A 3D sparse LBM solver implemented using Taichi




Taichi_LBM3D is a 3D lattice Boltzmann solver with Multi-Relaxation-Time collision scheme and sparse storage structure implemented using Taichi programming language, which is designed for porous medium flow simulation. Taking advantage of Taichi's computing structure, Taichi_LBM3D can be employed on shared-memory multi-core CPUs or massively parallel GPUs (OpenGL and CUDA). The code is around 400 lines, extensible and intuitive to understand.


This solver is developed using Taichi programming language (a python embedded programming language), install Taichi is required, by python3 -m pip install taichi.

Pyevtk is required for export simualtion result for visualization in Paraview, install Pyevtk by pip install pyevtk


There are several place for users to modify to fit their problems:

set computing backend

First the computing backend should be specified by ti.init(arch=ti.cpu) using parallel CPU backend, or by ti.init(arch=ti.gpu) to use OpenGL or CUDA(is available) as computing backend

set input geometry

LBM uses uniform mesh, the geometry is import as a ASCII file with 0 and 1, where 0 represent fluid point and 1 represent solid point. They are stored in format:

for k in range(nz)
  for j in range(ny)
    for i in range(nx)

You can specify the input file at: solid_np = init_geo('./img_ftb131.txt')

For two phase solver, a two phase distribution input file is also requred. This file is composed of -1 and 1 representing phase 1 and 2 respectively

set geometry size

Set geometry input file size here: nx,ny,nz = 131,131,131

set external force

Set expernal force applied on the fluid here: fx,fy,fz = 0.0e-6,0.0,0.0

set boundary conditions

There are three boundary conditions used in this code: Periodic boundary condition, fix pressure boundary condition, and fix velocity boundary condition We use the left side of X direction as an example: bc_x_left, rho_bcxl, vx_bcxl, vy_bcxl, vz_bcxl = 1, 1.0, 0.0e-5, 0.0, 0.0 set boundary condition type in bc_x_left; 0=periodic boundary condition, 1 = fix pressure boundary condition, 2 = fix velocity boundary condition if bc_x_left == 1 is select, then the desired pressure on the left side of X direction need to be given in rho_bcxl if bc_x_left == 2 is select, then the desired velocity on the left side of X direction need to be given in vx_bcxl, vy_bcxl, vz_bcxl

The same rules applied to the other five sides

set viscosity

Viscosity is set in niu = 0.1 for single phase solver

niu_l = 0.05
niu_g = 0.2

for two phase solver, niu_l for liquid phase, niu_g for phase 2

Additional parameters for two phase solver
  • Contact angle of the solid surface can be specified in psi_solid = 0.7 this value is the cosine of the desired contact angle, so the value is between -1 and 1
  • Interfical tension of two phases is set in CapA = 0.005
  • Boundary condition for the phase setting: bc_psi_x_left, psi_x_left = 1, -1.0 bc_psi_x_left = 0 for periodic boundary for the phase field, 1 = constant phase field value boundary. If bc_psi_x_left is set as 1, then the next parameter is desired constant phase for this boundary: psi_x_left should be set as -1.0 or 1.0 for phase 1 or phase 2 respectively.

All the quantities are in lattice units

Examples (Direct Numerical Simulation)

Flow over a vehicle: inertia dominated

image image

Single phase flow in a sandstone (Sandstone geometry is build from Micro-CT images at 7.5 microns): viscous dominated


Urban air flow: inertia dominated


Two Phase flow: oil (non-wetting phase) into a ketton carbonate rock saturated with water (wetting phase): capillary dominated

Alt text


Jianhui Yang @yjhp1016 Liang Yang @ly16302



Jianhui Yang
Researcher in CFD, porous medium flow and data science
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