A general, feasible, and extensible framework for classification tasks.


Pytorch Classification

  • A general, feasible and extensible framework for 2D image classification.


  • Easy to configure (model, hyperparameters)
  • Training progress monitoring and visualization
  • Weighted sampling / weighted loss / kappa loss / focal loss for imbalance dataset
  • Kappa metric for evaluating model on imbalance dataset
  • Different learning rate schedulers and warmup support
  • Data augmentation
  • Multiple GPUs support


Recommended environment:

  • python 3.8+
  • pytorch 1.7.1+
  • torchvision 0.8.2+
  • tqdm
  • munch
  • packaging
  • tensorboard

To install the dependencies, run:

$ git clone https://github.com/YijinHuang/pytorch-classification.git
$ cd pytorch-classification
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

How to use

1. Use one of the following two methods to build your dataset:

  • Folder-form dataset:

Organize your images as follows:

├── your_data_dir
    ├── train
        ├── class1
            ├── image1.jpg
            ├── image2.jpg
            ├── ...
        ├── class2
            ├── image3.jpg
            ├── image4.jpg
            ├── ...
        ├── class3
        ├── ...
    ├── val
    ├── test

Here, val and test directory have the same structure of train. Then replace the value of 'data_path' in BASIC_CONFIG in configs/default.yaml with path to your_data_dir and keep 'data_index' as null.

  • Dict-form dataset:

Define a dict as follows:

your_data_dict = {
    'train': [
        ('path/to/image1', 0), # use int. to represent the class of images (start from 0)
        ('path/to/image2', 0),
        ('path/to/image3', 1),
        ('path/to/image4', 2),
    'test': [
        ('path/to/image5', 0),
    'val': [
        ('path/to/image6', 0),

Then use pickle to save it:

import pickle
pickle.dump(your_data_dict, open('path/to/pickle/file', 'wb'))

Finally, replace the value of 'data_index' in BASIC_CONFIG in configs/default.yaml with 'path/to/pickle/file' and set 'data_path' as null.

2. Update your training configurations and hyperparameters in configs/default.yaml.

3. Run to train:

$ CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=x python main.py

Optional arguments:

-c yaml_file      Specify the config file (default: configs/default.yaml)
-o                Overwrite save_path and log_path without warning
-p                Print configs before training

4. Monitor your training progress in website by running:

$ tensorborad --logdir=/path/to/your/log --port=6006

Tips to use tensorboard on a remote server

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