This repo is about steps to create a effective custom wordlist in a few clicks/


Custom Wordlist

This repo is about steps to take in order to create a effective custom wordlist in a few clicks. this comes handing in pentesting engagement where you need to do brute force attacks. So the main probleme is that you have 0 chance to get that valide account when you use a random wordlist that contain passwords that don't match your client password policy, Well to build this effective custom wordlist that match what ever password policy your client uses:

Create rich text file

we start with some OSINT to gather commun words used by the client such as : company name, company's services, ... then save this in a file.txt

Tamper with the wordlist

start thempering with it (add 2020 at the end, change a with @, and so on) .

for i in $(cat words.txt);do echo $i; echo ${i}2020; echo ${i}2021; echo ${i}2022;done > words2.txt 

Now use hashcat rules to temper further

hashcat --force words2.txt -r /usr/share/hashcat/rules/best64.rule -r /usr/share/hashcat/rules/toggles5.rule --stdout > wordlistfinal.txt 

you cloud also create your own rules, it's pretty fun.

Filter result

Now that you have created a custom wordlist, you need to remove all passwords that don't match your client password policy (mostly Microsoft default password complexity) for that i create this small python script which do just that for you.

./ test1.txt -c
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