A curated list of awesome resources combining Transformers with Neural Architecture Search


Awesome Transformer Architecture Search: Awesome

To keep track of the large number of recent papers that look at the intersection of Transformers and Neural Architecture Search (NAS), we have created this awesome list of curated papers and resources, inspired by awesome-autodl, awesome-architecture-search, and awesome-computer-vision. Papers are divided into the following categories:

  1. General Transformer search
  2. Domain Specific, applied Transformer search (divided into NLP, Vision, ASR)
  3. Insights on Transformer components or searchable parameters
  4. Transformer Surveys

This repository is maintained by the AutoML Group Freiburg. Please feel free to pull requests or open an issue to add papers.

General Transformer Search

Title Venue Group
UniNet: Unified Architecture Search with Convolutions, Transformer and MLP arxiv [Oct'21] SenseTime
Analyzing and Mitigating Interference in Neural Architecture Search arxiv [Aug'21] Tsinghua, MSR
BossNAS: Exploring Hybrid CNN-transformers with Block-wisely Self-supervised Neural Architecture Search ICCV'21 Sun Yat-sen University
Memory-Efficient Differentiable Transformer Architecture Search ACL-IJCNLP'21 MSR, Peking University
Finding Fast Transformers: One-Shot Neural Architecture Search by Component Composition arxiv [Aug'20] Google Research
AutoTrans: Automating Transformer Design via Reinforced Architecture Search arxiv [Sep'20] Fudan University
NAT: Neural Architecture Transformer for Accurate and Compact Architectures NeurIPS'19 Tencent AI
The Evolved Transformer ICML'19 Google Brain

Domain Specific Transformer Search


Title Venue Group
AutoFormer: Searching Transformers for Visual Recognition ICCV'21 MSR
GLiT: Neural Architecture Search for Global and Local Image Transformer ICCV'21 University of Sydney
Searching for Efficient Multi-Stage Vision Transformers ICCV'21 workshop MIT
HR-NAS: Searching Efficient High-Resolution Neural Architectures with Lightweight Transformers CVPR'21 Bytedance Inc.
Vision Transformer Architecture Search arxiv [June'21] SenseTime, Tsingua University

Natural Language Processing

Title Venue Group
AutoTinyBERT: Automatic Hyper-parameter Optimization for Efficient Pre-trained Language Models ACL'21 MIT
NAS-BERT: Task-Agnostic and Adaptive-Size BERT Compression with Neural Architecture Search KDD'21 MSR, Tsinghua University
AutoBERT-Zero: Evolving the BERT backbone from scratch arxiv [July'21] Huawei Noah’s Ark Lab
HAT: Hardware-Aware Transformers for Efficient Natural Language Processing ACL'20 MIT

Automatic Speech Recognition

Title Venue Group
LightSpeech: Lightweight and Fast Text to Speech with Neural Architecture Search ICASSP'21 MSR
Darts-Conformer: Towards Efficient Gradient-Based Neural Architecture Search For End-to-End ASR arxiv [Aug'21] NPU, Xi'an
Improved Conformer-based End-to-End Speech Recognition Using Neural Architecture Search arxiv [April'21] Chinese Academy of Sciences
Evolved Speech-Transformer: Applying Neural Architecture Search to End-to-End Automatic Speech Recognition INTERSPEECH'20 VUNO Inc.

Insights on Transformer components and interesting papers

Title Venue Group
Patches are All You Need ? ICLR'22 under review -
Swin Transformer: Hierarchical Vision Transformer using Shifted Windows ICCV'21 best paper MSR
Rethinking Spatial Dimensions of Vision Transformers ICCV'21 NAVER AI
What makes for hierarchical vision transformers arxiv [Sept'21] HUST
AutoAttend: Automated Attention Representation Search ICML'21 Tsinghua University
Rethinking Attention with Performers ICLR'21 Oral Google
LambdaNetworks: Modeling long-range Interactions without Attention ICLR'21 Google Research
HyperGrid Transformers ICLR'21 Google Research
LocalViT: Bringing Locality to Vision Transformers arxiv [April'21] ETH Zurich
NASABN: A Neural Architecture Search Framework for Attention-Based Networks IJCNN'20 Chinese Academy of Sciences
Analyzing Multi-Head Self-Attention: Specialized Heads Do the Heavy Lifting, the Rest Can Be Pruned ACL'19 Yandex

Transformer Surveys

Title Venue Group
Transformers in Vision: A Survey arxiv [Oct'21] MBZ University of AI
Efficient Transformers: A Survey arxiv [Sept'21] Google Research

Misc resources

Yash Mehta
Researcher, deep learning 🍁 Previously @GatsbyUCL, @NTUsingapore, @AmazonSDE
Yash Mehta
[Preprint] "Chasing Sparsity in Vision Transformers: An End-to-End Exploration" by Tianlong Chen, Yu Cheng, Zhe Gan, Lu Yuan, Lei Zhang, Zhangyang Wang

Chasing Sparsity in Vision Transformers: An End-to-End Exploration Codes for [Preprint] Chasing Sparsity in Vision Transformers: An End-to-End Explora

VITA 64 Dec 08, 2022
Distributed Arcface Training in Pytorch

Distributed Arcface Training in Pytorch

3 Nov 23, 2021
Turning SymPy expressions into PyTorch modules.

sympytorch A micro-library as a convenience for turning SymPy expressions into PyTorch Modules. All SymPy floats become trainable parameters. All SymP

Patrick Kidger 89 Dec 13, 2022
Code for CVPR 2018 paper --- Texture Mapping for 3D Reconstruction with RGB-D Sensor

G2LTex This repository contains the implementation of "Texture Mapping for 3D Reconstruction with RGB-D Sensor (CVPR2018)" based on mvs-texturing. Due

Fu Yanping(付燕平) 129 Dec 30, 2022
(AAAI2020)Grapy-ML: Graph Pyramid Mutual Learning for Cross-dataset Human Parsing

Grapy-ML: Graph Pyramid Mutual Learning for Cross-dataset Human Parsing This repository contains pytorch source code for AAAI2020 oral paper: Grapy-ML

54 Aug 04, 2022
Using multidimensional LSTM neural networks to create a forecast for Bitcoin price

Multidimensional LSTM BitCoin Time Series Using multidimensional LSTM neural networks to create a forecast for Bitcoin price. For notes around this co

Jakob Aungiers 318 Dec 14, 2022
This app is a simple example of using Strealit to create a financial data web app.

Streamlit Demo: Finance Chart This app is a simple example of using Streamlit to create a financial data web app. This demo use streamlit, pandas and

91 Jan 02, 2023
QueryFuzz implements a metamorphic testing approach to test Datalog engines.

Datalog is a popular query language with applications in several domains. Like any complex piece of software, Datalog engines may contain bugs. The mo

34 Sep 10, 2022
Repository for "Exploring Sparsity in Image Super-Resolution for Efficient Inference", CVPR 2021

SMSR Reposity for "Exploring Sparsity in Image Super-Resolution for Efficient Inference" [arXiv] Highlights Locate and skip redundant computation in S

Longguang Wang 225 Dec 26, 2022
Lex Rosetta: Transfer of Predictive Models Across Languages, Jurisdictions, and Legal Domains

Lex Rosetta: Transfer of Predictive Models Across Languages, Jurisdictions, and Legal Domains This is an accompanying repository to the ICAIL 2021 pap

4 Dec 16, 2021
OcclusionFusion: realtime dynamic 3D reconstruction based on single-view RGB-D

OcclusionFusion (CVPR'2022) Project Page | Paper | Video Overview This repository contains the code for the CVPR 2022 paper OcclusionFusion, where we

Wenbin Lin 193 Dec 15, 2022
Self-Supervised Contrastive Learning of Music Spectrograms

Self-Supervised Music Analysis Self-Supervised Contrastive Learning of Music Spectrograms Dataset Songs on the Billboard Year End Hot 100 were collect

27 Dec 10, 2022
Code for our paper "SimCLS: A Simple Framework for Contrastive Learning of Abstractive Summarization", ACL 2021

SimCLS Code for our paper: "SimCLS: A Simple Framework for Contrastive Learning of Abstractive Summarization", ACL 2021 1. How to Install Requirements

Yixin Liu 150 Dec 12, 2022
Robust, modular and efficient implementation of advanced Hamiltonian Monte Carlo algorithms

AdvancedHMC.jl AdvancedHMC.jl provides a robust, modular and efficient implementation of advanced HMC algorithms. An illustrative example for Advanced

The Turing Language 167 Jan 01, 2023
Deep Learning Slide Captcha

滑动验证码深度学习识别 本项目使用深度学习 YOLOV3 模型来识别滑动验证码缺口,基于 https://github.com/eriklindernoren/PyTorch-YOLOv3 修改。 只需要几百张缺口标注图片即可训练出精度高的识别模型,识别效果样例: 克隆项目 运行命令: git cl

Python3WebSpider 55 Jan 02, 2023
A library for implementing Decentralized Graph Neural Network algorithms.

decentralized-gnn A package for implementing and simulating decentralized Graph Neural Network algorithms for classification of peer-to-peer nodes. De

Multimedia Knowledge and Social Analytics Lab 5 Nov 07, 2022
Neural Articulated Radiance Field

Neural Articulated Radiance Field NARF Neural Articulated Radiance Field Atsuhiro Noguchi, Xiao Sun, Stephen Lin, Tatsuya Harada ICCV 2021 [Paper] [Co

Atsuhiro Noguchi 144 Jan 03, 2023
Official implementation of the ICCV 2021 paper: "The Power of Points for Modeling Humans in Clothing".

The Power of Points for Modeling Humans in Clothing (ICCV 2021) This repository contains the official PyTorch implementation of the ICCV 2021 paper: T

Qianli Ma 158 Nov 24, 2022
Breaking Shortcut: Exploring Fully Convolutional Cycle-Consistency for Video Correspondence Learning

Breaking Shortcut: Exploring Fully Convolutional Cycle-Consistency for Video Correspondence Learning Yansong Tang *, Zhenyu Jiang *, Zhenda Xie *, Yue

Zhenyu Jiang 12 Nov 16, 2022
A PyTorch implementation of SlowFast based on ICCV 2019 paper "SlowFast Networks for Video Recognition"

SlowFast A PyTorch implementation of SlowFast based on ICCV 2019 paper SlowFast Networks for Video Recognition. Requirements Anaconda PyTorch conda in

Hao Ren 8 Dec 23, 2022