Azure Text-to-speech service for Home Assistant



Azure Text-to-speech service for Home Assistant

The Azure text-to-speech platform uses online Azure Text-to-Speech cognitive service to read a text with natural sounding voice.

The main reason behind this custom integration is to decouple the Microsoft TTS service from the python library pycsspeechtts used by the "official" integration.

This integration uses the native Azure Cognitive Speech Service Text-to-speech REST API (I know.. it is too long for a service name).


  • Supports multi language. You can find the full list of languages here.
  • Supports SSML.

Basic Configuration

# Text to speech
  - platform: azure_tts
    service_name: azure_say
    api_key: <your_api_key>

Configuration variables

This integration accepts the same configuration variables as the out-of-the-box Microsoft TTS].

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  • init and concatenate str error

    init and concatenate str error

    Hi, i got two errors with your integration: my configuration.yaml is:

      - platform: azure_tts
        service_name: tts_microsoft_noemi_notok
        cache: false
        api_key: ####################
        language: hu-HU
        gender: Female
        #type: hu-HU-NoemiNeural
        type: NoemiNeural
        rate: 100
        volume: 100
        pitch: default
        contour: (0, 0) (100, 100)
        region: westeurope

    my automation is:

    alias: Announcement, Time (Microsoft)
    description: ''
      - platform: time_pattern
        minutes: /15
    condition: []
      - service: tts.tts_microsoft_noemi_notok
          entity_id: media_player.living_room_speaker, media_player.bedroom_speaker
          message: {{ now().hour}} óra {{ "%0.02d" | format(now().strftime("%-M") | int) }} perc
    mode: single


    Error on init TTS: No TTS from azure_tts for 'message: 20 óra 30 perc'
    8:30:51 PM – (ERROR) Text-to-Speech (TTS)
    Logger: homeassistant.components.tts
    Source: components/tts/
    Integration: Text-to-Speech (TTS) (documentation, issues)
    First occurred: 8:30:51 PM (1 occurrences)
    Last logged: 8:30:51 PM
    Error on init TTS: No TTS from azure_tts for 'message: 20 óra 30 perc'


    Error occurred for Azure TTS: can only concatenate str (not "bytes") to str
    8:30:51 PM – (ERROR) azure_tts (custom integration)
    Logger: custom_components.azure_tts.tts
    Source: custom_components/azure_tts/
    Integration: azure_tts (documentation, issues)
    First occurred: 8:30:51 PM (1 occurrences)
    Last logged: 8:30:51 PM
    Error occurred for Azure TTS: can only concatenate str (not "bytes") to str

    do you have a solution for this issue?

    also id like to change the ptch of the voice a bit deeper, and at sample site (microsoft) and in azur, its posible to change this attribute. id like to use 0.9 for pitch and 1.2 for speed

    Thanks, Zoltan

    ps: with his integration it works:

      - platform: azure_cognitive_speech
        service_name: tts_microsoft_noemi
        cache: false
        api_key: #############
        region: westeurope
        default_voice: Noemi
    opened by vzoltan 2
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