PyTorch implementation of TSception V2 using DEAP dataset



This is the PyTorch implementation of TSception V2 using DEAP dataset in our paper:

Yi Ding, Neethu Robinson, Su Zhang, Qiuhao Zeng, Cuntai Guan, "TSception: Capturing Temporal Dynamics and Spatial Asymmetry from EEG for Emotion Recognition", under review of IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, preprint available at arXiv

It is an end-to-end multi-scale convolutional neural network to do classification from raw EEG signals. Previous version of TSception(IJCNN'20) can be found at website

Prepare the python virtual environment

Please create an anaconda virtual environment by:

$ conda create --name TSception

Activate the virtual environment by:

$ conda activate TSception

Install the requirements by:

$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Run the code

Please download the DEAP dataset at website. Please place the "data_preprocessed_python" folder at the same location of the script (./code/). To run the code for arousal dimension, please type the following command in terminal:

$ python3 --data-path './data_preprocessed_python/' --label-type 'A'

To run the experiments for valance please set the --label-type 'V'. The results will be saved into "result.txt" located at the same place as the script.

Reproduce the results

We highly suggest to run the code on a Ubuntu 18.04 or above machine using anaconda with the provided requirements to reproduce the results. You can also download the saved model at website to reproduce the results in the paper. After extracting the downloaded "", please place it at the same location of the scripts, run the code by:

$ python3 --data-path './data_preprocessed_python/' --label-type 'A' --reproduce True


The author would like to thank Su Zhang, Quihao Zeng and Tushar Chouhan for checking the code


Please cite our paper if you use our code in your own work:

      title={TSception: Capturing Temporal Dynamics and Spatial Asymmetry from EEG for Emotion Recognition}, 
      author={Yi Ding and Neethu Robinson and Su Zhang and Qiuhao Zeng and Cuntai Guan},


  author={Y. {Ding} and N. {Robinson} and Q. {Zeng} and D. {Chen} and A. A. {Phyo Wai} and T. -S. {Lee} and C. {Guan}},
  booktitle={2020 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN)}, 
  title={TSception:A Deep Learning Framework for Emotion Detection Using EEG}, 
Yi Ding
Ph.D. candidate in Computer Science and Engineering. Research interests: deep/machine learning, brain-computer interface, artificial intelligence
Yi Ding
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