works... In real projects i never do this.
So, how you see, we maked this repository in 1 minute.
This code (not library) have many bugs, and this is very raw code.

Documentation info.

You can inspect this library via "docs" folder.
Open interest to you parts of library, and look source code, whats do this function, how use it, when will be error, look all that can this library.
You can see mini-doc of function in your IDE too.


Author Ivan Perzhinsky.
Version 1,0.
License MIT License.


Thank you for reading, have a good day, bye!


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