Practical Single-Image Super-Resolution Using Look-Up Table

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Deep LearningSR-LUT

Practical Single-Image Super-Resolution Using Look-Up Table



  • Python 3.6
  • PyTorch
  • glob
  • numpy
  • pillow
  • tqdm
  • tensorboardx

1. Training deep SR network

  1. Move into a directory.
cd ./1_Train_deep_model
  1. Prepare DIV2K training images into ./train.
  • HR images should be placed as ./train/DIV2K_train_HR/*.png.
  • LR images should be placed as ./train/DIV2K_train_LR_bicubic/X4/*.png.
  1. Set5 HR/LR validation png images are already included in ./val, or you can use other images.

  2. You may modify user parameters in L22 in ./

  3. Run.

  1. Checkpoints will be saved in ./checkpoint/S.
  • Training log will be generated in ./log/S.

2. Transferring to LUT

  1. Move into a directory.
cd ./2_Transfer_to_LUT
  1. Modify user parameters in L9 in ./
  • Specify a saved checkpoint in the step 1, or you can use attached ./Model_S.pth.
  1. Run.
  1. The resulting LUT will be saved like ./Model_S_x4_4bit_int8.npy.

3. Testing using LUT

  1. Move into a directory.
cd ./3_Test_using_LUT
  1. Modify user parameters in L17 in ./
  • Specify the generated LUT in the step 2, or use attached LUTs (npy files).
  1. Set5 HR/LR test images are already included in ./test, or you can use other images.

  2. Run.

python      # Ours-S
python      # Ours-F
python      # Ours-V
  1. Resulting images will be saved in ./output_S_x4_4bit/*.png.

  2. We can reproduce the results of Table 6 in the paper, by modifying the variable SAMPLING_INTERVAL in L19 in to range 3-8.

4. Testing on a smartphone

  1. Download SR-LUT.apk and install it.

  2. You can test Set14 images or other images.

SR-LUT Android app demo


   author = {Jo, Younghyun and Kim, Seon Joo},
   title = {Practical Single-Image Super-Resolution Using Look-Up Table},
   booktitle = {The IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
   month = {June},
   year = {2021}
Younghyun Jo
Younghyun Jo
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